Deism Refuted In 1 Minute!! #shorts

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A Christian refutes deism by reducing it to absurdity explaining that deism cannot account for the preconditions of intelligibility.

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If you are going off of hard evidence then all religions can be refuted


God is evident through nature. He passively reveals Himself through nature. Our ability to use reason and logic is helps understand nature/ God, not someone elses prophecies and special revelations.


This was the most unresolved answer with in a minute of all time.


There are no preconditions of intelligibility. That’s nonsense. Humans are understood because we understand…. No third party is required to make that possible….. deists believe that with rationality ALONE, one can explain, and prove, the existence of God. No need for prophets or miracles. Just the human brain…. So saying “preconditions of intelligibility” to a deist is beyond a waste of time because they believe god can he proven with innate intelligibility of human life


Deist Response:
1) You don't need God to physically speak to you to prove God exists, there is argument for God that use pure logic, e.g. Ontological Argument, Conciusness Argument, Mathematical Argument. Without Miracles and prophecy, you can still prove God exist

2) Out Moral doesn't came from God, it comes from evolution, for example, a tribes that respects human rights is more likely to survive than a tribes that doesn't respect human rights, eventually, tribes that doesn't respect human right all dies and to these day only people from tribe that respect human right existed, which is why human right part of our moral, moral come from evolution, not god, even if god doesn't reveal himself, it won't affect the basis of our moral


We dont need religion in our life. Religion makes people separate.


"Oh God, give me guidance and guide me to the right path, which is the path to bring myself closer to you. Indeed I am in a great doubt"


Paul teaches that we know God exists by looking at the creation. Anyone can look at creation and realise a creator.

Paul also tells of conscience and how we know right from wrong naturally because God put it in our hearts and minds.

These still exist with Deism.


“Christianity is severely flawed. Heck, any Earth bound, man made religion is flawed because of the human element. We have a tendency to screw things up, or exaggerate circumstances. When we can’t explain something, so many of us automatically jump to a supernatural explanation. The biggest problem is that the major Earth religions were invented long ago, before telescopes and microscopes came into the picture.
We now know that the Earth is not the center of creation (thanks Galileo!). Humans are not the pinnacle of creation, and the odds are stacked against us that Earth is the only planet with life on it. Ancient man that wrote what would become the Bible, did not know these things. They stood on the ground, looked at the sky and came up with stories to explain what they saw. Geocentricity was such a concept.
Others will question why God would create the universe and then walk away. Who said that God walked away? Perhaps God is watching to see how everything plays out. Perhaps God grieves when bad things happen. So why then would God create and then not get involved? Free will. If God intervenes, then it is no longer free will but divine will. Or it could be that God is some type of energy force with a transcendent intelligence. We don’t know, and any religious person that says otherwise is just being foolish.
So why deism? Because I believe in a Creator, but it has nothing to do with the Genesis account. If there was a Big Bang, it would be God that set it off. If evolution is true (and I believe in it), then it would be God that designed the laws of nature and set everything in motion. DNA would be the divine language, and it is so complex that the odds of it forming randomly are practically impossible. Science, which I agree with, takes us 90% of the way to answering our questions. The deistic concept of God fills in the missing 10%.
I find that man made religions have a tendency to cause more harm than good. Wars are fought in God’s name. People are slaughtered for righteous causes. The promise of a reward in Hunting Ground/etc., has caused a great many people to do really diabolical things.
On the other hand, deism simply states that an individual believes in God based on their observations of nature and/or the cosmos. Whether or not they are a moral person has nothing to do with their religious beliefs. Deism is not biased, prejudice or judgmental. We don’t have contradictory, man made holy books, and we don’t let stories from thousands of years ago replace our God given ability to think and reason.”


I think deism is beautiful.Our modern society stands on pillars created by deists.


If a Deist can come to Jesus, he can also come to Mohammad or Shiva, or (some would say) Buddha. If one needs a revealed religion, there are many choices. Not much proof, but lots of choice.


U have 2 problems, 1 Dont understand Deism, cuz in Deism God reveiled himself because we can logicaly come to the conclusion he exists, in christianity its called Natural Revelation So u dont even know ur religion Second U say oh because God didnt reveal himself by the bible therefore we have no moral ground truth etc again as i said we have morals because of natural revelation


Why things like morality has to came from God? It exist because it is beneficial to continue the human species within Evolution, most human without mortality already died through natural selection


God is an idea, it doesn't necessarily need to be associated with morality and thus morality doesn't need to be a precondition for the idea of god.



Is design not a direct extension of intelligence?

Be in harmony and synchronicity with creation, then one can know God. It's as simple as that.

What more evidence does one need?!


"If you have a poor understanding of something, it doesnt make sense!" Shocker. The things a creator does after setting things in motion wouldnt make any difference in the end product, except by the standards of christianity. The actual evidence points to morality having been important for survival, i.e. natural selection. But i guess if you still think the earth is only 6-10, 000 years old, you probably dont really care much about evidence outside of the bible.


God hasn't revealed himself though.


@Aletheiaministries I've known about deism for 5 mins and I can see multiple problems with your argument.

What If God himself, as Deism believes, set the world in motion, and in that process granted the life on earth not just humans Intellectual abilites such as Basic Common sense Reasoning all the way to complex Intellectual abilities such as body language reading or even something as simple as learning from our mistakes, ALL OF WHICH every animal has if that animal possess brain capacity.

God may have created us, he may have even came to visit, but I cannot see evidence that are factually known to have been derived straight from his hands. Everything logically could have been carved, created, written by anyone.

Who knows, the people who realized paganism may have just wanted a little bit a favor for a Queen, or Muslims Prophet Muhammad may have just portrayed his thoughts in his understanding and not God's, you do not know if the Quran was even written by Muhammed. Your ancestors believed so. That's why you do. What if your ancestors were fooled just like the Mayans, who Perished for their unknowing.

Stories are stories. The averge book holds 100, 000 words. The Laptop in your hand can copy and paste print all of the books in your library simultaneously. YET OUR BRAINS HAVE 25 MILLION GIGABYTES OF PROCESSING POWER while the Laptop as 25.

You: "God gave us intelligence."
Me: "Nature gave us intelligence. God gave us nature"


So basically you are saying that the bible is infallible, and it says so in the infallible bible


I'm a Christian guy, but I also believe in science, so what I thought of being the only logical explanation is that certain parts of the Bible are just made up since we cannot fully confirm if the words in the Bible are true, just like in other religions, therefore putting a window for science, making both Christianity and science make sense
