Joel Fuhrman, M.D. on Treating Disease with a Nutritarian Diet

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Dr. Fuhrman was the featured speaker at the 2014 Portland VegFest, put on by non-profit This is a recording of his appearance on Saturday, Sept. 27, attended by a full house audience of over 900.

Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a Board Certified Family Physician and internationally recognized expert specializing in nutritional research on disease prevention and reversal through nutrition and natural methods. He has authored 7 books including 3 NY Times best sellers, and is a popular guest on mainstream public media. He coined the word "nutritarian" to promote a diet rich in micronutrients and low in calories. The nutrient density present in body tissues is proportional to the nutrient density of one's diet. Micronutrients enable detoxification and cellular repair mechanisms and enhance immune system function. His system of food scoring, Aggregate Nutrient Density Index, 'ANDI' rates food options by the proportion of essential nutrients to calories, to achieve maximum health and longevity.

Before Dr. Fuhrman became a physician, he was a world class figure skater who competed internationally. He feels this experience contributed significantly to his awareness of nutritional need in sports, medicine, and human performance. He now serves on numerous sports and athletic boards and committees giving nutritional advice for maximum performance, health and injury prevention.
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I'm sure there are many others like me, but I took a synthesis of different doctors and their own approaches to the literature and science. Because of Dr. John McDougall, I realized starches replace the meat in a diet, because I used to be concerned with satiety on eating greens and fruits. After watching some of Dr. Milton Mills presentations, I became convinced we are physiologically herbivores (emphasis on starches as the centerpiece of a meal). Finally, Dr. Joel Fuhrman has provided an opportunity for me to become nutrient dense and get the best "bang for my buck". I am thankful for all the doctors and really everyone on the forefront of this movement.


I have been a whole plant based MD for 8 yrs now. I find Dr Fuhrman the best advocate of the healthiest diet for best health. the data on nuts and seeds really gives many more wonderful foods to enjoy. His insight into DHA/omega 3 and brain health also shows us to beware of missing these brain healthy nutrients. I pray more people may become informed and pursue this powerful healing and most healthy way to eat.


This man is the mix of a gem and a jewel. I call him: GEMEL! Gemel, maybe you give me 5 more years of living. Thank you Gemel!


Dr Fuhrman is the best doctor in the world today.


This subject matter should be a requirement for all primary care physician residencies.


Thank you Dr. Fuhrman!!! I love being part of Team Nutritarian😍


Dr. Fuhrman is a heroic defender of ultimate health!!! Unlike McDougal and Esselstein, he is constantly researching to present every advantage to those of us who are interested in the best health possible regardless of our age or conditions. Thank you so much Dr Fuhrman!


Thank you Dr.Furhrman, someone earlier who I won’t mention, lost me from following a strict vegan diet but what you say makes perfect sense! I can use it to explain why I am cooking separately from my daughters, for myself to help prolong my life since I have so many health problems and am in my mid 60’s.What you say makes sense and maybe, just maybe, I can get through to stubborn minds!


Absolute legend and inspiration for myself, family & my channel, keep them coming Dr.!


Wish I had the privilege of having him as my own personal doctor.


He is the smartest doctor in the USA. Love him since 2011!!!


Dr. Fuhrman is the best, say it what it is.


Taste buds are reeducated by healthy food and then feel well instead of feeling sick after eating. A person can accomplish more and be healthier/happier due to eating well instead of eating by flavor only.


Love this vid! I’ve been trying to eat healthier vegan foods thanks to wonderful doctors like Dr. Furhman who are helping people to revert chronic illnesses to finally live well and healthy by following life long nutritarian diet.


With so many conflicting studies around as a lay woman, all I take away is... Eat whole natural plants sourced food in wide variety. And eat less frequently. Perhaps not more than twice a day. Sometimes skipping meal is good.


I pray to be able to help spread these truths and encourage and inspire others to embrace these life saving concepts!


So annoyed! Never found Dr.Fuhrman
before! Marvelous!
Logical, scientific, funny, and..delicious.
Yippee happy aging on the way!!


I'd like to meet some of these people you say are cured of their diabetes. And what sort of diet they were on.


Legend. Bringing to light the truth about real health and healthcare.


Wonderful video! The information you give is extremely helpful. My husband I have been eating one cup of legumes every day for almost a year and will continue. I've learned they are even better than I knew. Thank you so much! PS I love your sense of humor
