Coronavirus Pandemic Update 74: Vitamin D & COVID 19; Academic Censorship

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In this video, Dr. Seheult reviews a new article from the Lancet discusses the potential benefit and role of Vitamin D in preventing and reducing the severity of COVID-19. The censorship of academic discussion about studies and peer-reviewed journal articles has become an area of significant concern for medical professionals and those seeking evidence-based information during a pandemic. Dr. Seheult shares his opinion on this type of censorship, and also shares resources for dental professionals preparing to open their practices. (This video was recorded on May 22, 2020)

Links referenced in this video:


- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 71: New Data on Adding Zinc to Hydroxychloroquine +


Speaker: Roger Seheult, MD
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

MedCram medical videos are for medical education and exam preparation, and NOT intended to replace recommendations from your doctor.
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Quick links to our previous COVID 19 updates:


As a PhD scientist, I don’t take lightly being treated as a deplorable by youtube when they censoring scientific debates about public health. Joe Rogans move to Spotify with a freedom of content contract for $100 million, is a clear sign of people’s frustration as being treated with unjustified censorship.


For what it’s worth: I am a general surgeon concerned about postoperative wound infection as well as care of patients presenting with soft tissue infection such as necrotizing cellulitis and fasciitis. Several years ago, I think about 2006, a paper presented by an orthopedic group found that postoperative wound infections in orthopedic patients was much higher incidence if they were found to be deficient in vitamin D. Since that time I made it a practice of obtaining vitamin D levels on all of my preoperative elective surgeries and starting them on both vitamin D 5000 units per day as well as vitamin C in an attempt to reduce in some way the risk of postoperative infection. I also obtained vitamin D levels on all patients presenting with soft tissue infections such as necrotizing cellulitis. I was amazed, but not too surprised, to find that every one of the patients who presented with these devastating soft tissue infections had very low vitamin D levels. Certainly not a double blind control study. However the risk of giving vitamin D is zero and there is a potential benefit, X. X/0 = infinity. A no brainer. I use it until evidence shows otherwise.


Wow, YouTube really has been difficult over this whole pandemic. I'm a public health professional and lead on multiple communication projects and one of the key challenges during an ongoing pandemic is the countering of misinformation. Lots of misinformation can be found online and as such there should be an equal effort to provide accurate, real time, evidence based discussion in an accessible forum like YouTube and other platforms. It is important to keep people updated and informed, videos like this and others where they present evidence and references are needed, even if that sometimes goes against WHO guidelines. It is a well known fact that the translation of health research into practice has a significant lag time, in 2017 there was a ten year research lag in the effective translation into practice. Even today in this pandemic, information identified in January about asymptomatic spreaders was never fully presented as a clear risk or possibility until around March time. It is really disappointing that quality, evidence based discussions are falling under such a narrow focus policy. Many thanks for all you provide, it is a valuable resource to many.


Dr. Seheult is truly unbias! He breaks down the new studies in a understanding way. Keep up the good work!


The role Vitamin-D is absolutely vital for the immune system, that is not news. Unfortunately people dismiss it because it's not a medicine or new. A simple solution like living healthy and avoiding nutritional deficiencies will of course make your immune system stronger, and will not only increase your chances against Covid-19, but also all metabolic related diseases that causes many times more deaths than the virus does, every year.


I support you, Dr. Seheult & MedCram! You are the clearest Good Guys in this whole mess!


I noticed that your video with the review on the VA retrospective HCQ study was taken down. In that video, you touched on key points about that particular study which skewed the results. It was clear & objective. YouTube removed it, not because it was wrong, but because it conflicted with their very obvious agenda. This dangerous censorship must me confronted.


You're right to point out the censorship going on and right to oppose it. Free speech is a cornerstone of academic and political debate. Without the freedom to express unpopular opinions or opinions which go against the current status quo, you can't generate the discussion which can lead to innovation or improvement. Only when ideas are discussed openly and tested, can we find the best ones, which is something we should all be looking for with COVID-19.

There are a lot of people who think they need to control the debate for whatever reason. YouTube's CEO is wrong here. We don't need her to police the discussion. We need her to step the heck out of the way, and let we the users do that. We'll find the holes in bad arguments. And if she opens up the comments sections, we'll happily let the authors know when they have things wrong too. That like/dislike ratio is valuable. It helps identify truly quality content like that provided here by Dr. Seheult and his team vs the Alex Joneses of the world hawking their latest supplements and conspiracy theories. We are smart enough to tell the difference.


I just signed it. I have been watching all your videos recently and didn’t find anything inappropriate unless you are not allowed to think on YouTube. Full support from another Pulmonary & CC physician. Keep up the great work 👍


Dr. Seheult, what a courageous person you are demonstrating and explaining the actual nuances between peer reviewed and other published documents. On the way to the truth, we should always keep an open mind and pause to think and rethink our concepts of what is happening with Covid-19 and take a measured and balanced approach based on facts, that’s including a large spectrum of information and mapping ourselves the links between the possible solutions and remedy. Thank you for taking a strong stance for freedom of speech. Salutations de Montréal.


I am just now seeing information that MedCram put out weeks ago, being reported by other Doctors on YouTube. Weeks later! Thanks and keep doing what you do sir.


the WHO and CDC said masks were bad for months - now it's "everybody should wear them".
Thanks for being a voice of reason during this time of outrageous behavior.


I've never learned so much in the short time it takes to listen to your toob lectures.
There is always an abundance of references to dig deeper.
Thank you for taking the time to make them.


“Circumstantial evidence” is still evidence. We would all like to have the results of trials, but certain circumstances do not allow that in a timely manner.


It almost seems like YT overcorrects against the probable torrent of quackery that they get flooded with. I'm glad you've got as a fallback for the true nuanced view.


Dr Seheult, I think your comment to YouTube was absolutely perfect, and I sincerely hope they are listening.
YouTube, This is important information and education that we desperately need right now. PLEASE LEAVE ALL MEDCRAM UPDATES AVAILABLE TO VIEW ON YouTube!
The thing I love most about these presentations and updates is that Dr Seheult is always SO careful to provide full disclosure on all studies, how they are being done, , process, potential issues, whether or not they have been peer reviewed, etc.
I listen to many other lectures, discussions, updates on COVID, but your information is what I trust more than any other source. And it is because of the absolute transparency.
This is education desperately needed in ALL areas of healthcare right now .
So Dr Seheult, thank you for your hard work and commitment to providing unbiased, evidence based information. You are doing the world a great service.


This update + Dr. JC on the daily news discussing Vit.D + Dr. Hansen doing a deep-dive on Vit.D ... Pretty great Friday night😎
Thank you, MedCram Team👏


Thank you for your valuable medical information without bias! YouTube should be ashamed of themselves, keep up the good work!!


So please explain to me like I'm a 4 year old; Why does YouTube take down Medically referenced enlightened MedCram videos but leaves alone videos of people trying to convince us that The Earth is FLAT ??!!
