Why people don’t want to work

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Several factors can contribute to why some people may choose not to work in America, or why there may be challenges in finding employment:

Economic Factors: Economic conditions can influence employment rates. In times of economic recession or downturn, job opportunities may be scarce, leading to higher unemployment rates.

Labor Market Mismatch: Sometimes, there's a disconnect between the skills workers possess and the skills demanded by available jobs. This skills gap can result in unemployment or underemployment.

Wages and Benefits: Some individuals may feel that the wages offered for available jobs are not sufficient to meet their financial needs or are not commensurate with their skills or qualifications. Additionally, the lack of benefits like healthcare or paid time off can deter people from seeking employment.

Social Welfare Programs: In some cases, generous social welfare programs may disincentivize individuals from seeking employment, particularly if the benefits they receive outweigh the financial gains from working.

Health Concerns: Issues such as disabilities, chronic illnesses, or mental health challenges can make it difficult for individuals to work, or they may need accommodations that are not readily available in the workforce.

Childcare and Family Responsibilities: Balancing work and family responsibilities can be challenging, especially for parents or caregivers who may struggle to find affordable and reliable childcare options.

Transportation and Location: Limited access to transportation or living in areas with few job opportunities can also hinder employment prospects.

Discrimination and Bias: Systemic barriers such as discrimination based on race, gender, age, or disability can prevent certain groups from accessing employment opportunities.

Lack of Education or Training: Individuals who lack access to quality education or vocational training may face difficulties in securing employment, especially in industries that require specific skills or qualifications.

Personal Choices: Some individuals may choose not to work for personal reasons, such as pursuing further education, caring for family members, or opting for early retirement.

Addressing these factors requires a multifaceted approach involving government policies, business practices, social programs, and community support to create an environment where more people can access and sustain meaningful employment.
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You can be homeless while working three jobs...this is worse than dystopia.


The working homeless is never anything we should be ok with. Especially if you're reliable. The greed of these corporations is disgusting.


I work. But the one thing I won't do... anymore... is over-work. I've had enough of corporations that lay off some of their employees and then expect us remaining employees to work our asses off to make those deadlines. I'm older. I'm not the young employee who, when asked to jump, asks "How high?". Now I tell the bosses, "No, it won't get done today. Tomorrow." If the company wants to fire me and replace me, I'm fine with that.


I'm 36 and debating about about just liquidating all my assets and just moving somewhere and spend the rest of my days living in a tent. The daily grind just isn't worth it anymore 😪


As a man of 29 y.o. I literally just gave up.


People doesn’t want to work anymore because the wages way to low and you can’t afford your rent and living monthly expenses. People are working just paying your rent and bills. People are working and still homeless person. Everyone wants to work higher wages and work less hours.


Boomers had it easier when they started working for the first time.


My 86-year-old grandmother (who happened to be the first black women to work at a Ford Corp office) could not understand why young people didn't hold jobs and mocked it for years. When I sat down and put on paper the situation (pay, no pension, hours, no union protection, etc)…her actual response “Oh wow, well damn, I wouldn’t be working that hard either if just fire you so quickly, what's the point of being loyal.”


I hope all the fast food places start going away. They suck.


I can't save any money, most of it it goes towards bills. It feels like I'm broke every month.
I barely bought clothes in a past couple years and my wardrobe has remained the same. As some point it's revolting, to think I'll never get ahead.


Money for Israel and Ukrainian but no money for you


I don't want to work, but I have to work, so I work. Companies can't ask for loyalty from employees when they don't have sympathy. I had worked for 15 years at a big company straight out of grad school. I gave my best, received stellar performance reviews every year, never even thought about working anywhere else. Then the company decided to lay off a sizeable number of employees to make their books look good in preparation for being acquired. When I received that email, I was surprised, and all my colleagues were surprised saying I was the last person they thought would get the pink slip. The decision was probably made by upper management and HR who didn't even know me as a person. I was just a name in their system. I was not a 41 year old dad and sole breadwnner with two young children who would have a tough time restarting his career.


No one works because the social contract has imploded. Work gets you nothing in this country. I personally believe it’s great.


I think it goes higher than this. I think the primary problem is that there's nothing to work for, particularly for men. Dating and family life has been destroyed, religion has become a joke, and no one wants to invest in this society that has no future. There's nothing to emotionally invest in and so no reason to toil.


The number of companies taking care of their employees are becoming far and few today.


they've screwed us financially, whether intentional or through ignorance I don't know...


My last job was 7 miles away from where I live. If I drive to work the homeless people will smash my truck windows out and my employer will not secure the parking lot. The bus ride and walk takes one hour and five minutes. I bought an ebike and used it to commute to work. It was way too dangerous no matter how much high vis gear i put on and no matter how may times I rre-worked my route. The police will do nothing in all cases.
If I make to work alive. I am treated like a five year old.
It is NOT all about the poor pay.


When I was younger, I applied for many jobs and tried to advance my career. But I was refused positions and promotions because of quotas, then the government was stealing what little money I did earn and my wife treated me so poorly, I lost interest in trying to get ahead. I decided upon taking it easy and never trying to get ahead. It's a much better life that playing the game in a corrupt system. The best thing to do is refuse to participate and do your own thing.


Covid made the masses wake up and realize how short and precious life is. Many also realized that physical posessions have little meaning. although the environment is benefiting from this slowdown, there are too many people out of work


Economy is rigged worldwide. The big corporations are taking advantage from third world countries paying slave wages. You can’t blame immigrants want come richer countries offer a higher salary. Why they should they work 5-10 dollars a day then the company sell iPhone 1000-2000 dollars. Soon it later the third world workers wouldn’t accept working slave wages in the future. Did you know a lot of American expat are moving in Mexico or third world countries because it is cheaper rent and low cost of living. These local people wouldn’t be able afford housing due American expat driving the price go higher. Most people think all American people are rich living in third world countries.
