How do I empower myself to believe I deserve love?

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Viewer Maryam writes, “How to deal or empower yourself when you finally find someone you think you deserve, but you keep doubting yourself and your ability to secure happiness?” Thanks Maryam! Here’s the technique I use to eradicate limiting thoughts and rewrite my inner directives.

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I think everyone deserves to be in a good relationship with someone that respects you, values you, understands you, and most importantly be your friend, partner your support system. If you find that then I think love comes naturally. Because both of you deserve to be happy. And treat each other like you love each other. Care about each other.


I am literally sitting in my car, eyes swelling, receiving this message. Thank you so much for your wisdom. I’m a single mom and feel so damaged and undeserving of so much. Your words have pierced me. I’ll probably listen to this a few times. Thank you, again!!!💜


People must learn to love themselves warts and all. This is not about narcissism, but it's about acceptance. Even though we have work to do on ourselves we still deserve love. So get out there and find it and stop the stinking thinking. :)


Wow! I was just thinking today that professionally I deserve to be where I am and that I am competent because I showed up and I did the work and got the many credentials! I paid the price!

And here you are giving me the same logic for love! I feel the most ready and I have been paying my dues!

Thank you!


Great advice -as ever. However...

.... the man in your life must be one in a million. Truly. You are lucky to have found each other. 💫💫


This helped me soo much today. I have dealt with lots of anxiety and sleep deprivation the past few weeks because of negative self beliefs. I didn’t know how to handle or organize my thoughts. This worked like magic. Thank you so much Susan!❤️❤️


Good advice, sometimes we just need to hear it from someone else's mouth as a reminder. Thanks!


You are always right on time Susan. "This is the new level" <3 Logic over emotion!


I bought on Amazon and now reading your book on magnificence. What a beautiful mind, wow. Thank you for sharing your wonderful wisdom with us.


Oh Susan! You are so beautiful inside and out. I was going through a really tough time, but your videos have helped me a lot. Thank you so much! Finding you is really like finding a gem.


Thanks so much again for answering my question! It really affected me to the core of my soul, especially the way you were speaking so mindfully towards the camera. xoxo


Great topic!
Love the idea of creating a solid argument for yourself!


Your're an expert, I love you Susan. Tank you!!


thank you so much for helping people out here... we all appreciate you so much...


Susan! Te sigo desde hace un tiempo porque me pareces honesta y humana! Muchas gracias por estos espacios y por alentar a las personas!!! Saludos desde Argentina 🙌


I love your perspective about paying your dues! Thank you 🧡


Wow Susan I never thought about it that way. Thank you so much!


Somehow your arguments about hardwork and deserving thing transform the way i'm thinking about "deserve" terms. I still don't have a solid answer yet, but your answer regarding the matter made me think that, sometimes i need to accept the fact that at some moments and condition in my life, especially when i unconsciously hurt others and leave unpleasant impressions in someone's life, i gotta be tough accepting the fact that i don't deserve their love or not good enough to be in their life, simply because it is. But i still deserve the love from myself in order to change and evaluate what i'm doing to become the better—or the truer—self of who i am, treating the mistake (everyone make mistake right?) i made with love and compassion, and move on from the past, treating it like a traveler to a hotel, wishing the one i hurt (and myself) heal. Trying to fix things that i can control and accept things i couldn't as my consequences of my mistakes. You know, cultivating black and white thinking. Just because one painful accident happens it doesn't necessarily mean that my life is a whole accident. That's a part of live, the realistic part of growing. Getting hurt, hurt people. Make mistakes, be the mistake. Two sides of coins nature laws. I don't know how to wording what i mean in the most perfect sense, but this is what make sense for me (personally).


Thanks so much! I have to talk to myself a lot in positive talk because of not being in a relationship for such a long period of time. It makes me wonder if I've always been just a loner or what is really going on. I take time to think about how I'm feeling about each situation now more closely.


I liked this video a lot. It's powerful. Congratulations Susan!
