Five Power Tips for Apple Pages

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The best tutorial ever. Thank you so much ❤


Like many, I been using Macs for years but never really 'got' Pages or Numbers because at work we were exclusively Word or Excel users. Now I am semi-retired, I'm using it more and loving it for many of the reasons you give. Thanks for all the informative and entertaining videos - look forward to more in 2022. Merry Christmas Sir.


William, thank you for sharing these tips. Two things about Pages. First, I tend to write my novel drafts with Ulysses, then port the final draft to Pages to share and comment with my editors. Word processors are not my go-to apps for first drafts and story shaping. Second, I find Pages far better than Word because of its plain interface. I find I spend much less time having to manage the app itself than I did with Word. Pages is great for simply getting on with my writing. Enjoy all your YouTubes. Cheers.


you mentioned word perfect! oh my! I used that software in the long lost time of mouse-less computers. I was so good at it, had ever shortcut at my finger tips. And after all those decades I can still wax nostalgic. Thank you very much for your entertaining tips. I‘ll have another look at omni too.


I'm sure I could learn stuff from you, William but I just subscribed because you're adorable.


Hi Mr. Gallagher, my name is Matthew. First off, ty for the videos as I’ve just begun to watch and enjoy them. However, I’M LOST! I have aspired to be an author for years and believe the talent to do so is there. In life, I believe I now have the ideal situation to do so as I am now out of the garage and stay home to care for my severely disabled son and my wife afflicted with MS. My 2 other autistic children are currently attempting to conquer life and are out of the house. It’s difficult being home all the time and am attempting to create a routine and environment conducive for writing and one thing I have a surplus and abundance of is ideas for writing. However, tech has passed me by as I long for the days of ms-dos. Initially, I tried to jump in the deep end using Pages and word along with a few downloaded apps but drowned in the depths. I’m now watching tutorial after tutorial and seem to be confusing myself even more. I know once I get started properly, the levies will break as wave upon wave of books will crash upon the shores of many viewers. Is there any way you can throw me a life preserver to save and guide me? Ty again


You mentioning Word Perfect for Dos reminded me of a Barrister I used to work for, who still used WordStar up until the late 90s!


Thank you Mr. William wonderful effort. From now on I will be using Page.


This was *so* useful -- as heretofore I *have* just nipped in to Pages to write this or that ... but this has opened up Possibilities. Thank you, William! (More in this general vein is welcome ... as you say, Apple isn't best about getting in one's face with tips, tricks, and recommendations.)


I, too, started with Word Perfect, and found it, well, Perfect. Now getting ready to start on Hot Keys, per earlier discussion, and wanted to start this next Pages ebook with gusto and gain more knowledge before muddling forward. I really did not know what I was doing a month ago, but you got me started. Sticking around for the inspiration...or avoidance in starting, whichever.


I go back and forth between Scrivener and Pages (for novel/short story writing). Currently using Pages, because I like the simplicity.


Thank you for the Video, I plum forgot all about how useful Pages is. My only Apple devices years ago was first gen MacBook and first gen I-Pad mini. Now I got Mac Mini, base model and it smokes all my windows devices, I-Pad Pro, and an older MacBook Pro that is solely for DAW and photo edititing. My I-Pad Pro is my portable office now and although I have have used word a bunch over the years, I to also like the clean layout of Pages, just have to go get the feature I want to use and then back to a clean page to create on. Apple is just a simply strong work horse that gets the job done every time. Again, thanks for the video, you got a new like and suscriper.


Any idea if there is a way to have a photo ‘ jump the gutter’ and do a two page spread?


regading # 2 - Putting page numbers in header and footer... you can either click in footer (after adding your pages to the header with the button) and go to the INSERT menu to insert the page number or the page count... you can also just select and copy the x pages of x from the heade, copy and paste into the footer and it will increment properly


This was very helpful. I started with WordPerfect 5.1 back in the DOS days then moved to Word 2.0 (I think) when Windows 3.1 came out. I have since seen the light, moved to a Mac, but have continued to use Word, mainly because I am comfortable with it. This video has shown some of the features I need but have never bothered to figure out. I just might make the final jump over to Pages now. It appears I can still save it as a .docx file for my colleagues who use Word which is needed.

I didn't enter the OmniOutliner competition because 1) I never win anything, and 2) I already have it. If you ever quit singing its praises, I will be happy to pick up where you leave off. Truthfully, all of the OmniGroup apps are excellent. I still need to become more proficient with OmniGraffle and am running a trial of OmniPlan for a project now. I suspect I will open my wallet and buy OmniPlan too, once the trial expire.


Good food for thought - most enjoyable. I need to look at Pages again.

There is actually a way to obsess over the page count. The "insert page number" button gives formatting options, but there is also Insert->Page number and Insert->Page count for more manual presentation, either in any or all of the header/footer regions or in the text itself.


Hi William, not sure if you monitor old video comments but I'm struggling with a Pages 'feature' or lack of. I cannot for the life of me find a way of setting up a letterhead template for my Parish Council that has a logo layout on the first page only but reverts to standard margins from page two onwards? I'm sure it has something to do with section breaks but cannot find the solution. Any thoughts at all?


Thank you so much for prompt reply, I have copy and pasted one para into a new doc without any clarity, could I email the page to you ?


Can you lock stuff so it does not move around?


I wasn’t a lucky winner. 😏

Oh well. I enjoyed this video anyway. I use Pages a lot, especially on iPad. You’re right that it’s underrated and too often overlooked.
