Build The Coolest Backyard Fire Pit in Under 10 Minutes - NO TOOLS REQUIRED!

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Build and use at your own risk! In addition, it is suggested that before constructing a fire pit, it is important to consult the local building code and your homeowner association to ensure compliance with any restrictions. Furthermore, it may be necessary to disclose the presence of a backyard fire pit to your homeowner's insurance policy. To understand if building a fire pit could potentially impact your coverage, it is advisable to reach out to your insurance agent for clarification.

Do you want to build the easiest and coolest most awesome fire pit for your yard? Believe it or not its a lot easier than it looks and it could be made in a matter of minutes with no tools! Here I'm gonna build it for you in real time so you could see how quick it is to do it yourself.
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If you want to be extra safe with your firepit then line the bottom rows with fire bricks!
The smaller the fire pit the fewer fire bricks you will need.


Really like the look of this. Be warned though that if you do this with standard brick and not true fire brick you could be asking for disaster. Standard concrete brick will basically explode if they get too hot. Anyone who has ever used a torch close to concrete will know what I am talking about. Just be aware. Google it.


I submit that this is the reason YouTube exists.Thanks, I'm building one today but with a grate after 1st layer to cook on.


Two VERY Important things to include!!!
1 Foundation MUST be Perfectly level, use crushed stone for at least a 2 inch thick base for setting the starter, first course of brick.
The higher you stack bricks, the more Important that will become
This is particularly important in Rainy and Freeze areas of the country.

The first 2 courses need to have an Air Gap between ALL the bricks. That is how you Feed the Fire with Oxygen and get a far less Smokey fire.


Nice. Personally, I would rake aways all that dry grass and put down some sand or soil. The dry grass is making me really nervous.


I use an old rim from an 18 wheeler surrounded by bricks. Has good airflow and steel grating in the center to hold wood. Works great.


When he said 'no talking' and then just kept was just like the scene in Caddyshack where Ty is telling Danny to be the ball and does the same exact thing.

This is your "zone" man. Subscribed!


I took a shot every time he said no talking and that's the most beautiful pile of Bricks I've sever eeeen 🥴


LOVE this! Thanks so much for sharing!!! I am a visual learner so it was very helpful to see it done in real time. Thank you!!


Thank u sooo much! Just built one today with my leftover bricks. Looks awesome! We need to wait a bit to break it in cuz of fire restrictions right now. I live in Sweden btw. 🎉


Love this video! So honest and perfectly imperfect! Nice fire pit brother!


I have one of these too. I copied a photo off of google, but I kept to the photo with 18 bricks to the ring. I was impressed with how well it performs as a fire ring, radiating the heat back off the tall wall. It also breathes really well with all the gaps letting the air get to the bottom of the fire. Toss in a few dried pine cones with some split pine and you can light it with a match... I actually use my propane torch from the workshop because, why not?


Just did this yesterday and it turned out great. I used regular small bricks so it was a bit fiddly but not hard. Great idea. Great video. Easy.


Leave some spaces on the lower levels to let air into the fire. This will reduce the smoke levels.


We’ll done, This is really cool! & bonus points for not having any leftover screws or washers ☝️


Excellent build. I camp a lot on my farm and have multiple sites. Usually I overthink firepits, plus they don't draw air as well as yours.
I think I will build mine as an elongated oval to hold longer logs and give more front radiance. I also might include a grill across the layers towards the top.


I was going to start counting how many times you said fire pit but was mesmerized by the building of said fire pit. Love it ♥️🇨🇦


Masonry, my favorite. Very cool! We can't have fire pits where I live because the next town over has been burning underground since the fifties. You can Google that if you like. I'm thinking this would be great for flowers in my case. I have done so much masonry in the last six years repairing this old house. Working on a crawl space now. I did a staggered retaining wall with bricks and it fell because I cemented it and did not use pipe to secure it. The last time I staggered them and did not use mortar 'cause this way the freeze thaw cycle had a way to release the water. Still standing today and oh yeah, I get the perfectionist reference. Nice to meet you fellow perfectionist.


Thats super sweet. Thats safer than a circle pit if you have kids around. I could see myself cooking some steaks right now and drinking a Margarita.👍


I would leave a little space between the bricks for ventilation purposes
