Ultra-Smashed Burgers

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Classic smashed burgers are all about maximizing that deep, brown crust. But I found myself wondering, what if I were to take this to the extreme? Is there a way I could pack even more flavor into a burger? And thus, the ultra-smashed burger was born. Same burger size, but twice the amount of crisp, browned crust.

Why this recipe works:

- Smashing ground beef firmly into a non-greased pan or griddle increases contact points, delivering maximum crust and maximum flavor.
- We use a bench scraper or better, a razor wallpaper scraper to scrape the burger up from the pan, making sure to get every last bit of tasty brown crust.
- By cooking two 2-ounce patties instead of one 4-ounce patty, we get double the amount of crust, while a slice of cheese in between the patties keeps things moist.

Note: These burgers cook very fast, so it's best to make them one at a time. If making multiple burgers, keep them warm under a tent of foil while preparing subsequent burgers.

1 soft hamburger roll, buttered and toasted
Condiments and toppings as desired, such as mayonnaise, mustard, shredded lettuce, onions, tomatoes, or pickles
4 ounces freshly ground beef chuck, divided into two 2-ounce balls
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 slice good melting cheese, such as American or homemade melting cheese slices

1. Prepare burger bun by laying toppings on the bottom bun. Have it nearby and ready for when your burger is cooked.

2. Preheat a large stainless steel sauté pan or skillet over high heat for 2 minutes. Place balls of beef in the pan, and smash down with a stiff metal spatula or a clean mortaring trowel, pressing as firmly as possible to create a thin patty that is wider than the bun.

3. Season generously with salt and pepper and allow to cook until well-browned and top is beginning to turn pale pink/gray in spots, about 45 seconds. Using a bench scraper or razor wall scraper, carefully scrape burger patties from pan, making sure to get all of the browned bits.

4. Flip patties and immediately place a slice of cheese over one patty and stack the second directly on top. Immediately remove from pan and transfer to waiting burger bun. Serve.
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I just made this for my family and my very inexpressive dad's eyes went wide and said, "this is the best burger I've ever had." He INHALED the burger then asked me to make him another one. Success! Thank you for this!


Pro tip: a sturdy spatula works great for scraping wallpaper and old paint


"Nothing melts like American"
That's what the aliens will say, eventually


I fucking love this guy. he defended American cheese being on burgers and didn't put lettuce on it. We could be great friends


Wait, your last name is actually alt, I spent all this time trying to find your main channel


Good god this man is a genius. Why have I wasted my entire life making FAT burgers when all the flavor is in that brown crusty exterior?!


I made these, pretty much exactly as Kenji suggested.

And they were awesome. Cheapo supermarket buns. Plastic-wrapped American cheese slices. 20%-fat ground beef. And they were delicious. Quick to cook. Quick to assemble. And perfect flavor.

The only way to describe them is this: Imagine your ideal fantasy of a fast-food burger. The sort of thing that 5 Guys or Shake Shack do on their best day. But you can do it at home. The speed of cooking means that, once your grilling surface is up to temperature, you can turn these out like an assembly line.

I cooked mine outside on a gas barbecue, using a Lodge cast iron skillet. To improve the productivity, I think a flat cast iron griddle would be easier if I was feeding a crowd. (Have someone else handle the bun-toasting if you're making more than a couple of these.) I'm thinking of finding the right sized scoop or measuring spoon so I can dispense with the scale when making the patty-balls (Is that a word?)

But overall: My nominee for the best all-round home cooked burger recipe I've come across. (And I had a pretty good standard before this.)


How I do it without the tools: I have a metal burger flipper and another spatula. I put the burger flipper on top of the ball of meat, then use the end of the other spatula to press down. To release the patties, turn the metal spatula upside down and scrape just like the wallpaper scraper. Flip as usual. Works great.


Made these last week. Hands down, the best burger I've ever made at home. Amazing!! The idea of doubling up on smaller patties is game-changing. Went with Martin's potato rolls, just mustard (no burger sauce), shaved onions, pickles, and American cheese slices. SO. DANG. GOOD.


I love making smashed burgers, only problem is my entire apartment gets coated in a layer of grease when I do it (even with all the fans on.)


So nice to see there are other people in the world who understand how to make a traditional American diner burger. Well done!


Just made this and my husband said it was the best burger he's had in a time! Thank you!!


Kenji, you continue to improve and inspire me. I sit and wait in anticipation for what comes next. I probably make these twice a month now that I have tried them from that first midnight video. I appreciate how you trim the nonsense out and figure out how to make a great recipe realistic for a "lazy" person in the kitchen.


one of the key ingredients to "melty" cheeses like american or pepper jack is sodium citrate.. it's an emulsifying salt.. any cheese + any liquid + sodium citrate = melty cheese sauce when warm but it will firm up to that "velveeta" consistency when refrigerated (obviously consistency can be adjusted with amount of liquid).. so make your cheese sauce out of whatever you want, pour it into a loaf pan or similar mold (you could pour it out in a flat sheet then cut into squares if you had the room), then you can slice it and melt it on your burger, which will give it that almost cheese sauce consistency.. so you could make one out of cheddar and beer for example


For anyone wondering it's possible to do this without the trowel and scraper. Just use two spatulas.. when it comes time to flip take your best metal spatula and really press it HARD against the pan and scoot it forward. It takes a little finagling but I can usually get 90% of the crust up.


I have no clue why so many people hate American cheese. It has a mild taste that I prefer to stronger cheeses, and as he says, it melts really well.


You're the man Kenji
Whenever someone asks me about learning how to cook I usually recommend your Food Lab or Harold's On Food and Cooking- it's hard to find a better comprehensive base
Then just start working your way through cook books and videos


Everything was great..
You should've grilled the onions though🤤


My husband makes these, and they are fantastic! You are quite the muse around our house, every since reading the food lab book. It's our cooking bible right next to Julia Child's. We love your sense of humor, geekiness, and I have to thank you for a rise in popularity at work, thanks to your sticky bun recipe. Gush...you rock!


Kenji I am sold! I don't think I can make burger any other now! What's worse is I can't believe it has taken until now to realise this is the way forward! Cheers Kenji!
