Drift VS Grip

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Nissan Amuse NISMO 380RS Superleggera by DR.M5

Hakone Nanamagari by by s2000ap1/ECqingtian/Whistleblower39

Base AC Mods & Setup

#InitialD #TougeBattle #Nanamagari #Z33 #Drift #AssettoCorsa
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The thing about grip versus drift is that grip will always be faster so long as there's traction. In dirt racing and in traction-compromised situations, drifting can be faster, but only if you control the angle and aren't really throwing the back end out. They are completely different styles of driving, where one is optimized to go the fastest in ideal conditions, while the other assumes poor conditions.

Basically if you know you don't have the grip, you can put the car into a four-wheel drift with your car angled towards the corner exit so you regain grip right as you are facing the direction for ideal acceleration out of the corner. The difficult part would be keeping the back from swinging too far where you would have to fishtail/overcorrect at the corner exit. Look at how WRC drivers turn in dirt for a good idea of what I'm talking about.


this was the first time I was fooled by the graphics of a game, i'm shocked
, seriously I feel like seeing a real realistic 3D render for the first time in my life, the sensation of reality is just shocking


I was like "yeah this looks pretty realistic but if you take a close look at the windshield-" and then i noticed that the water droplets follow the car's inertia. THE WATER DROPLETS.


i asked myself.. damn how'd they get to legally do this on the actual roads of Mt. Haruna.. BUT IT'S ASSETTO AND IT LOOKS GORGEOUS


The fact that this man is drifting enough to get around the corner is respect


Man what the f... On the outside you could tell it was a game(especially that repetitive fake camera wobble as well as flatness of pavement), but the dash view is ridicoulously realistic (I mean, individual droplets being swept by the wipers and those reflections on the dashboard are spot on). Apparently we have actually progressed in realism of videogame graphics since Crysis, but this is one of the quite rare occasions I have to make such a remark.


"Drift is a technique applicable to a lot of mountain passes, it is a general technique and useable in many different routes. Grip on the other hand is a precise technique that is manifested after practice and practice with full on course knowledge. Both have its pro's and cons. There is no debate on which is better, as it all comes down to the driver."- Sudo Kyoichi, Initial D Final Stage


Man it's ALWAYS satisfying to watch a grip vs. drift chase, no matter who leads there's something special about taking a corner with two different styles and staying in tandem.


Can I just say, the subtle camera shake on the onboard make it look actually real. Great work! And awesome driving!


The fact this guy can make amracing game look so realistic is shocking
Yay I got 1000 likes


I actually thought this was real life, and was super confused about why Assetto Corsa was there in the description, until I saw the low res mountain texture and realized it was assetto corsa. Incredible


Drift allows higher speed entries, the only thing to worry about is the exit where grip usually catches up, but all you need to do with that is just learn where you and your cars limits are and drive on those limits 24/7, which will make you much faster


I love how he had the two styles finish side by side to remind us that both are ok! Great video! I also didn't know about this track mod so thanks for that too!


The graphics are insane! I wouldn't be able to tell if this was real or not if I didn't know it was asetto corsa


it literally took me almost a minute looking at one frame of the video to realise this is a damn game like for a game almost 10 years old this is just so realistic. i mean the droplets on the windshield follow the inertia of the car and the graphics and camera effects make this video look like a real life event not to mention on the part where it switches to the passenger side view of the chaser it just looks like a race from real life


watching the Z paint beautifully flowing black lines in the rain while executing a perfect pursuit is something to behold


I cant imagine how good this would feel in vr lmao, nice vid, very realistic


damn, wouldn't be surprised if youre PC rig is connected to an actual performance intercooler for a car with the way these graphics look, also driving style is spot on as always


HOLY ****, the lighting and detail. Even though I know in my head its a game I am still constantly getting fooled watching the cockpit view


the rain on the windshield is incredibly done
