How Consumerism Brainwashed America

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In this thought-provoking video, we explore the detrimental effects of consumerism on culture and society. As our world becomes increasingly driven by materialistic desires, the fabric of our unique cultural identities begins to unravel. Join us as we delve into the disintegration of culture and shed light on the alarming impact that consumerism has on our values, traditions, and way of life.

Through powerful examples and insightful analysis, we uncover how consumerism fosters homogeneity, leading to the loss of individuality and diversity among communities. By prioritizing endless consumption and instant gratification, we unintentionally trade our rich cultural heritage for fleeting trends and superficial experiences.

Furthermore, this video dives deep into the consequences of consumerism on creativity, art, and spirituality. As mass-produced goods and commercialization dominate our marketplaces, our creative expressions become commodified and diluted. We'll explore how this shift hinders innovation, stifles artistic integrity, and dilutes profound spiritual connections that historically enriched societies.

Here's a link to the article I mentioned:

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I've thought for a long time that school was just a way to get you used to doing what you're told for hours at a time - not for any real achievement in society.


You created a video with well thought out and accurate information in 6 minutes that other documentaries struggle to do in 50, excellent.


I’ve never bought into the whole American consumerism thing. And I never buy things on credit. Living sensibly allowed me to retire early.


Marketing is literally propaganda. That's where it got its roots. The guy who started using emotions for advertising looked at war propaganda from WWI and marveled at how it was able to play on emotions to get people to literally be okay with travelling thousands of miles away to kill or be killed. Now we have people every day trying to psychologically manipulate us. It's repulsive.


I briefly worked for a one of those storage companies. It is one of the fastest growing segments in America. Everyone has a crap full of junk.
This business didn’t exist 50 years ago!


Let's not forget the the way in which marketing and psychology played on the American mind/emotions in politics as well.


I think I’ve never had any issues, because I’ve always been a frugal person. My friends refer to me as “The Minimalist Monk”. I believe being shrewd and austere with my money, helped me get where I am at today, as I turn 35 in a couple of days’ time. Moreover, I’ve had a great life too. I think as soon as you manage to get over that FOMO-induced peer pressure from society at large. You’re good to go.

Nonetheless, if I say anything, I’ve noticed that people will be offended regardless of what I have to say, and will start picking on me, along with trying to find some apparent flaw in my way of life. 🤷‍♂️

That’s just humanity for you, I guess. Great video dude, thanks!


The US is now a corporatocracy with no separation between the government and the corporations.


Yes I've driven across America. It's all pretty much the same. McDonald's burger king Wendy's Walmart. Small towns can still be unique though but it's all still consumerism. I don't have a TV anymore mainly because of advertisement. I also never turn on the radio in my vehicle again because of advertisement. I work by myself outside and have never worn headphones.


Ever since having a tv remote control I have either muted or changed the channel when ever a commercial came on. I have always considered them a form of brainwashing.


George Carlin said it best:
“These people, these people are efficient, professional, compulsive consumers. It’s their civic duty. Consumption. It’s the new national pastime. Fuck baseball. It’s consumption. The only true lasting American value that’s left. Buying things. Buying things. People spending money they don’t have on things they don’t need. MONEY THEY DON’T HAVE ON THINGS THEY DON’T NEED. So they can max out their credit cards and spend the rest of their lives paying 18 percent interest on something that cost $12.50”


Outstanding! This made me think of the commercialization of indulgences, and the similarities to advertising today. Also, you shaved! Looking good!


Being brought up poor in Europe has saved me from any form of spending sprees. Frugality might seem boring to some, but it has allowed me to step away from the daily grind.


I started my journey towards minimalism about two years ago. I buy very little. It’s hard because my husband likes “stuff” and he rewards himself for working 10 hours a day by buying himself “things”. My minimalism started as an extension of my veganism (10 yrs now), which came about when I really thought about how I’m sold this lie that I need to consume the bodies of dead animals to survive. In years gone by ordinary people really didn’t eat much animal produce but now we eat it for almost every meal which makes us sick. Once I woke up to that all the other lies just started showing up to me.


To create demand is what matters. More money multiplies desires thus creating supply, and with it new demands. So, only rising standards of living can deliver the goods - quite literally. Very nice video, thank you.


I have a feeling your page will be big one day. Great video!!


Come from Spain 3 weeks ago, I love their culture. They are so modest, so easy going, they know how to enjoy their lives.


If we don't look at our own vulnerabilities, tendencies, and patterns of consumption and make changes in our own choices the "hypnotism" will continue and amplify. Someone once said, the demand for the cure is only slightly exceeded by the demand for the disease. This applies to the distorted psyche of consumerism as well.


My main complaint is that as prices get higher and higher, product have become completely unreliable. You are lucky if they keep working for a month.


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 8 months ago about self development. Now I have 937 subs and > 800 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
