Science's Metaphysics Doesn't Yet Explain The Emergence and Nature of Life. But it could.

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Metaphysics is what explains physics but physics doesn't yet explain biology. There's a scientific gap. It's not bridged by Richard Dawkin's genes replication or Darwin's natural selection.

Not having a physical explanation for how Darwin's "struggle from existence" emerged from passive chemistry is a core contributor to the culture wars. People posit all sorts of non-physical, supernatural metaphysics to explain our existence. The burden is on science to explain us. Biologist Terrence Deacon offers a strictly physical explanation for the emergence and nature of beings making functional interpretive effort grounded in nothing but chemistry.

Jeremy Sherman is a social science writer/researcher with a Ph.D. in evolutionary epistemology.
For the past 25 years, he has collaborated closely with Harvard/Berkeley neuroscientist and biological anthropologist Terrence Deacon. Sherman presents their approach in his book Neither Ghost Nor Machine: The emergence and nature of selves (Columbia University Press, 2017).
His book, What’s Up With A**sholes? published in 2021, attempts to explain a**holery as objectively, scientifically, intuitively, entertainingly, and pragmatically as possible. It’s an advanced psychoproctology course for beginners useful to scholars and everyday folk alike, a masterclass in how to diagnose, treat and prevent a**holery.

Sherman writes the Psychology Today blog called “Ambigamy: Insights for the Deeply Romantic and Deeply Wary.”

Read Jeremy's Book
What's Up With A**holes

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It will take me a bit to unpack this fully. My gears are turning. Thank you.


❤ it’s a Strange Order of things, Damasio, considering “What Is Life, ” Schrödinger, yet in the end, “this our world, which is so real, with all its suns and milky-ways—is nothing.” Schopenhauer 🙏🏼


I've always seen alchemy less as a science and more as a metaphor for what the human is capable of. Turning base metals into gold is like taking the hand life deals you and making something beautiful out of it.
