6 Questions a Narcissist Cannot Answer With A Straight Face

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In this video, you will learn about 6 questions a narcissist cannot answer with a straight face. As we navigate through life, we encounter different types of people. Some are kind, empathetic, and caring, while others are self-centered, manipulative, and narcissistic. Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance, lack empathy, and constantly need admiration and attention. They can be charming and charismatic, but they can also be emotionally abusive and toxic. Identifying a narcissist early in a relationship is essential to avoid getting trapped in their web of manipulation and abuse.

Narcissists rarely admit when they are wrong because they believe they are always right. They have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are superior to others. Admitting they are wrong would mean acknowledging that they are imperfect, which they cannot accept.

Narcissists rarely apologize because they believe they are never wrong. They see themselves as victims and believe that others are always to blame. Apologizing would mean taking responsibility for their actions, which they cannot do.

Narcissists lack empathy, which means they cannot understand or share the feelings of others. They are only concerned with their own needs and desires and have no regard for the feelings of others.

Narcissists cannot handle criticism because they see it as a personal attack on their character. They have a fragile ego and cannot tolerate any form of criticism or rejection. Narcissists have difficulty accepting responsibility for their actions because they believe they are always right. They blame others for their mistakes and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Narcissists have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships because they are only concerned with their needs and desires. They use others for their own benefit and have no regard for the feelings of others.

Identifying a narcissist early in a relationship is essential because it can save you from emotional abuse and manipulation. Narcissists can be charming and charismatic, but they can also be emotionally abusive and toxic. They can make you feel like you are the problem and that everything is your fault. Trusting your instincts and looking for red flags early on in a relationship is essential.

Toxic relationships hinder your personal growth. Narcissists use manipulation to mess with your psychology. To help you maintain your mental health and wellness, it is important to work on your personal development, and to learn what you can about healthy as well as toxic relationships. The more you know and understand about narcissists, the greater your chances of avoiding a toxic relationship.

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Lisa A. Romano is a Life Coach and bestselling author who specializes in helping people reclaim their lives through ascending old thought patterns and healing faulty childhood subconscious programs. She is an expert in the fields of codependency, narcissistic abuse, and elevating consciousness. She is also one of the most popular meditation teachers on Insight Timer and is the creator of the 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. If you feel invisible, unworthy, and lack a sense of self or purpose, Lisa's work in the field of personal development can help you gain the self-awareness required to breakthrough.

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Great video. I'm dealing with narcissist mother while caring for my empath Dad. Her gaslighting and lies, dangerous accusations are making me crazy. I would have no contact with her in a second but I am my Dad's only caregiver, he is immobile and has dementia. Thank you for validating my feelings....and just helping me not think I'm absolutely insane.


They DO say sorry ! But its part of their false persona And.. means nothing because they will repeat the behavior


Yep, if you are codependent, they will destroy you just by being in a relationship with them. I am so repulsed by my soon to be ex, I cannot even stay in the same room for more than a minute or two. Now that she moved out, and we are dividing everything, life is much better.


The worst are the Covert/Shy Narcissist. They will apologize for things that they really didn't do wrong ( like a lizard letting go of it's tail for survival), but not for the real, cruel and universally accepted wrongs.


Narcissist CAN answer all these questions. They've been pretending their whole life. It's actually their specialty to deceive, lie and mimic all these feelings and behaviors. The only person that can get an honest window into the truth is someone who already is the supply at that moment. If a narcissist has latched to you, and they have already abused and used you, they will get offended and probably lash out however they prefer to lash out against you because "how dare you" question them. Stay vigilant for people who don't deserve what youre giving. They're just takers.


Two narcissist I know never say they are sorry. Be careful with a narcissist that apologizes just to patch things up. My ex said he was sorry for going to bed while I was on the living room floor not able to breathe. I was suppose to say okay. He then got angry and stated there was something wrong with me since I can’t forgive. I forgave but also love myself enough to get a divorce.


Could NOT take any responsibility for anything.... it was always my fault. So you lied and cheated? Oh, I wouldn't have had to do that if you weren't how you were.... unbelievable. It's so sad!


The people who sigh at everything they don't want to hear


1. Can you admit fault or take responsibility for your actions?
2. Can you empathize with others?
3. Can you handle criticism or rejection?
4. Can you be vulnerable and show weaknesses?
5. Can you have healthy relationships?
6. Can you change or seek help?

Basically it sounds like checking to see if they how alloplastic defenses and rejection sensitivity.


You hit every point. On the head. You never get a smile. Never get I’m sorry. I lived with one who just went from Covert to Overt.
No real emotions. Fake and only say the phrases. Never give a compliment. And will never have your back.
And yet people say they are not aware of their actions. Nonsense. As this Disorder progresses you see that they look for reasons to twist everything against You.
Divorcing a Narc is a horrific experience. It’s all about everyone feeling Sorry for them. When they caused it and requested you to leave. But when you file. They just say. “ Ill get You”. And they will. There are no boundaries that they are afraid to cross. Police. Damage your Children There are no words to describe the Damage done.

And all you wanted to do was Love them, Protect and Provide for them.


Lisa, thank you for still staying strong and on the path . This is your gift .


I have asked my narcissist to own anything ever? To date in 40 yrs I've yet to see her own anything!!!
Not one single thing.


These diabolical reprobates are

Thank you Lisa❤


I have found that A narcissist can not answer the question "Why". I asked my dad that lots of times. He just got angry, gave me a dirty look and just sad in his angry voice "You know why". Question never answered.


Incredibly revelatory what happens to a narcissist when they've been caught and get confronted with questions. I noticed that "soulless glossed" look repeatedly and found it so peculiar. Wow! Thank you Lisa!


Word Salad IS the narcissist's Native Language.


Thank you for this! I am at the beginning of an awakening at 54 and this resonated with me in ways I cannot put into words. Thank you.


Also his dad tsught him that they never need to apologize. For anything. And anyone who wants them to us trying to control them and shame them. In 15 years ive heard im sorry maybe 3 times by my partner and never heard his dad say it once ever. They dont say its bc theyre never wrong, but bc they know when theyve done wrong and are smart enough to self correct and no apology is needed.theyll also say oh that meal i made that you loved, that was it. Wont even say that was the apology, just that was what they did to make up for having a crap attitude on a day or something like that. Its a very advanced system of head games. With lots of excuses that sure dont sound like excuses when you hear them. They sound smart, logical... and like you cant disagree even though it feels wrong.


I was a narcissist but I changed, had the best girlfriend ever, treated her poorly cheated on her, lost her 45 years ago didn't deserve her but agonized over the person I was, and I didn't like him, through prayer, and trying to serve others, I'm still a broken person, all glory belongs to God, not me I pray for everyone going through this terrible sin, that God will strengthen them in Jesus Name Amen!


My dad apologized to me the other day…he’s a narcissist for sure because he followed it with I’m not apologizing for being wrong because I am not wrong, you are. I’m just sorry I made you cry.
