Paul Harvey 'A Letter From God' We had Mixed Thoughts On This One | Ep.419

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I don't like change. The bible says to be weary of those who like change and God is the same yesterday today and forever. God does not change


Oh wow! I grew up on Paul Harvey and I never thought I'd dislike one of his shows.
Yes, God does demand us to give Glory to Him, God did play favorites, the Israelites were his chosen people, God is not a female and worshipping false gods and idols brings His wrath.
And no one comes to the Father except through the Son.
I'm definitely not a know it all, just a Christian reading the Bible again from cover to cover for the first time since I was young. When I'm done, I'll start over. I plan to continue this for the rest of my earthly life.


I recommend these audiobooks- Conversations with God and A Course In Miracles. There are alot of gems in them and fun to listen to


I'm a new subscriber and love both of you. Keep doing what you are doing. I pray both of you come to know Jesus as Lord the creator of all things and savior of all who believe and walk in his teachings.


Here is Paul's religious beliefs:
***Harvey associated with various congregations of different denominations. He and his wife regularly attended the Camelback Adventist Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, during his winters there***
I really enjoyed this episode ladies!


Muslims do not believe Jesus is the son of God and died on the cross for their sins. They believe he was nothing more than a prophet. I fear many Muslims will not enter heaven because of what Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no one goes to the father but by me. Who so ever believes in me shall have eternal life. Another one of my favorite quoits from Jesus, I will never leave you or forsake you. These words are a great comfort for Christians who are going through troubled times. God Bless the two of you...


Hello Kara & Danielle, I always enjoy your content and your channel...With all the respect that Paul Harvey is due as a journalist and I can see his good intentions by this "A Letter from God." There are some good points along with some contradictory points as well in his presentation...The bottom line is, this sounds more like a "universalism" perspective & point of view...and as I said before, with all due respect, Paul Harvey himself is a mortal man, he is not God!!! Therefore, we examine it all, we retain the good, discard & throw out all of the bad!!! Peace be unto you my sisters, as I truly appreciate you!!!


Definitely my favorite thanks for sharing!


I think every one should try to read the Bible one time in the life


"Our culture doesn't fear god!


Hello ladies. Please read 2 Peter 1:21, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6 & 2 Timothy 3:16


Wouldn’t you know even Paul Harvey fell into the very trap he warned about years earlier. He peppers this monologue with Christian language while demonstrating his lack of understanding of Christian Theology. This lack of understanding results in a contradictory message. My question to Harvey is, if religious texts are uninspiring suggestions then where shall we derive our values from? And what do we do with the inconsistency’s between religious texts? This is probably the least thought out Paul Harvey monologue I’ve heard.


Sadly prophetic. If only we'd listen more to the wisdom of our elders. Human history is a tragic tapestey of inconsistent highs, lows, and inbetweens. Contradictory to the extreme.


That is not a letter from God. That's his own words and its closer to a letter from the devil because its half truths. There is only one way to God and thats through Jesus. And all religions don't lead to God. The Quran and the Bible are enemies because the Bible says "Jesus is the only begotten Son" and the Quran says "Allah has no sons". God is not bipolar and the Bible says "God is not the author of confusion". The Bible is God's Word written through men, but not by men. Yes we supposed to love every person regardless of their religion, but any religious book outside the Bible is false. Love you ladies 🙏


I don't agree with that we are all children of God when you get born again, then you become a child of God, so if you have never been born again, then you are a child of the devil there's only 2 families you can be born into when it comes to the spiritual world


Too many things in this video, but here we go: listening to this, I agree with some of it, disagree with some. One problem is many are following religion, not relationship; God hates religion, He wants relationship. Another is believing we can attain to God ourselves, by our own faculties. I agree with you guys that the culture is moving away from God; the culture's continual deterioration is not a coincidence. God represents an absolute standard, which rebellious hearts and minds don't like, speaking to the accountability you mention. Truth, by definition, is exclusive, therefore somebody's wrong; people have issues with truth these days. Finally, religions are fundamentally different but superficially similar. My five cents, off the top of my head.


What if I were to tell you that it was the church who gave us the one singular God. In Genesis the scripture doesn't say my image it says our image.


Everything that he said contradicts the Bible. All religions are not the same. There is but one God and He has revealed Himself to us in the person of Christ; as well as through His word by the Spirit. Those who have not the Spirit of God do not belong to Him Romans 8:9. Lord bless you ladies with His wisdom and grace!


Man, I really liked "If I was the Devil", but honestly, this one does a lot more harm than good to any Christian. Yes, people should get along. No, you shouldn't get into actual fights over who's religion is right. Yes, God loves everyone equally... Or does He? Depends on which version of the religion you believe in. I believe He does, someone else believes only those who descend from these people are loved, or only those who follow this set of rules are loved, and all the rest are worthless.

Even worse: The bible is just a book with some suggestions, but you can trust your heart. Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Our emotions are the very thing that lead us to sin, and the main thing the Devil manipulates to get us to do his work. But oh, just trust your heart, it knows better than the bible. How about Revelations 22:19 "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."? But surely, it's just some stuff God said to some people who wrote it down the way they understood it. Sure, God said that if you change a single word from it, you're dust, but let's just ignore that.

"Oh, but that's his point! Just because it's in your version of the bible, doesn't mean it's true." The reason there are so many Christian churches is because there are primordial differences on their beliefs. These beliefs come mainly from the bible. One believes that saints are a very important part of our life with God, the other believes this is one of the highest degrees of heresy. Do you have to fight about it? No. Can both be right? No. Either one is a "heretic", or the other is leading a very poor spiritual life. If you decide the bible is wrong when you feel it is wrong, than just throw the hole thing away, cause apparently you know better. While you are at it, disband all those silly churches, since they're all built upon centuries of studying and interpreting the bible.

Matthew 10:16 says “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." God's intention, ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE, was never for His people to be pushovers, some kind of pseudo-hippies who live and let live. Yes, love everyone, but that doesn't mean you give up your beliefs just because they conflict with someone else's.

From my interpretation, the only two good points Paul makes are: 1) Don't fight people about who's right and who's wrong. Then again, if your ability to practice your faith is on the line, will you just roll over and let it happen? 2) Some people read the bible as if God is a tyrant who doesn't care about us, and only likes those who do as he says. God IS LOVE. God loves even those who He personally sends to the depths of hell. God never said anywhere "If someone is X or does Y, than he or she loses their rights as a human being and you can treat them like trash". Even the harshest words in the bible come from a place of love, but MANY people grow arrogant and forget that.

If you're a smart person, you can pick some interesting things from what Paul said, but many will just take everything the said at face value, and at face value the things the said undermine a lot of what the Christian faith is. Religion is not a hobby, not even just a life style. One dedicates his very being and soul to something because he believes that's the absolute truth. It doesn't have to be fair. It doesn't have to be nice or easy or kind. It just has to be true. If one "picks" a religion because it is the one who embraces everyone, doesn't discriminate and allows you to do the things you like, than that person is, as said in the video, just choosing a piece of cloth to wear cause it looks nice.

I'm sorry if I sound agitated or even aggressive on this rant, but I believe it to be something extremely important, and it would be extremely sad if people think they're wrong for staying strong on their faith because of this almost atheist point of view.


People think, he is a false teacher, no, he simply has a typical humanistic salad in his head, as well as complex of grandiosity
