AI generated content can NOT be used for SEO

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It has recently been addressed, Google has come out and confirmed that if the AI content is written to be "consumed" by humans it's fine to use. If the content is scrambled and "doesn't" make sense it'll be penalised. I would still use something like quillbot to customize the content to fit your brand though 👍


Nonsense. Heres what to do. Use ai as an assistant only. You still need to modify the content from a writer and seo viewpoint. I tend to get a 100% human score.


Stop lying. I rank for a lot of AI writen content


Just because Google says it’s ok and they’re ok with it, it doesn’t mean they actually aren’t penalizing your site. Historically we know Google doesn’t always follow their own set of rules and guidelines as they say they do. SEO is a long game. What I’ve seen SEOs post and say is that their AI sites all lost rankings heavily. This was content they checked and read and posted. It wasn’t all blind chatGPT copy. We’ve seen happen on our own site as well. The issue with AI content and why long term you won’t keep your rankings is that humans hate AI content and intuitively we leave. We saw our own site engagement and time spent on site drop this way by 50% after releasing AI content. Google favours engaging content because they look for those signals from users. AI writes content for search engines not for humans, so there has to be VERY HEAVY intervention from human writers to make it suitable for engaging and you have to double check for accuracy. All in all you can use AI content but it has to be proofread, heavily edited, humanized with tools and then optimized for search engines! I’m waiting for the day all these people who have scaled content with AI see the Google hammer drop like it was always has and Google changing their stance OR just doing what Google always does..quietly releasing their BIG update.l and saying they’re still ok with AI content. 😅😂


Google has already redacted that statement. They will rely heavily on user interface user experience. Written Contant will likely go the way of metadata, which is just making the search engine understand what we are trying to rank for. We are just further pushed into video, marketing and optimized UIUX and backlinks..


so I asked CHATGPT to write a blog, i used the ai detector link in the description to test it, and it gave me the result that the blog is 99.97% real, so it doesnt seem to be able to detect AI generated blog that well


With 10 comments, I’m assuming this wasn’t an AI generated keyword suggestion or content? Have you read some of the bad content written / spun by humans?


This is where you’re wrong…

The trick is to write it out yourself and have it rewrite it for you.

Completely generated by AI? Yes…

But not if you're using it the way it was meant.


I don't want more people using AI for competitive reasons but I can't let outright lying go unanswered.


Where did you get this information from?


AI is only a tool that can be used for creative writing. There is no such thing as “banning” AI, that’s ridiculous.


Hey brother! Can you please provide the link that shows whether content is AI generated or not?


I call BS on your assumption Google classes AI as spam. Talk about shitting in it's own nest if it did that.


I understand the sentiment, but this isn't the first time Google has openly suggested things do or don't work that actually don't or do work. Easy example is EMD's. Google says there is no inherent value with EMD's which is a partial truth. However, once you add in link building, EMD's supercharge your ability to rank. Also, Google itself presents AI content in the SERPS rn. So don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


Yeah man sure AI will never let you make a lot of money! Keep thinning out the competition I see what you’re doing 😉


Don’t stop people making money dude…, people are ranking with Al, google doesn’t say they won’t rank you using AI, all you need is to check your content again and change anything that you think it’s not correct, give value, long post, good images, keywords well researched.. and you r good to go


This isn’t true, Google evaluate the content based on its quality, expertise and information. If it’s a high quality video the author and authoring tools are redundant


Wrong, there is already no way to differentiate human vs AI content with gpt4 and the correct prompts. This is when it comes to blog posts, not so much creative writing.


What u say is pretty incorrect. It depends on the way you make the content, fhe readability of it and the televance if it, also the optimization of it. I know several people who are rabking sites fully made with ai. You need to look into ai further...


So I don’t have to use this for blogging after all.. great 👍🏽
