Excel Magic Trick 1213: Fraction Number Formatting & Making Sure the Correct Number Is Displayed

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Learn about Fraction Number Formatting and how to display the correct Fraction, inclusing the correct number of digits in the denominator
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Excel Magic Trick 1213: Fraction Number Formatting & Making Sure the Correct Number Is Displayed
Learn about Fraction Number Formatting and how to display the correct Fraction, inclusing the correct number of digits in the denominator


Also, when trying this the additional question marks increases the number of "place holders" or spaces to the left of the numerator part. (As well as the number of question marks increases the spaces after the denominator part as shown in the video. )

Improper vs Mix Number
Example:  5 / 2 = 2.5  = 5/2 (improper fraction) = 2 1/2 (mix number)

Improper Fraction  formatting :  ?/?  (or ??/??, ???/???, .... et.c)

Mix Number formatting :  # ?/??  
When doing the mix number formatting, the space between the "#" and first "?" seems to be critical for the format.  Also seen that when there are additional "?"'s in the numerator, the displayed number shows more padding (additional spacing).


Thank you Mike. If the maximum I use is two digits (3/25) I always use a 0 (zero) space 3/25.


I know this is an older video, but I hope you are still reading comments. Everything works fine except in the case where the numerator is decimal. For example, I have percentages I need to transform into fractions. The percebntages range from 0.01% to 99.98% and I don't seem to be able to custom format the fraction to account for the numerators 0.01 to 99.98. Any suggestions please?


Customizing date:
Excel use different date format in AD date from 1/1/1900.
I use lunar Calender where no of days in 12 different months have days more or less than that of AD. 
Just for E.g The second month have 31 days and there is only 27 days in third month. 
However, any other different Calender may have more/less than 12 months with days in month varying same way as said above.
Here what I want to set is LUNAR DATE FORMAT in cell format from the start of this year where first day of the year will have underlying of value 1 but displays my custom “yyyy/mm/dd” and values as set.
It there any way to do it?


Try to write three numbers after the comma.
I'll let you know how ugly this program is...
