How DNA Makes Us Who We Are | Robert Plomin | Talks at Google

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Professor Robert Plomin is a leading behavioral geneticist who works at King's College, London. He has published more than 800 papers and is one of the most cited psychologists of the 20th century. He argues that we need a radical rethink about what makes us who we are. Drawing on a lifetime worth of research, he makes the case that DNA is the most important factor that shapes us.

In this talk, he discusses his new book, "Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are", outlining the data behind his science and how twin studies help with reaching his conclusions.

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All the biologists in the comments spewing rebuttals as if he hasn’t already hypothesize, tested, and analyzed every possibility to contradict his claim. This man has been studying this for decades


Very good talk.He didn’t understand the last question. The guy wasn’t saying genes could be modified but that either people would choose certain polygenic score embryo or that protéines could be created to get the same effect that some polygenic score holders would normally have. It’s very similar to what Plomin himself said : the knowledge could be leverage to give more to kid who have less and not necessarily to wipe them out.

All in all, a very interesting talk.


Love the way he speaks! Heard him on Sam Harris Waking Up app and was like I have to know who this guy. Notwithstanding the knowledge he is speaking of.


I am really surprised that Google let him give this speech. It is sad to say that these days speaking honestly about biological differences is heretical (Charles Murray). But since he is not on a campus where extremely woke, ridiculous, reality-denying individuals, he doesn't have to worry about losing his job or being threatened.


I'm waaaay more like my Prents than I want to be. It's genetics, every time. So crucial.


Opinion: Professor Plomin has a very pleasant speaking voice. Question: How much of his success in life, in his profession, in his love life have to do with his speaking voice? Is that measurable with DNA?


Excellent talk! Regarding whether people are alarmed about genetic probability, I would say that people intuitively know that genes play a large part in our lives. People say, eg, that she is as beautiful as her mother, he takes after his dad in sports, she is good in school because her parents are smart, he is no-good like his father, etc. In professional basketball, most people will say that Lebron James is genetically gifted and that an average player even with an enormous amount of training will not be as good as Lebron.


It's definitely genetics, not 100% but very high percentage. Genetics determine a person's personality and how they manage their own lives in the environment they're given. It's especially evident in education because it's a form of standard measurement that we all have to go through in some way.


This is a hot field: genetic bioinformatics. What is going to happen is that information technology will combine with the cataloging of the variety of the human genome to engage in not just tailored medicine and education but a reduction in the mutation error right over the lifespan of the organism to increase longevity and to reduce disease. Am interested in pursuing this line of exploration and development. Note that already such high tech medicine as immunotherapy is being used effectively to combat some blood cancers.


So if I'm born with bad genes and low I stop trying? Should I just go become a monk or something like that?


They also inherit GRIT, which is very important in success.


22:21 "More often I think that if your data (or research) agrees with the values of the government, they'll use it, but it doesn't actually inform the policy very much."


Do i understand correctly, that in order to increase the accuracy of the predictions we are to enlarge the amount of samples we are having? If it is so, how does correlate with the fact, also mentioned by the lecturer, that the database is only applicable to the Northern Europe and America.


In his book he mentions that a vast out-of-proportion number of people in the UK's political system come from selective schools, especially private schools. Perhaps I've misunderstood but either :

1) They are truly more intelligent and better equipped to deal with the business of government, there is a true meritocracy at play or...

2) There is such a systemic old boy's club that it actually gives genetically DISadvantaged people a leg up.


Talents, as they may be quantified through polygenic scores, may be a good predictor for future success. The question is then how society and individuals can devise a better way to take into the differences and allocate resources efficiently. This may sound crazy but it’s unavoidable.


"a mountain of evidence has convinced most scientists" -- how do we convince the general public?


So the general take home message is that genetically identical people (identical twins) look (the what) very similar and are ( personalities & intelligence. The whom is also a what, i.e., genetics) very similar, regardless of the environmental variables such as parents, teachers etc. And that people whom have been taught the more Freudian psychological model may feel that such a statement goes against their status ( Employment as a Freudian psychiatrists etc), thus deny the science. Also that many inheritable traits are probabilistic not deterministic. E.g., Sociopath's are less likely (probability) to express themselves under certain environmental situations than others. e.g., Social bullies are mitigated so that they do not gain any social status by derogating others and forming "harassment" coalitions ( less aggressive people whom "befriend" the bully so as not to be the ones whom are bullied).


A talk to Google employees about intelligence and genetics? Wow! I say "wow" because Google has been taking down videos and de-platforming anyone who teaches the facts about IQ and especially about IQ and race.
I understand that it may seem "cruel" to speak the truth about IQ and various groups but it is dishonest and cruel to make people think they CAN when they CAN'T compete with certain people. We may have equal value but we are all very different in intellect and abilities and people should know both their strengths (if any) and their weaknesses.


If it's all just a matter of adopting a "growth mindset" then everyone would be successful. And yet the reality is that most of us aren't. Most of us aren't even millionaires let alone billionaires so ofcourse genetics, luck play a part. The only question is which plays a bigger part genetics, luck or "hard work"? And I don't think anyone has the answer.


adopted siblings who are not genetically related 15:30; 15:50 dark hypothesis
