Smartest person you've ever met

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What a nice teacher.
Meanwhile my English teacher gave me extra homework for correcting her in class.
Of course i made everything in class while staring at her out of spite.


I have a horrible habit of just doing mental math when I should be writing it down


One of the best feelings a good teacher can get is knowing their student has surpassed them


Mental math is actually easy, but you need years of training and lots of practice. Usually it's learning the skill fast that means you are smart


I was bored in math class and drew a pretty accurate map of Europe from memory with capitals and borders too. Teacher was mad at first but then just stopped and looked at it then gave me an odd stare. It was like she was amazed but also understood math was clearly not my thing.


I remember when in school, the match teachers always had a rule where you had to show your work. I struggled with that immensely. Even to this day. But numbers always kinda clicked in my head. So I always took tests, finished them and got punished with point reductions because I never showed my work. Up until my Sophomore year, and my math teacher Ms. Taylor realized I never cheated, I pay attention, I work hard. But writing everything down just got really confusing to me. And she was the first and last teacher that didn't enforce that rule upon me. I was able to pass the class with 100 at the end of the year and she checked on me through the rest of high school to see if I still didn't write math problems down😂 some teachers are just awesome


We need more teachers who are happy for their student’s successes


Not a teacher, but there was this kid in my 4/5th grade class (this was a while ago and I'm mildly scared to see what he's doing now lmao) and the way he answered questions and how he solved them was so complex that nobody understood him, not even the teachers. Furquan, wherever you are now, I'm scared to meet you again lmao


His mental math? No no no, OUR mental math

I'm stealing his


Teachers like that deserve a raise. Not those who punish kids for being smarter than them.


That kids explanation actually makes alot more sense than the normal way


I think when you can be genuinely happy, as a teacher and person, that a student of yours is better at something that you excel at, especially when you just have a few things you excel at, you are definitely in the right job.
Many would feel humbled after experiencing something like that, to say the least.


I love it when teachers don't get angry for you correcting them or you voicing an opinion which goes against theirs. My English teacher told us to not blindly agree with everything she says but use our brains to spot if there's something you believe counteracts her statement, as long as you have proof.


I took an English exam just a few weeks ago. I breezed through it and was confused thinking "this is it?", I was wondering if I had missed some pages entirely, because it was so easy. I was reluctant on sharing my experience because I was scared that I was just dumb, but I scored highest from the entire class when we got it back.

the catch? I'm a bit older than my classmates and transferred down from a highly demanding scool, so this test and frankly a lot of the other exams I've been taking are a huge relief and pretty easy for me.

I'm probably autistic and in my previous scool I was so overriden by anxiety, stress and kind of a burn out that my grades were.. yeah.
The transfer was the best thing that could have happened, it feels so good to get to hold a paper that pretty much tells me: "you are actually capable" when for years I thought I was a dumb dipsh!t because while others my age got good grades, I just couldn't, no matter how long I spent trying.


For those who didn't understand.
1134÷63 = 18.

He doubled 63 = 126.
Then he multiplied 10 times that, 1260.
In other words, he did 63*20=1260.

Notice how 1260 is greater than 1134, therefore he overestimated.

The difference between 1134 and 1260 is 126... exactly double of 63. His estimation was over by 2.
Therefore, 20 (original estimation) minus 2 (the amount he overestimated for) equals 18, the actual answer.


Reminds me of Matilda Also I’m second!


I got failed for outperforming teachers 😢 This brings me massive joy to hear lol


Teachers that actually give a shit are a rarity that should be cherished. I can count on one good hand the amount of good teachers I had in middle and high school combined. Even as an adult it's really hard to listen to family and hear any good teachers other than ones that just want you gone


Whoever I would do mental math my math teacher would say something like “no, you have to show your work” and then mark me down for it.


I always wonder how human calculator people work. Their brain is such that it can solve math problems quickly without even thinking
