Why DNA Will BLOW Your Mind | Ken Ham

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Scientists have discovered an unmistakable language within all living things. Like a miniature library, DNA stores piles of information in extraordinary molecules that specify the details of everything from the shape of flower petals to the color of your eyes. A supremely intelligent Author and Life-Giver left His indelible message in every living thing.


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Science is a tool to study what is ALREADY there. I was an atheist until I started studying science and art. Then I realized and saw that God is an artist and everything around is made in perfect design. By a designer. Everything is in perfect order.


Science gives me a greater appreciation of God.


Information/Instructions can only come from one source: intelligence. What source of intelligence wrote the genetic code? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."


Fascinating! Scientists are discovering what and how things are made, how things come about, work together, etc. by hypothesis, testing and finding an outcome to prove the reality of things yet some refuse to believe in the One Utmost Creator most people call God which made everything science wonders about and longs to know about and of all things beyond our ability to understand in existence. We are always looking for the answers of higher intelligence.


I've always wondered if we are born from evolution, and at some point, we were a single piece of bacteria. How on earth did the minerals of earth with no soul, no form of thinking or knowledge, come together and magically formed themselves to become bacteria, and the complex structure of DNA. These same minerals also somehow invented the language of that DNA. As a Christian, it takes less faith to believe in God than evolution.


DNA is one step in the way God creats humans and all things, period!


To know God, you only have to learn how to love him.But to understand what is God, you must love to study and understand the science with all your might and mind.


DNA is software. It's computer code. But instead of digital, binary code, it's chemical, quad code.

It's computer programming, but exponentially better than binary code with ones and zeroes.


"It is only the inferior thinker who hastens to explain the singular and the complex by the primitive short cut of supernaturalism."
H.P. Lovecraft


As a Christian I would appreciate this video more if it addressed the lab studies done where microscopic organisms evolved through natural selection. There most definitely is a degree of evolution allowed by natural selection.


The Hebrew term for the soul is refresher /nephesh, derived from the verb naphash 'to refresh'. This is the DNA. Thus, Jesus told his disciples not to fear those who can destroy the body but not the nephesh, adding that even the hairs of their head were numbered Mt 10:28-20


Thank you for the nice surprise. Talking about language, did you know that the Hebrew word rendered soul is nephesh, נָפַשׁ which comes from the verb, naphash, which means 'to refresh'. All living things have a refresher. I think that refresher is a great descriptive term for DNA. Thus, Jesus told his disciples not to fear those who can kill the body but not the refresher, and that even the hairs of their heads were numbered ... Matthew 10:28-30. So God retains the information of your DNA / Refresher.


After science explained to Ken ham, what DNA is Ken And apologists like him then went on to assert well there's your proof of my god.
They used to point at trees and mountains and assert that same kind of proof of their god and that's a problem for them.
All they can do is point and assert.But they don't have any evidence linking any of the things they point to to a god


Thank you again for making a compelling case for the necessity of having a Creator God. I've been interested in Creation science since the early 1960s.


Why stop in genes? You can go on forever, but it always starts and ends with God!


"I can't comprehend...therefore magic man in the sky." There is nothing wrong with not knowing everything just admit it and stop saying must be God.
Everything that was unknown in the past-gravity, stars, eclipses, moon, sky, rain, earthquakes, desease, etc, etc.- was thought to be from gods!


Rosalind Franklin helped them discover the structure of DNA.


Very interesting Ken’s story about the evolutionist putting the 26 letters of the alphabet and randomly pulling them out, spelling a 3 letter word to “prove” evolution. It seems to me, the problem with this illustration seeking to prove evolution is this; 

the cells in all living things are made up of DNA. To put it in terms of letters, each strand of DVA is made up of nearly 3 billion letters that all have to be in exactly the right order. For evolution to be true, the evolutionist needs to pull not 3 letters, but 3 billion letters out of a hat, all in exactly the right order and all by random chance. This could not be done in a trillion years!

The complexity of creation shows us there must be a creator.


Its al lso simple there sure is a God, we mske it complex and I beleive we ..all humans do not have the minds the brains to understand or know god.


Unreal dreamers in an unreal dream.all of humanity down the rabbit hole, does not exist
