Linux Mint 19 Beta - Installed

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Linux Mint 19 Beta Overview Video - Linux Quest
I installed the Cinnamon proper version to check it out.
Looking good.....
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Thanks for the rundown, really looking forward to this release


Using the Adapta Dark theme in the software manager is really nice, when you hover over an item it creates subtle box shadows around the box, I love the Adapta theme pack


Linux Mint rocks! Thank you for the overview, Rob!


Tried the XFCE version looks good, now might have to try Cinnamon too. Thanks for a good review Rob. :)


the time shift is hugely interesting to me, I've always liked time machine on my macbook, never much had good luck with windows restore points but can't expect much from Microsoft. Though the time shift is nice and i am looking forward to getting to use it. I do wish they had a built in feature to support backing up to remote network storage devices like Synergy or ReadyNAS devices, both support rsync and it would mean not having to install a separate HDD or partitioning off a space internally to store the backups, I know it can be done by manipulating the mounts, but a proper built in way of doing this would be handy.


Many thanks for the review, I'm running Mint 18.3, I've been on Mint for about 4 years since 17.x, which was my first foray into Linux. Initially I'd wanted to go with Ubuntu but couldn't get it to install, and Mint just worked first time. From what I can see in your review Mint 19 seems to stay true to the Mint release pattern, i.e. gradual evolution rather than revolution, nothing wrong with that. I occasionally get curious and have a look around to see what's going on with other distros, but don't imagine hopping anytime soon unless Mint mess something up, which is unlikely. This Mint team just builds software that works day in day out, rock solid job and great attention to detail. I'm no expert in Linux, and Mint does everything I need it to do. I have a ultrawide monitor 3440x1440 and MInt HiDPI support is much better than my Windows 10 machine from work. Love the dark theme too, it's much easier on my eyes than staring at a big white screen!.
A short time after the stable release they usually provide an upgrade path from previous release, think I'll wait this one out for that.


Looks to be a promising release Mint 19.


Thank you for the review, can't wait for you to upload a review when the final version is released (soon hopefully). Did you find any bugs on this or do you think its can used right away on a production machine?


Hi Rob nice video mate!! definitely going to give this a spin, I may even do a comparison to the 18.3 on the same hardware, Linux Mint Cinnamon was my daily driver for the longest time a few years back.


Thanks for the review, Rob!
Regular Cinnamon user here. 19 does seem a bit quicker opening apps. Software center opens quicker than 18.3 for sure and MUCH faster than the older version.
Memory footprint is the same as 18.3 and in the same league as other GTK3 environs.
Never been a fan of Mint default themes. I usually run with Ubuntu Mate window decoration, Shadow or Sardi icons and Paper or Mint Y controls.
Not sure about the new update approach - we'll see how it works out.
Mint is the best all around distro IMO, but I must vent on one, seemingly permanent, bad policy
Why, oh why, oh why do they leave "Consider recommended packages as dependencies" unchecked in Synaptic? How many unaware users are frustrated when installed Ubuntu packages don't run well simply because of Mint's instance on this? I see no reason for this.


Great video as always. Downloading it right now after watching your video. I'm looking for a new daily driver and Linux Mint 19 is looking a lot like a distro that would fit my workflow.


Two things which I dislike about Mint:
- that green color (not for me)
- taskbar and icons. All straight lines and all flat. We are not living in '95 when computers couldn't handle more than that. ;-)
I like the Gnome icons for programs, not for folders, settings etcetera.

A matter of taste but if Linux Mint would offer different style (not just a little bit different!) out of the box that might pull me over from Manjaro KDE.


Me, I disable all window effects. Might not look fancy, but windows & menus pop up and close quick. ;)


Linux mint 19 beta is much faster than 18.3


Just installed 19 Mate. Seems to be fast but haven't really put it to the test. Most likely will upgrade after final release.


Hello Rob! That little robot on the wallpaper is really appropriate in your case. You ought to program it to say "I'll check you later!" :P :))


How do you change the panel icons in mint to be like they are in Ubuntu? with more modern shapes and colors rather than the default dull little boxes? Is there a name for the icon style in Ubuntu and Ubuntu Mate? ‘gnome icons’ or something?


First view first like and I already try mint 19 yesterday but my laptop stop charging 😭


I noticed your LM19Beta is not using the new icon set for some reason such as in Settings and in the Menu. Did you theme it to use an older icon set from LM18.3? I like Mint but it still has a bit of a dated look to me at least in comparison to Budgie. One thing I love about Mint is that fact you can easily 'Open as Root' built right in. Wish more distros added that out-of-the-box.


It looks like the welcome screen has been totally revamped it's completely different now to Linux Mint 18.3
