Why People Don t Reply To Your Messages

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Have you ever written a heartfelt message to someone you really cared about -- whether it be someone you enjoyed working with, someone you admire, or maybe your significant other -- and then had the unfortunate experience of seeing that they read your message but have not replied?

Here's why they don't respond, and how you can use this to heal and change the world as an Empath. Your Light is needed... right now!

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Back in the late nineties/ early 2000s the excuse was I didn’t have enough credit. Now over 20 years into the millennium with smartphones, free Apps, wi-fi, people being 24hrs connected no excuses. People are simply lazy, negligent and selective.


It's funny that the world right now has the most tools to communicate and yet humans these days has difficulty communicating with one another effectively.


I notice something different with younger generations and texting and communication patterns vs older .. they tend to not respond but doesn’t mean they aren’t still friends, vs in past was more expected would respond quicker


Someone gave me a Christmas card and I texted one of my family members and they didn't respond. The text was seen. Just a simple you're welcome or like would have been nice. I try to reach out and people just don't care. I'm not mad or anything. I just see where we stand.


friends read the message but not respond = PAIN


if they busy i get it... but if somebody reads my shit and then posts a couple stories im done with this person...


And these people never ever intitate a message first.... its down to laziness, if they wanted to reply, they would....


When someone doesn't reply/respond to me at all it gives the urge to delete my comments/unsend my instagram messages that i sent because it's a waste of time commenting/messaging someone who doesn't take at least a moment of their time to respond back to me. Also when someone doesn't reply/respond back to my comments/messages that i took the time writing it makes me feel as though i don't matter to them at all. For example' some people whom i follow on Instagram never replied back to my comments nor gave my comments at least a like so i quit commenting on their Instagram posts but still enjoy their content without leaving comments on their posts again.


I understand people are "busy" and have certain responsibilities like work, children etc but it only takes a few freaking minutes to reply to a freaking text message, seeesh! It's just as bad as ghosting someone.


You'll see them on social media but they can't simply reply?! Then why even communicate? ?!


I try to be understanding at first, maybe they were busy with work or something...I have a two strikes rule though, I end up blocking them. Life moves on🙂🐦


Idk, I think folks that don’t respond know that everyone hates it but they just do it anyways. I know a few people that do this and with one of them half the responses I get are apologies for not responding or not responding sooner. I think this person responds to one out of three texts and it typically takes 3-7 days to hear back. Makes me think they don’t want me around, but then they randomly reach out and invite me to things more often than most others in my life so it’s kind of confusing, and they don’t want anything from me so I don’t feel like I’m being used. This person is also someone who is late to everything. I think this person is always in a state of feeling overwhelmed and is always putting things off and then they forget or it just doesn’t happen. If I were to mirror the response delay and lack of response I’m sure the friendship would just be over. I have another friend where his whole family doesn’t respond, they must have avoidant personality disorder or something. He is supposed to be my best friend but again might respond to one out of three texts. It’s weird what he decides to respond to what he doesn’t. I tested him one time by not sending a second text and I don’t hear from him for 9 months, which is probably how often he thinks about me. But again, he will randomly invite me to things and it’s clear that he identifies me as his best friend too, it’s like he just doesn’t need much interaction in his life and he keeps busy and doesn’t think about me. I’ve met a couple guys on the spectrum where we have talked about this and they have explained it from their perspective that something like reaching out to check on someone is something foreign to them and it never crosses their mind, missing a text is just not important at all, so maybe my other friend has a little of this going on cause the whole fam is kinda off and avoidant. People are complicated though, so I’m sure it’s not that simple. The others in the family are the same way and they often use the ‘I didn’t get the message’ excuse which of course is BS, like only YOU don’t get my texts out of everyone, just the one person who never responds. I’ve confronted another one in the family about it and he just straight up told me that he just didn’t want to reply, and I think that most of the time it’s an actual decision to not reply, and the a minority of the time it’s just that they put it off for later and then just didn’t. Like, we all pull out our phones 100 times per day, so just respond one of those times dang it. I have experienced people who only respond or reach out when they want something, but these folks don’t want anything from me and continue to extend invitations to me out of nowhere from time to time to it’s pretty confusing.


Great advice I wish everyone had the same mindset 😊


I reach out to so many people, even my kids. I have Leukemia and I am unhealthy. I consider myself a good person and try to be I came to the light in a dark world. I guess the world has finally put out my light. My conclusion that I am just not important to anyone, so I deleted all my contacts and no one contacts me at all. All good. I can't get upset if people do not reply to my texts if I do not text anyone.


Wow what a great video and channel! Subscribed :)


I tried to reconnect with an old family friend that I’ve known for years, things went smooth at first and she responded to my text and reacted to my question, after that things went a bit downhill, I sent a few texts in responding to her and never got a text back yet I know she’s online and it’s been two days since my last text and I’m still slightly hurt and wondering why has she not even looked at it but I’m not sure whether it’s personal or she just doesn’t care anymore as she did respond to my first few texts without no problems we actually got on really well irl but haven’t seen her in almost two years but when I next see her I don’t think it will be like this, all the same I’m still stuck


if someone does not reply to your messages for lets say max one hour is because they are not interested in you or they are playing with you. We all carry our phones or check messages so theres no excuse to delay answers. So if you are experiencing that stop messaging that person and see what happens. If that person texts you lets say in a week do not reply inmediately, reply in one or two days and use few words, just a short line and omit enthusiasm and in the meantime try to start building new relationships. Friendships must be from the heart


I would be happy with a "lol"


I have that isseu a lot. Especially with clients. When they dont replay i leave them with their problem. Then i do it to them the same😂


No excuse for not replying you don't need to learn that is i done care is superior
