My top tips after 45 years of Hi-Fi .

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Here I give 15 top tips from 45 years and just tons of equipment .
amps speakers turntables CD players DAC s phono stages ,cartridges cables everything .

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Fantastic advice, 40 years of experience delivered in 20 minutes. Outstanding.


1. Speaker placement / tilting . . 0:26
2. Keep connections tight . . 1:34
3. Find out the weak link in your system (don't trust the badge) . . 2:12
4. Mix vintage with new . . 3:30
5. Run it flat . . 5:02
6. Room acoustics . . 6:24
7. Tighten the screws (don't overdo it on wood) . . 7:33
8. Money . . 8:28
9. Clean the pots . . 10:08 (heard rumours that DeOxit exposes terminals to corrosion, I use Servisol)
10. Mix and match equipment . . 11:11
11. Is it satisfactory . . 13:00 (find out what makes your heart flutter )
12. Try it for yourself . . 15:08
13. Beware of chasing WATTS . . 16:50
14. Big sound doesn't come in small speakers . . 17:50
15. It's all about the music, man . . 19:10

Push this up!


Dealing with this profesionally for 42 years now, I am positively surprised by this video. There is a ton of wisdom in here. Of course I subscribe. Hats off!


Nice Mr k (aka Hi-Fi Yoda). Here’s a man who sinks his heart and soul into an art. Obtains a huge amount of good knowledge and passes it on through this media platform - for FREE. Takes time, effort not to mention money to get these out to us. We all appreciate it. You make a difference to a lot of lives with the choices we make and the money we spend.
We applaud you sir.


Put your speakers where your wife tells you to, this will protect your ears .


Perhaps some of the most honest and real world advise you will ever get on this subject.


Respect for naming the gear you don’t like! I hate when reviewers don’t mention products they think sound bad


Absolutely fantastic! I am an older audiophile too. I wish I would have known these things when I was young. On the other hand, the trial and error over the years was a lot of fun.
Nice work!


I'll second that this advice is fantastic and presented properly without a script my I add!😬 Couldn't be more accurate of a statement!🤔🤭🤗😉😇


A great rule to live by: Don't judge your set-up by the quality of a recording.
There are speakers that are more honest than others and lie to you less, giving you the illusion that your speakers (or stack) has failed you
when in fact, it could be that the mastering or recording of a certain album has been revealed as shoddy or poor of quality.
Listen to a lot of albums before you lose hope.


Love your Lava lamp! have the most realistic reviews and help over most all audiophiles on YouTube...👍🏼🎶🎶


Good advice. My 2 cents: If you want to save money, spend double the amount of money you are currently comfortable with. Then keep the equipment for ever.


This guy is like the Hemingway of Hifi 😂😂…Love it!! My old man has this level of knowledge but it’s awesome to see it on youtube.


Agree, especially the part about getting ''class'' straight away instead of working your way up the ladder with multiple buy/sell/buy...


Definitely one of the best review i heard about Hifi.... And definitely love the last (but not least) tip 👍🏾👌🏾👏🏾👏🏾!!


I use an EQ in between my speakers and amp. I have to for the sake of my enjoyment. Some albums were recorded terribly. When they’re good on their own, I just turn on direct. I also make sure that the EQ doesn’t color or change the type of sound as well, even when bypassing and going directly.


Love your channel and your experienced insight Calvin. The X factor is spot on. Mixing and matching gear is sooo much fun; especially when you have that elusive Eureka moment. First time this happened to me, I thought there was something wrong because the sound I was hearing was so ridiculously good. Love vintage gear and love the music.


Thank you! You said "vintage" speakers, it suddenly occurred to me that my Spendor SP9/1's are in fact vintage - I bought them twenty years ago and never looked back. Just completed rotating the cones 180 degree - sounds awesome! SP9/1 speakers + Pass Aleph 5 amp = magic.


Superb wisdom, thank you. Just a thought - watch out for ageing ears! They can seriously affect your listening enjoyment. At nearly 70 I can't hear frequencies above 12KHz now and I have mild tinnitus. I was driving myself bonkers trying to improve my slowly deteriorating HiFi until I realised - it was me. It's just life, there's nothing you can do about it.


YES!! Realizing what the weak link in your system is is crucial! I have bought $3000 amps and $5000 speakers and I still wasn’t totally satisfied. It’s only now that I’m coming to grips that my source was actually holding back my system all along!
