How to Prepare a Baby Bottle | CloudMom
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HI everyone. Melissa here from CloudMom! So excited to be talking about my favorite topic today, babies. I'm going to be showing you guys step-by-step how to prepare a bottle for your baby. Don't worry -- soon this will be second nature for you.
First, a brief note on water. Talk to your pediatrician and see whether he recommends that you boil the water for your formula or whether tap water in your area is safe for your baby. Your pediatrician also might recommend that you do not use filtered or bottled water for your formula. Finally, he might recommend that you boil the bottle, nipple, and ring so that all that stuff stays super clean. Check with him and see what he thinks. I did do this by setting up a little "boiling station" where I boiled all my stuff at the end of each day. Make this part of your routine.
Ok, so for today, I am using boiled water. Water should be brought to a full boil for one minute, and then turned off to cool.
Before your prepare your bottle, wash your hands thoroughly. Then, check to make sure there is no loose dirt on the top of your formula container, since that can get in the formula. Also check the expiration date on the formula to make sure it is nice and fresh.
Once my water has cooled, I pour it into my bottle. I am using four ounces today. For every two ounces of water, I am going to use one un-packed scoopful of formula. Remember, DO NOT skimp on the amount of the formula since this is crucial nutrition for your baby.
With the water and the power in there in the right amounts, close the bottle tightly and shake. Try twisting your wrist as you shake. If you are using prepared formula, you should still shake but you can shake a bit less.
Your bottle is ready to go!
So that about wraps it up. I hope this video has answered your questions! Feel free to comment below if you have other questions and I'll do my best to answer them. Thank you so much for watching and see you next time!