Urge Surfing Meditation

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Urge Surfing Script

Urge surfing is a technique used to cope with cravings. Just like a surfer on a wave, you will ride out the craving or urge.
Sit back or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, or let your gaze soften.
brief pause
Think of an ocean wave. It grows and becomes taller and stronger until it eventually peaks and then subsides. Urges function in the same way.
When a craving is at its peak, it seems overwhelming and unmanageable. It may even feel like you have to act on this urge for it to fade, but that isn’t the case. These are only feelings, and they too will fade with time.
Acknowledge the urge you are currently facing. Has it peaked? Is it growing stronger, or maybe it has even already started to fade.
Say to yourself, “This craving is temporary. It will not last forever. I can outlast this urge.” Give yourself permission to sit with this discomfort and let it pass.
Cravings and urges are a normal part of recovery.
Take a moment to notice and sit with your thoughts. Observe them without judgement accepting that uncomfortable thoughts will arise.
Now observe your feelings. Do you feel angry? Maybe guilty or ashamed? Acknowledge whatever uncomfortable feelings you are experiencing. Tell yourself that these are natural responses. Give yourself permission to feel your emotions knowing that you are safe and that they too will subside.
Picture yourself standing on an ocean shore. Feel the sand beneath your feet. Smell the salt in the air and the sun warming your skin.
See yourself stepping closer and closer to the water’s edge. Visualize the blue water in front of you moving steadily.
See the sunlight shining and reflecting off the water. Hear the waves crash along the shore.
Watch as the waves build just like your urge. Now see it peak and fade away. This wave, like your craving, is neither good nor bad. It simply is part of the experience. You don’t have to hide it or suppress it. You only need to let it subside with time. Notice how the water calms after the wave has crashed and feel yourself becoming calmer as well.
Continue to observe your thoughts and feelings in this moment. Remind yourself that you are stronger than this urge. This craving will weaken over time, but you grow stronger with each moment.
Embrace your strength. Be proud of yourself for riding out this wave and know that you can overcome any other waves that may arise.
When you feel ready, open your eyes. Use this technique any time you feel an urge and thank yourself for your commitment to your recovery.
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This is so good. Any person who is struggling with addiction, these meditations are so helpful!
