Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Secrets to Longevity: Exploring the Nutritarian Diet

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Since his first book in 1996, Dr. Joel Fuhrman has been teaching people how to Eat to Live with his Nutritarian approach to eating.

Today, we focus our conversation around his most recent book, 2020’s Eat for Life and the importance of micronutrients and phytochemicals like greens, beans, onions, berries and mushrooms that slow down aging, prevent and reverse diabetes and heart-disease, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce hunger and food cravings.

Dr. Fuhrman, like my father, has been unwavering in his beliefs and practice for decades and that’s why it’s an honor to welcome him to the PLANTSTRONG Podcast.
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I could listen to Joel Fuhrman everyday. Knowledgeable and passionate about nutrition & health. Thank you!🥗🌱💪


Dr Fuhrman AND Plantstrong all in one place ... oh, I am so happy!!!


Dr. Fuhrman has changed my life with his teaching... I've gained from many others along the way, but He kicked it off for me years ago... Nutrient dense, optimal health....
One of the original voices for Really healthy eating.... A treasure.
I was happy to see this pop up in my feed today.
Thank you Rip, for finally Interviewing Dr. F


Thanks for inviting Dr. Fuhrman to join you today Rip. I consider your dad/family as well as Dr. Fuhrman as my nutritional gurus, and your collective books and teachings have changed my life for the better as well as countless others. I had thought there may be a rift between the two families somehow … but I’m glad to see that is not the case. Keep up the great work - books, conferences, health foods, podcasts, etc. - because it is making such a huge difference in people’s lives such as my own.


Fantastic to see this interview! Thank you, Rip, for this conversation. I follow both Plantstrong and Nutritarian materials and they have changed my life. I look forward to many pain-free and obesity-free years thanks to Dr. Fuhrman's and Dr. Esselstyn's work and the communities you all have created. Very grateful!!!


Dr Fuhrman's nutrition advice and his clarity in conveying it have made a very positive difference to my health and my life. Thanks for this interview.


I love Dr F and Rip! Two of the very best. So glad to see this! Much love!


I suffered from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood sugar). I went whole food plant based no sugar oil or salt and I lost 65 pounds, all my conditions greatly improved, my gums stopped bleeding, and erections and energy returned. I used to have an appetite that was never satisfied; whole foods cured it. I no longer use a sleep apnea machine. Finally, the food is cheap-Beans, lentils, rice, potatoes and seasonal apples. Also, I save money by not having to buy pills and visit the Doctor. I am thankful to all the vegans who suffered attacks to reveal the truth to me.


Iam from Costa Rica, Iwent to his retreat and Dr Fuhrman changed my life. I follow him from 5 years ago.


I love Dr Fuhrman!! His book, "Eat to Live" totally changed my health and my life. I've met him and his family members several times. They are wonderful. Dr Fuhrman is totally dedicated as well as very down to earth and approachable. All of his books are great. If you have diabetes and read and follow the plan in "The End of Diabetes" you can rapidly lower your medication intake with the supervision of your own physician.


Yes, @ggcruise isn’t life sweeter when we expand the circle. I hated that some of the wfpb doctors excluded Dr. Fuhrman - he too changed my life, but I also have the highest respect for Dr. Esselysten and all these wfpb doctors. I have all their books. I have Ann and Jane ‘s Esselysten’s lemon pudding in the refrigerator (sooo good), Jane’s husband Brian taught me to make really delicious bean chili. I made Rip’s lasagna for a potluck but I focus on Dr. Fuhrman’s daily eat to live plan because it’s the best for me, otherwise I’ll eat the whole tray of Rip’s lasagna :)

Great interview Rip. You showed the world love and kindness. There is no room for hate. We don’t have to chose sides - you all have made huge positive radical changes in our lives. I have even more respect for you today 🙏🏼


You know, I’m surprised someone hasn’t done either a documentary or a reality tv show at Dr. Fuhrman’s retreat.
The documentary could follow people from start to finish and show what they’ve learned. It could be very beneficial for others who can’t go there to stay for a month; and could be another Forks Over Knives type teaching tool.


Glad to see him included! Thank you for doing that. 👏


Dr Fuhrman is true hero! Always pleasure to hear him ❤


I have Eat For Life. You are both inspirational.


Rip, I appreciate your interview questions. I learned new facts about Dr Fuhrman's early years including his ice-skating career. Questions I had myself. Very interesting. Thanks.


That bit about being strong psychologically is truly important. Dr Joel's book Eat to Live was my first exposure to eating plants and no animal foods. I didn't start immediately, but the seed was planted. So grateful.


Dr. Fuhrman really is amazing in his experience and knowledge. But I do have to say that years ago before I even understood how people could be vegan, I read his book Eat to Live in my quest to be healthy and thin. I found his protocol way too restrictive and his message way too arrogant for someone who only knew how to eat a SAD diet. I needed to find a gentler approach to wfpb living which I eventually and thankfully did. I transitioned overnight to no animals but it has taken me a long time to learn how to eat “healthy” too. The Esselstyn’s were my biggest help with this. I am ready to hear more about a nutritarian way of eating. Thank you for this conversation!!


I could listen to Dr. Fuhrman every day also. Thank you Rip for the interview!! Bless you both💕🙏


that's a real coup to bring us an interview with Joel; he is a dear man and very special to many; it is very important that the plant based community, especially the medical world, listen to your dad, Rip, to your mum and Jane, and especially that Joel be heard for the beautiful simple truth that he has been advocating for so long; wonderful to see the unity across your platform and his; i really recommend both your program and his to the world, and of course that of TC. I have not met your mum and Jane, but i have met you and your dad, and Joel, and TC a couple of times. I would like you to get Joel next time you interview him to teach on the subject of the biophotonic carotenoid skin nutrition score. This is a great motivator for people once they grasp the simple but powerful essence of it. Joel taught me this when i was studying with him nearly twenty years ago. It really unlocks the power of his teaching on nutrient density. Wishing you and your wonderful family, Joel and yours, and TC and your family, abundant blessings. JG
