14 Ways to Tell Your Rabbit You Love Them

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You absolutely love your rabbit, and you’re not afraid to show it. But all the toys, comfy beds and treats, can’t let your bunnies know how special they are to you.
In this video, we’ll show you 14 ways to tell your rabbit you love them in a language they’re sure to understand.

Hiding Spot
Bunnies are always on the lookout for places to shelter. It makes them happy knowing there are places they can hide and feel safe. In their natural habitat, they protect themselves from predators with underground tunnels they can run into and hide.
So to show your rabbit you care for them, make them a hideout, like a wooden house in the style of a small kennel, so that they can have alone time when needed.
This will show them that you understand their needs and that you love them
Talk to them
A study conducted by Dr. Robert Nerem found that rabbits who were talked to and received affections during the feeding time, lived healthier and longer lives than bunnies who weren’t.
This means that speaking softly with your rabbit while petting them will calm them and help them relax.
Respect your rabbit’s nature.
Many rabbit owners dress up their bunnies or discourage them from certain inherent behaviors such as digging, chewing or eating their own droppings. This can cause anxiety and frustration.
It is important that you love your rabbits for who they are.
Pet them where they enjoy it most
Rabbits see petting as akin to grooming, which happens between two friendly bunnies. When you pet your rabbit, you’re telling them you care about them. It’s the most direct way to tell your little pet you love them.
The best places to pet rabbits are their forehead and behind their ears. They also love getting strokes down their back or around the shoulders. With that said, they dislike being touched on their bottom, feet, stomach or tail.
Get down to their level
Rabbits are prey animals and they find anything towering over them intimating.
When you’re standing or even sitting down, your bunny can only engage with your legs. They’ll see you as a big scary creature and are more likely to be wary of you.
Instead of hovering above them as an imposing giant, bring yourself down to their level.
Sit or lay with your rabbit on the floor and let them come up to you if they want to.
Rabbits’ teeth will grow continuously all their lives, and they’re designed to be worn down to the right length by grinding away at food. In the wild, a rabbit’s buffet menu often includes hard vegetation such as hay, twigs, tree bark, and other material that requires lots of chewing. The extensive chewing keeps their growing teeth under control. This is why it’s important to provide your little pet with unlimited access to grass hay which they can graze on throughout the day.
Prepare their favorite food
Although many cartoons have misconstrued that rabbits love carrots, the truth is that rabbits love bananas more. This is because rabbits love bananas more than any other fruits or vegetables in the world.
Scent Mingling
Rabbits are territorial creatures and they love everything that smells like them.
Rabbits often mark their scent through their droppings, urine, licking, or chinning. Yes, that’s right. Rabbits have scent glands under their chins. When they rub their chin against something, a tiny amount of their specific scent is deposited on that object.
Spend time with your bunny and let them spread their scent on you and your clothing. Don’t move away when they lick you. Let them wander in and around your legs. It’s their smell that help them know you’re theirs and they will feel at ease with you.
Keep them calm
This is the best way to tell your bunnies you love them. Rabbits are prey animals and anything unexpected will end up scaring them or putting them on alert. If you make your rabbit’s day-to-day life scheduled and expected, they will be a lot happier in their environment.
Spend time with your rabbit
Like with any relationship, spending time together is a great way to show affection. Try not to get too distracted by the TV or your phone. Make a schedule and devote some time every day solely to your rabbit.
Never let them go alone.
Rabbits are incredibly social animals and appreciate constant companionship. In the wild, they live in large family groups, and constantly interact with each other.
Without your interactions, rabbits can get bored, even to the point of becoming depressed.
#3. Let your rabbit explore
Rabbits are curious creatures, and they love having the chance to explore new places and run around.
So make sure to provide your bunny a large enough space to run around and satisfy their explorative nature. You can even build a nice playground area for them. Cat tunnels are great gifts for your rabbit as they simulate their tunnels and burrowing systems. You can also use cardboard boxes to make them someplace to chew, hide and explore.
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Me: *Sees 14 ways you can tell your rabbit you love them*
Also me, who doesent have a rabbit: Well well well lets see then


When the video said that you should go down to their level, I knew that my bunny really likes me. If I even just attempt to get up after playing with her on the floor or just petting her laying down, she stands upright and gives me a look that absolutely breaks my heart. She realised a while back that it makes me stay, so now if I try to do literally ANYTHING that is not in our room, she bullies me with that look. It is horrible, and she just makes it cuter and cuter over time 🤣


My bunny really loves it when me and my sister just sit next to him and talk to each other. It's like we're his personal podcast. He completely relaxes and goes into a loaf or a flop. Also, whenever I see my bunny eat his cecotropes, I make sure to praise him a lot. He's a senior bunny who's had his incisors removed recently so eating his cecotropes isn't as easy as it was and he sometimes leaves some laying around. So now especially, he gets lots and lots of praise when I see him eat them.


Very informative! If only the clip at the start where a lady is carrying a bunny on its back is not included...I hope people know that it’s bad to carry bunnies like that.


"The best companion for a rabbit, is another rabbit of the opposite gender"
So... after I've blinked twice there'll be four rabbits 😂😂


all animals are more then just pets. they are our earth cousins and share pain equally to us. also bunnys are a lot like cats


I think rabbits are just amazing.. I have 4 (a family) and its just so cute how lovable they are to me and their family:))


In all honesty my rabbit is not much like the way they’re betrayed here. He’s not scared of a thing and doesn’t hide from anything. He enjoys stomach pets and when we tower over him he stands up and gets excited. Follows me everywhere gets excited when he hears people come to the door. 😆 he’s more like a dog then anything


When I was a teenager I had a rabbit that I used to snuggle up to in bed when it was cold outside. She just sat there loving the petting and fell asleep with me for hours. She also used to feed out my hands too. She was so cute, I used to give her dandelions to eat and she loved eating them like they were the only meal she had for a whole day. I used to kiss her and she once jumped up and licked the tears off my face when I was sad!


Me: *doesn't have a rabbit*

Also me: "Hm, that looks interessting."


Loved all this info. There is so much rabbit misinformation out on the internet, but not in this video! I might've added a few more caveats about not overfeeding carrots (or any treat), but overall great job 😊


Aside from dark leafy greens Raw Asian sweet potatoes are one of the best foods because they're hard enough to keep their teeth worn down plus they are very high in nutritional value. Also applies to tortoises


Awh this is such a great vid - thanks so much for sharing! very informative and helpful!


You can successfully bond with your bunny, if you can't get another one. My bunny is totally bonded to me, and adjusts to my work sleep schedule. We've tried to bond him to other bunnies but he refuses. Violently.


My bunnies are actually crazy about carrots and don't seem to like bananas that much- for my bunnies I think the cartoons are right 😂


Cardboard boxes really are a must. It's a nice hiding place and they just love to chew and rip them apart. It also provides something tough to keep their teeth from growing too long.


Sometimes my bunny wants to look for me, Which means he loves me, and I love him to❤💝🥰


I don't even have a rabbit. But here I am


Feeding rabbits too many treats can actually make them ill. I didn't know this until I took my rabbit to the vet because she wasn't too well, so now I don't give her treats unless she's been a really good bunny. I only give her a VERY small amount of banana or apple if I am having either of them, and I just put a TINY bit on the tip of my finger. She goes absolutely bananas for bananas.


0:00 please refrain from holding your rabbit like that, although it wont kill them its a better idea not to
