Can You Pray to Mary and Still be Saved - John MacArthur RC Sproul on Roman Catholicism

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In this thought-provoking video, renowned theologians John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul address a question that has sparked much debate within Christian circles: Can you pray to Mary and still be saved? Delve into their deep scriptural insights and understand the implications of Marian devotion on salvation.

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Jesus taught us how to pray. "Our Father who art in heaven..." That settles it!


It's written that THERE'S ONLY 1 GOD AND ONLY 1 MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MANKIND, THE BLESSED LORD JESUS, not Mary nor what they are calling saints.


😊RC Sproul ! Such a great man of God and teacher of truth ! So wonderful to glean wisdom from his teachings, even though he is now with the Father !❤


Prayers to Mary is not in the Bible. It's a story the came along a few centuries after Christ died.


I never heard the Catholics baptize in the name of mother Mary or saints NO, in the name of the Father Son and the Holyghost.


@ThruthSeekerAll these two men are unaware of the rich deposit of faith in the Catholic Church, just look at the number of Protestant preachers and minister joining the Catholic Church after finding the one True God in the Word of God and early writings and teachings of the early church (tradition, I.e. deposit of faith) Mary is the Arc of the Covenant, the Israelites carried the Arc into the Battle and won great victories. Mary is that Arc for she carried within her Christ, Priest, Profit and King. She is Mediatrix of all Graces and gave her flesh to form the word of God. Her yes saved mankind. Her genealogy comes from Abraham who was asked to sacrifice his son, but God stopped Abraham. And because he did god substituted the sacrifice with the spotless lamb of God(Go study the blood covenant) that is what we receive every time we Go for the Holy sacrifice of the Mass. we do it to r, ember the son of God, Jesus who along with the saints in Heaven participate in this sacrifice. The blood covenant requires that you consume the flesh and blood of the victim to participate in the convent. These great men are ignorant of the power of the sacrifice at Mass.


I wouldnt personally
Jesus is sufficent!
The once all sufficent


Born into a family of generational Catholics with most family members and relatives still in the Catholic church. Was a staunch Catholic from small. Grew up to become an altar boy in teenage years. Was searching for God because inwardly it felt empty though I was very active in church. Practiced yoga, Hinduism etc. All the while still being Catholic. After that, while in college I bought a Bible and read on my own. Wanting to learn more about the Bible, I left the Catholic church to join a church that seemingly taught the word of God. A colleague brought me to her church that taught the bible, or so i thought. Since as a Catholic i didn't know much about the word of God i just followed along. It was a charismatic church. Though the Bible was taught and used, the teachings were mostly centered around worldly gains i.e. health, wealth and prosperity stuffs. At first it was exciting because the people were all so "lively", "super friendly" and "loving" which really impressed me, but after a while realized I was not interested in all that as nothing of that satisfied my hunger for God but I stuck on as i didn't know where else to go. After 4 years i left the charismatic movement and joined a real Bible believing church that strictly followed the word of God. Its been around 30 years since. Never looked back. Grateful to God for saving me from darkness and false religions of the flesh. 🙏


Sorry guys you're wrapped up in theology. Jesus looks at heart ❤️


Talk to Dr.Scott Hahn, Dr.Tim Gray, Jeff Cavins, Steve Ray etc. Who were once pastors/members of other christian denominations and converted to the Catholic Church.


"Woman, what have I to do with thee?" Jesus Christ to his mother


As a young Christian who preached the gospel in a local church met a Roman catholic priest. He said to me. Why are you excited about the gospel. I don't teach my people the gospel but keep them ignorant so I can control them. "


Respect Mary. She ain't mother of god. Is mother of the godman. An instrument. Praying to the dead is necromancy. Lord Jesus is alive and the only mediator for us. ❤


I’m not Catholic, but at least Catholics don’t think God ordained Evil for His Glory, or are prideful enough to boast that God chose them to be saved in eternity past.


The Orthodox and Catholic Holy Rosary both have a meditation on the crowning of Mother Mary as Queen of Heaven. This fits with Revelation 12 and that the mother of the King in Old Testament was titled Queen and not any of the Kings wives. The Queen had intercessory privileges with her son the King e.g. King Solomon to his mother Bathsheba “Make your request, my mother, for I will not refuse you” (1 Kings 2:20). Also, in the Church approved apparition Our Lady of Champion, Mother Mary said "“I am the Queen of Heaven who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same." Tradition is that the blessed Virgin Mary gave the Holy Rosary to St Dominic in 1215. At Our Lady of Las Lajas 1754 God left behind a miracle image in rock that is still on display today. The image shows Mother Mary handing down a Rosary to St Dominc and baby Jesus handing down a Friars cord to St Francis. Mother Mary has repeatedly ask us to pray the Holy Rosary in Church approved Marian apparitions. MacArthur deceives people by stating that praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary for Her prayers of intercession with God is idolatry.

Please help defeat evil by praying the Holy Rosary.

God bless you


Don't let MacArthur's wilful ignorance get in the way of truth. God's has provided us with Church approved miraculous Marian apparitions and Eucharistic miracles that prove MacArthur's blasphemy. Human beings and therefore MacArthur cannot replicate the miraculous images from Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Las Lajas or Eucharistic miracles! Let God's truth prevail!


Let Jesus show it the way and be open to the Holy Spirit


In John 6 Jesus Christ asked us to eat His flesh and drink His blood for compelling reasons. Later, at the Lord’s Supper, Jesus Christ showed us how to obey His request to eat and drink of Him via blessed bread and wine that becomes His body and His blood. Jesus Christ made this straightforward to understand and this is why the early Church fathers taught and practised God intended the bread and wine to become Jesus Christs flesh and blood during Holy Mass. MacArthur decieves people by stating God did not intend the bread and wine to become the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ when celebrating the Lord's Supper. God has provided us with over one hundred Eucharistic miracles that demonstrate transubstantiation and Apostolic Succession is reality. God's evidence destroys MacArthurs's heretical teachings on the Lord's Supper!

God bless you


These speakers could have put it in straight, easily understood Bible language such as in Deu.29:20 context, where in no uncertain terms, God says idol worshipers are cut off from the living, erased, and erased means, erased out of the Book of Life. Eph.5:5 concurs... idolaters have no inheritance in the kingdom of God. Ex.20:3-7 also concurs with the previous charges. Praying to dead people is Necromancy, Deu.18:10 context. Praying to Mary is a common practice in the worship of her, seeking benefits she is believed to give... now that Mary is long since dead, she can help all her worshipers globally, whereas while alive such was impossible. Idolaters argue that they venerate Mary but they do not worship Mary. These 2 words as synonyms, one to the other, look it up.


Given the can pray to God, Mary, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Thor, Brahma, my chairside reading table.
