How the Obamacare Repeal Will Cost Republicans the House

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The House’s passage of its new health-care bill is an immediate win for Trump. But he’s not thinking ahead, argues David Frum. According to a recent Pew survey, 60 percent of Americans believe it is the responsibility of the federal government to provide health care for all. The Obamacare repeal may cost the Republicans their majority in the 2018 midterms.

Authors: Daniel Lombroso & David Frum

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democrats, Republicans. it's like if you're not one then you must be the other. like that's the only choices you have. follow a party, screw being an independent thinker.


I have no need of govt in my health and Dr. office, not enough room for them. Take from us, give to the poor and when we die govt. can give up their pensions to feed the poor.


Wtf are you talking about? Love your Soros propaganda


The fact that this gets rid of mandates and tax penalties for those who don't want to be bullied in a nationalized health car system will gain the Republicans support, and mitigate any damage from those who want to be controlled by government


What a bunch of crybabies. The republicans weren't like this when ObamaWon.


Sneaky way to bribe rich donors...give em tax break money.  Simple, so


Couldn't even remember Australia's Prime Minister name while sitting next o him..Alzheimer's. Quarantine Trump.


keep in mind that every prediction this guy made happened the other way around


HOW anything will be affected was not mentioned whatsoever, just that these actions will cause issues. HOW? WHY? Try to explain something political without using names. Without this rhetorical opinion that plagues media.


I will ask this question, knowing it has been posed many times before. Why is it that liberals insist that everyone be made to subsidize the " misfortune " or flat out irresponsibility of others?
I am charitable as my personal economics dictate, with my own money. I'm not at all wealthy, and believe that each of us has a responsibility to do what we can when we can. I also believe that, as a parent, it was my responsibility to plan for bringing children into the world. You may notice that the term " responsibility " appears with some frequency in my comment. That isn't by mere coincidence.
Shit happens in everyone's life, some of it catches us unprepared. But some of it is entirely predictable, like waiting until you become ill to beg for others to take the responsibility for your lack of same. And that's what we're talking about here. ACA, Medicaid, and virtually ALL the other government handout programs are nothing more than subsidies for irresponsibility. And as history demonstrates, if you want more of something, subsidize it. Yeah, there are exceptions, but we can all notice that these giveaway programs don't require any substantiation of those exceptions.


The Republican House majority is over 50. If the Democrats were to make up this difference and regain the house majority, it would take a combination of Trump defectors, investigation results, health care loss victims and the negative effect of bad future events. Too much is uncertain to predict a republican downfall at the point in time.


I'm still in that agreement that you should pay for your own healthcare. Besides, tax payers paid for people who didn't have any even before the ACA


instead of worrying about the health insurance system how about they focus on lowering the overall cost of health care?? The U.S has by far the most expensive health care in the world. If they did that more people could pay their own way, either through insurance or out of pocket. Or it would be cheaper for the government to pay for everyone.


Just go to government funded catastrophic care, and let the free market take care of the rest.

Done. I just expanded freedom, increased salaries, and saved money.

Not that fucking hard.


I love Atlantic the best news source!!! Atlantic you are different you don't regurgitate news u have da best opinion and facts around.


Can we all just agree that both sides can't grow up and have rational conversations/debates without one or the other name-calling? It seems all of you are triggered, just work shit out.


HOLY SHIT THEY DID WHAT THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO?!?!? Why would anyone vote for someone who keeps promises? SAD!


Because decent health care coverage is one of the things that for Decades separated the Have's and Have Not's! That went through generations. And so when lower income people start to know what good health care is and educate there kids about it that's where some of what separates the classes grows smaller.


what about the self employed who's premiums more than doubled once osma bin Laden's health plan went to effect. or the hundreds of good doctors that left orgainatizations that accepted that sad excuse of healthcare and will not see anyone under that plan.


The healthy do not have an obligation to pay for the sick. Especially when the sick are sick because of their lifestyle choices. Screw people who think like this.
