Job Interview Red Flags - 7 Signs To DECLINE THE JOB OFFER!

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Job Interview Red Flags - 7 Signs To DECLINE THE JOB OFFER!

Are you in the midst of interviewing for a new job? Do you want to make sure the company you’re interviewing with will be a great fit for you? Well, you’re in the right place. In this video, I’m walking you through 7 red flags you need to pay attention to in a job interview, including if and when you should walk away and decline the job offer.

Here’s the thing, if you’re already in a toxic work environment or if you’re itching to get out of your current work situation, recognizing these red flags in a job interview will be more challenging. Mainly because you’re in a hurry to move on.

You definitely don’t want to put yourself between a rock and hard place again. It’s tougher than you might think to get out of a bad job or a toxic work environment. This is why it’s best to avoid getting into situations like this in the first place! Remember, you’re interviewing your new employer as much as they’re interviewing you.

Watch this video to learn:
• 7 reasons to decline the job offer
• Red flags during the job interview process
• Warning signs of a bad employer
• Signs of a toxic work environment
00:00 - Intro
01:09 - Recognizing Red Flags
02:00 - Red Flag 1: Bad Morale and Attitude
02:47 - Red Flag 2: Quick Employee Turnover
03:12 - Red Flag 3: Discriminatory Questions
04:24 - Red Flag 4: A Major Test Project
05:29 - Red Flag 5: Interview Doesn’t Align With Job Description
07:05 - Red Flag 6: Company Reviews
08:05 - Step 7: Look For A Match


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For me a huge red flag is IF the same job ad keeps being reposted.


Yah I was in a toxic working environment, worked there around 1.5 years without knowing it was toxic because it was my first job I thought jobs are like that, I only realised it was toxic after joining second company.


As someone who took a career break and took my time in finding a new job, here are my observations about red flags I saw in my journey across 50+ interviews these past 8 months.

1. On a Zoom or MS teams interview chat, not everyone in the panel shows their face on screen. In a panel of 5 people sometimes, only one person, the moderator showed their face. That says a lot about the culture as it reveals to me an 'unwelcoming spirit'.

2. Terrible and delayed communication to important questions. It took one company a week to answer critical questions for a high exec job. The person had no time to answer which reveals even more about what someone would be coming into. It was a hold-the-bag type job.

3. Giving you 2-3 days to accept a job offer instead of the traditional 7-10 days. Can't believe this happened.

4. When going to an in-person interview, hiring managers showing up like they'd come out straight out of the dyer and haven't shaved in days. I took the time to wear a three piece suit, and this is how I was received at the facility?

5. While at an interview, the hiring manager was being reprimanded by a client and telling me about it in a joking like manner. Also mentioning there were a few people who quit recently.

6. Canceling an interview 2 minutes before going live from news they'd received much earlier in the day for them to cancel.

7. 85% of interviewers did not respond back with a decision or courtesy email/call that I wasn't accepted. I really appreciated when they did and took no hard feelings. What is so hard about communicating this?


I'm in a toxic work environment now! Thanks for your great videos!💖


Hi heather,
Recently, I attended interview at a toxic workplace. The manager asked me a question. Why did you leave your previous company? I said due to continuous excessive overtime. I found people re-working cases repeatedly being unproductive with no strategy. So I decided to leave the company. He said, I should have not left my previous employer. As there will be more overtime in my current job profile. I told him unproductive work has no work ethics and adds cost to the company. The manager replied to me saying it is the management’s problem. I replied to him saying, the management’s problem is my problem. I can see your detachment & unprofessionalism in your statement. His mouth was shut 😶 In India this is the problem. Mid-level managers are egotistical and their work is action based. More tasks can be accomplished by the management if they are open to focus on thought based work. Thank God 🙏 I quit the job offer.


I am quite desperate for a job but I declined an offer today.
The vibe was just off. I don't know.

I was really enthusiastic until I met one of the high-profile people I was going to work for ( though only once a week).

Then I had an interview for another company where I felt great about the job and there I knew that I couldn't accept the other job.

I am not the one to be lazy but if my instinct tells me something is wrong, I know I need to run for the hills.


