You are someone who is hard for narcissists to forget and replace |NPD| #narcissist

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You are someone who is hard for narcissists to forget and replace

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Anybody who sincerely uses their 💓 is always missed!🥂


A true narcissist has no concept of "normal".


To me, it is so sad that these people cannot be reciprocal in relationships. Their parents had to have been horribly mentally and emotionally, and possibly physically abusive. I think narcissists have big egos because they do not have high self-esteem. Their parents did not love and accept them as they were from a very young age. They were too young to reflect on their parents' behaviors and went on to try to get acceptance from others with manipulative behaviors. If you love yourself you do not have to try to manipulate people into liking you. There will always be people who like you and others who do not. If you know who you are, have values, beliefs and love yourself, you will always be able to find good people, not perfect people, but good people to know. Maybe, reflecting on their early lives in a therapeutic situation can help them understand what was done to them so they can understand themselves and others better, and start to grow psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. I actually pray for this daily for one person in particular and for all narcissists in general. They are not really living, but surviving their whole lives.


It doesn’t matter what you explained: They won’t listening.😢It stays the same. If they win it’s because I’d them. If they lose, it’s because of you!!!!


I left him he stole from me. We were friends for well over a year before trusting him enough to actually meet him. Second time i met him he stole from me i called him out he denied it ive been silent since 7 weeks now.


narcissist never forget someone who didn't bite their baits because it hurts their ego.

No matter how good person you are to the narcissist, your are just an object or nothing to them.

Narcissist can only change or fix themselves. Narcissism is a choice.


Romans 12:16
Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise
in your own opinion.


Yup 👍. I'm living with a psychopath 😊


Big dummy’s got a diamond 💎 and passed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Your content is good, except for the childhood trauma..blah blah blah… they are ruthless demons that choose to be just that. Spare me the ‘pity their childhood’ bs. Most are spoiled entitled people that don’t give two shizz about anyone but themselves. They are grown adults that want to sponge off others, quit blaming childhoods. Most have way better childhoods than the rest of us, but we didn’t choose to be wicked souls!


Been there, done that with them nasty narcs lol


I was told by The narcissist to move on with my life that I may have a better life by moving on next day I know I will be evaluated in discarded now I'm getting a solid treatment and I'm giving her a solid treatment cuz she won't be back in the day that I wanted before I realized that she was a narcissist do you want to give them to me now like marriage and all that other stuff because I didn't want to live in fornication this is crazy😮
