What Happens To Your Soul When You Die? | Unveiled

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What happens AFTER WE DIE? And, more specifically, what happens to our soul? In this video, Unveiled uncovers all there is to know about the human spirit... and what happens to it when the human body passes on! Featuring a range of scientific and philosophical views... it's the ultimate answer to the ultimate question!

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#Science #Soul #Death #Afterlife #Dying #HumanBody
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I’m here because my great grandmother died on my birthday. I miss her so much. She was 95. She lived a great life but I miss her dearly.


My dad said that his brother died and lived again and he said it was a wonderful place and that he wanted to go back. So I believe when we die we go to a very wonderful place with love and happiness.


My mom passed away two weeks ago. She was my best friend, and I’m still in shock! However, because of our religion, and that the Bible says that death is a deep sleep and when Jesus comes again he will raise the righteous. I know the kind of life my mom lead, but I’m always searching for something that make sense to grab onto because of my grief. This is a very interesting subject🙏🏽


Im here because im still searching for answers and understanding. My mothers passing at the age of 58 has changed my life forever. The kindest most caring and pure soul ive ever known. Even through a long suffering of cancer she didnt once question it or feel sorry for herself. She always put wveryone else first. Im know lost, but know i have to go on and live ny life making her proud. Will always love you mum ❤️


My husband passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly a little over two weeks ago. We were together for 22 years. He was my soulmate and my best friend. I am beyond devastated and miss him so, so much.


I'm a 1000 percent sure that death is not the end!! The soul lives on forever


I think when we die we are dreaming but it is more realistic, like being alive, but we can shape the world or it becomes adjust to us and we stay like that forever and you wouldn’t know the difference between life or death


Just because something hasn’t been proven doesn’t mean it’s not real... stay blessed everyone!


A Wise Jedi once said ; There is no death only the Force .


My dear mom passed away 10 days ago. Exactly on Thursday, June 29th, 2023. My mom was like an angel... She was good and kind hearted. She suffered a lot in her life. Please pray for her ..Thank you


My father died two weeks ago and I miss him 😢


I believe soul is the energy plane of our body that exists in a different dimension not perceived by our 3 dimension eyes, but when enmeshed with our body, it gives our bodies the fuel to live. The soul exists in a dimension that can manipulate space-time continuum, giving it the ability to move from one body to another.


The mere existence of our consciousness is a live proof of soul.

We have soul, that's why we have consciousness.

Anything having consciousness, has a soul ( or, is a soul).


neither heaven or hell, im thinking, there's another dimension where your soul free roams around, i bet you can keep an eye on your love ones.


Plot twist: when you die you see a re spawn button


From all the progarms i have seen about afterlife near death experience etc.
The soul gets into the body after 4 months pregnancy, it already decided what it wants to do in this life. After the body dies it goes back to wherever it "lives" and thinks about what it wants it's next life to be like. So it's all about the life experience, whatever that means. In our case it's only a piece of the hole soul the rest stays home. Because the human body is not "big" enough.
The older the soul the more challenging a life it chooses. And it has been doing so for a very long long. It makes me feel like i'm 😕🤛


We go through what is called, "transition". Transition is when we spend time getting rid of our human beliefs. If you believe in hell, it will take you some time before you can clear yourself from this limiting belief. There will be souls to assist you in your transition. The transition is necessary so to move on to the next life which isn't necessarily back to Earth _(this is actually a misconception that we come back)._ Death can be a cool experience. I onced experienced my death from another life in my dream. I was stricken with a sword and i fell to my death off the staircase. The feeling was like a continual plunging into nothingness. No weight to my body, no pain, no sensation of cold or heat, nothing but a great feeling of a continual falling. I didn't want to wake up, but i did wake up. Damn!


Either A, goes to the afterlife, B, goes straight to hell, C, goes straight to heaven, or D, remains here on earth and haunt's people, places, and our things, or in other words, becomes ghosts


I'm going to live till I die and then I'm going to the spirit in the sky


i’m really scared to die and i just hope there is some sort of after life where i can still be like aware of my surroundings i just really don’t want fit to be like eternally asleep
