The #1 Supplement to Stop Balding & Shrink The Prostate

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Prescription meds for hair loss and prostate enlargement can have major side effects ranging from low sex drive, E.D., and a range of ejaculatory disorders. Finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) has been used to treat and prevent both male baldness and BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy). But there's another way. As a matter of fact, in Germany and Austria, this amazing plant extract is what they use to treat both!!

So let's talk about it!! You always have options.

0:00 What is DHT?
1:34 DHT and it's relation to hair loss and prostate enlargement
3:45 Finasteride (Proscar/Propecia) and the serious side effects that come along
5:20 Supplements for BPH and male pattern baldness (Saw Palmetto)
7:55 Saw Palmetto and it's benefits
10:08 An all natural approach to your erectile function
11:00 Answering your questions live (Pelvis Damage and ED)
12:45 Exploring what's right for you
14:30 Get out in front of these issues (bundle information)


A complete and all-natural approach to E.D and BPH

Decrease ED, Inflammation, and Cardiac Risk through Diet & Nutrition:

To learn how to make the Erection Smoothie, watch this video:

After watching, if you decide to try any of the products I mention, please use my links. I receive a small commission, and this helps keep the channel going.

The Phoenix

The #1 Herbal Supplement to Stop Male Hair Loss & Shrink The Prostate
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I am a primary care physician for. more than 34. years and I am truly impressed and getting the benefit of your so practical and resolving sharing. I love you Dr Rachael Ross, please never stop, your'e doing so much good to people. God.bless you.


this is THE first time i've EVER heard a doctor recommend ANY herbal supplement for a medical condition.


I wish more doctors would share natural solutions to medical problems like this


I got diagnosed with enlarged prostate about five years ago. Usual symptoms, decreased stream strength, getting up in the middle of the night and dribbling. Decided to try natural remedies before going down the prescription drug route. I take pumpkin seed oil, Saw Palmetto, and stinging nettle root. Pretty much all the symptoms have gone. I never get up in the middle of the night anymore and the dribbling has stopped. My stream is better too. I also take Tongkat Ali. Using that has had a surprising side effect. I was beginning to show minor signs of male pattern baldness but since using Tongkat Ali it has reversed and my hair is almost back to it’s previous fullness.


Dr. Rachel is awesome and so great to give natural suggestions to everyone instead of like other doctors want u on drugs asap. Thank you for all your professional support


I have been taking Saw Palmetto, stinging nettle, and, biotin for years. I had a small bald spot developing in the back of head and growing widows peak in front. My bald spot is gone and widows peak isn't as prominent. It took awhile to work. It does work.


I had reached the point of having to wake up and urinate around 4 times every night. Upon watching health videos by another fellow, whose focus is on correcting insulin resistance (and is big on a healthy version of keto), I decided to try reducing as much as possible all sugars, grains, and starches. Just 3 nights later, I slept the whole night through, and have continued to do so. Also, unexpectedly, 3 weeks later, symptoms of ED remarkably reduced. After about 3 months, most of my fat has disappeared. And other ailments seem to be improving as well. I'm rather excited to see if other things improve too.


I'm a 44 yo Male and i am educated on allot of what you explain but the depth you go into explaining why what and how as well as the extra info i gain from your channel has been like striking gold . 🙏. Your the best 👍


Thank you Dr. Ross. I took Saw Palmetto decades ago, but stopped. I need a doctor who cares like you do, especially with my current pulmonary health issues.


I began losing my hair back in the 1980s and started using Minoxidil, which has worked for all these years... I'm now 92... and then I recently heard about the supplement containing saw palmetto and my hair is even thicker! Life is good! 😎


Dr. Ross...thank you for addressing men's health issues in such a classy, informative way. Many men shy away from this subject but it's so necessary for us to understand and make better lifestyle decisions that not only effect ourselves, but those we love as well. Thank you much and God bless...


Having this knowledge better late than never is right! Thank you.


I just took my vitamins after 4 week hiatus.
Do you know why ?
You probably do.
Because of the video you made.
Thank you
Dr. Rachael Ross.
Your the first female doctor I've turned to for my male health.
That's cool.


Your intelligence makes your beauty even more beautiful Dr. Rachel.


I don't think people realise how devastating hair loss is to a man's self esteem and self image. It's seen in society as "stop moaning about it and just get on with it".


your videos this year and last year is better topics and quality outreach than some of your 10 years old topics. you have seriously improved. Now we are getting real value for our screen time.


Thank you Doctor I enjoyed your diagnosis of prostate cancer and loosing hair.


Dr Ross knows what she's talking about, I have learnt so much from her


Dr. Rachel, you are a beautiful person. Your passion to help others is really great.


i started taking saw palmetto and i suddenly developed gynocomastia, but not just chest fat, actual painful lumps under my nipples . I still have them . I asked my doctor and the only thing he said was that they could cut the lumps out! Surely understanding the problem and treating it is better than cutting me up!
