My Skin Condition Made Children Run Away | BORN DIFFERENT

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A 26-YEAR-OLD born with one of the most severe types of Ichthyosis says he lives life without limitations. Alejandro, from Sonora in Mexico, was born with Harlequin Ichthyosis, a non-contagious condition which causes excessive peeling of the skin. Due to his condition, Alejandro was also born with deformities in his hands. To look after his skin Alejandro has to take one or two baths a day in order to remove the dead skin more easily. If he doesn't apply a special cream throughout his entire body after each bath, he would have great difficulties moving around. Growing up with his condition was difficult, his mother told Truly: "There were people who thought that it was a contagious illness." However, he has never let his condition hold him back - having started a TikTok account in March 2020 to raise awareness, Alejandro now boasts more than 680,000 followers. "I always say, if you watched my video, if you left a comment, a good one or a bad one - at least I got your attention, and that's exactly what I wanted to do," Alejandro said.

Follow Alejandro here:

Videographer: David Hinojos
Producers: Giacomo Brunelli, Kim Nguyen
Editor: Alex Saunders

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You are so brave. Your hair is gorgeous.


Seems like a great guy, too bad he has such challenges to face. He’s more positive than me, that’s great to see! Shame on anyone who puts down people with challenges. Good for him having a fun position spirit!


Hes still a person, hes not ugly. HES A PERSON. He has feelings just like you. Hes not any different. Just because of his looks, doesnt mean he had a bad heart. Its sick to see people say gross to these things.


he looks like a cool guy to be friend with


Shame on anyone who leaves a cruel comment on his page, or anyone dealing with a condition or disability for that matter.


He is not a scary looking guy! People are born with all kinds of conditions! Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!


We met Alex when he was six years as he played at our house with our kids and his other friends on our street here in Mexico. He is an amazing person. The fact that he is alive, let alone inspiring thousands, is literally a miracle. He has also recently beat cancer. Amazing! Thanks for sharing his story!


“Whether they left a good or bad comment. I got their attention “

Definitely loved that response! You’re really cool! Love how you’re still enjoying life! 💜
Much love,


Glad his skin condition isn't itchy or painful because that might be unbearable. Alejandro appears much younger than 26 and has a beautiful, protective family and the right attitude to life. Nature does some random things.


Very inspiring. Thank You for putting yourself out there. Many I know without any superficial issues won't do what you do. 💯


Gracias a todos por sus buenos comentarios, el propósito de este vídeo se esta logrando y me da gusto ver que les esta gustando, esperemos pronto poder hacer algo más extenso para todos ustedes. Quiero agradecer a Truly por contactarme para la realización de este vídeo!! #UnaVidaSinLimitaciones


He's cute and plus, whoever saying he doesn't look good then okay. Everyone was wonderfully made. And blessed too. Life may be difficult but at least we can stay strong. Just like him inspiring a lot. He's a good guy mane. 🌸💞🌸💞


when i was five, a girl from school had hichthyosis harlechin ... i was the only child who sat next to her at snack time. She wore capes, probably because she had no hair, she had a beautiful smile and she was fun ... I liked to talk to her. Then I moved home and never saw her again, but I always wondered what health problem was affecting her skin ... I never resorted to being contagious, but I always thought it must be painful, because she didn't run / didn't play like the others kids. Perhaps because I have uncles with disabilities, I always knew how to live with differences: my uncles were normal people, they just couldn't walk. Thank you for sharing stories of people who were born different, knowledge teaches us to live with respect and harmony.


Love Alexandro's story. A truly beautiful person-inside and out.


Why is no one talking about his hair!
He has the most amazing and beautiful locks I have ever seen 😘


Mi gran amigo xelav elav, 🙏🏻 un ejemplo de vivir sin limitaciones


He has a interesting look that i think is attractive in none standard way. Hope he has a great life and finds someone to marry and have kids with.


May he be well, may he be happy, and may he be peaceful in this life.


Now THIS guy, is awesome! Such a great outlook on life... Wish him nothing but the best. Respect!!💟


More and more Harilquien babies are surviving now due modern medicine. Hopefully they will find the best treatment for this terrible condition.😢