I had a horrible interview I knew it was gone and they were getting more rude. I cracked a major fart qnd walked out


Great video Heather! The biggest red flag I personally saw was for an offer that I got that ended up with terms very different from the ones we had discussed through the interview process... that made me really question how it would be to work for that employer and I ultimately declined the offer... never regretted it, so important to pay attention to those red flags!


Hello Heather I appreciate your emails and all info that is offered to me. Your emails are so informative and I appreciate you. Happy Tuesday!!!!


Heather! You’re so beautiful and knowledgeable! Thank you for this video! I conduct interviews often. This was really enlightening for my position!


Imo, if the interviewer shows any signs of disrespect just pull the plug and leave. I once had a guy give me a weak handshake and call my resume short with a slight chuckle. It didn't take long before I rolled my eyes at the guy and left abruptly.

This guy was so egregiously disrespectful I emailed his boss. He actually called me back and tried defending the interviewer saying it was "just a test" and "he's known him for nine years". My response? "I've only known him for fifteen minutes and I can safely say I would reject any offer because I refuse to work for someone who has shown more red flags than in China. Probably explains why I always see this position on Indeed too."

Within a few months the interviewer was no longer with the company and the company took down the leadership page where I got his boss's email.


The interviewer told me nothing about the department or the position and at the end never said anything and didn't ask if I had any questions after I answered their questions. I waited 1 minute for them to ask me if I had any questions, they said nothing, then I broke the Silence and made my decision I did not like what I saw, and said "Thank you!" and disconnected from the Zoom Meeting. I listened to my gut and left the meeting and felt so much better. I'm glad I rejected them and left.


1) When going over reviews, watch for extreme ratings ie 1 or 5 star. The 5 star reviews may be done internally at the behest of the company head, possibly due to swath of neg reviews
2) When the interviewer focuses on a particular person and pleasing them. They might say the person is "passionate" or needs people on their team. That person maybe a Boss-zilla
3) Mostly Recent Grad staff. A Boss-zilla may focus on hiring young grads because they find it easier to use bully tactics and not get push back. They may solely focus on young impressionable staff.

In 2006 I worked for a company for 9 months and by week two, I was looking for other work. The small company focused on pleasing the President and I was told that he was "passionate" about his work in the interview. I saw the brunt of the toxic management in meetings. Yelling degrading fist pounding etc were all heard through the door. I handled their IT needs and was constantly being told to deactivate accounts because weekly, sometimes daily, there was a termination or no show (meaning the person quit without notice) .Glassdoor was not available then, however I looked up the company recently and saw some really gnarly reviews mixed with "great workplace" reviews. Plus young grads always thought they could get on the president's good side and not be treated like the other staff. That never happened. Everyone was lambasted equally. The president has since passed away and my bitterness has long died, I am a better person having gone through the experience. With places now being exposed for toxic behavior like Ellen Show and Scott Rudin Productions, its good to know what you may be getting yourself into


If I've had this vid a few years ago, I may have avoided certain bad environments w/ very bad managers.


Every time someone has asked me how much I made at my last company I always tell them about 40% above average of industry so if the job is $40 an hour I say I make about 75 an hour something like that for example this way this way if I breeze through the interview then they’re most likely to offer me their best paying offer


Great content, great presentation... full of positive energy!


U right about test in the workplace I am about to walk away . At beginning test for two weeks straight that's crazy. I never seen that before


Great information and you’re correct about the red flags I has an interview the other day where I had applied to the position and when they called me for the interview they sent over the interviewer the correct job description which had an additional set of duties it’s actually a dual position where the duties are similar but should be two roles and they showed up apologetic but later fir the interview but it was also a red flag for me.


When I was still in collage one recruiter asked me what my parents did for a living. I still do not know why this matters. Than they offered me the job and proposed a very good salary. But it was that question that made me decline it although I was young it still felt wrong to ask me such things on an interview.


Job interviews I had a bad feeling for:
1. The interviewer asked if I was single. He also said their team loved partying and drinking. I would be in charge of looking up the places they can go to after work and I would also buy his lunch. The position was for an administrative assistant in a bank. I got the offer right after the interview but I was so creeped out, I made up an excuse and declined.
2. The interviewer was a narcissistic accountant who kept testing me about my education. I was not a fresh graduate but he kept asking me questions about my subjects and my education. He found it hard to believe that I was working in a bank despite not having an accounting degree. I already had years of experience working in the bank and his questions were just insulting.
