What quitting sugar for 131 days did to me.

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#JohnnyDickson #NoLabCoatRequired #Challenge

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I just found your channel and am very impressed! In my 76 years I've lived through many cycles of magic diets, diet pills, experts and craziness. Still, I managed to maintain my weight and health by following my mother's advice: 'Just push yourself away from the table'. While most of my family life (with and without my parents) centered on decent food in balance with sugar and fat, it wasn't until I developed hyperthyroidism in my early 50's that transformed me into a non-stop eating machine causing my brain to become sugar and carb obsessed thereafter. About 10 years ago, I decided I really needed to kick this sugar habit and change to a healthier diet. Amazingly the life-altering digestive issues I'd had for quite some time, changed drastically for the better! I am now vegetarian, no alcohol, no soda, eat dairy, bread, rice and some added sugars to tea and coffee with only very occasional dessert with no obsessions. It is my conclusion, given my experience, that the sugar addiction caused a greater increase in carbohydrates in my diet, which, in turn, caused the digestive imbalance. Sugar addiction can be the key to all kinds of food obsession in my opinion.


I was forced on a 5-month zero-sugar, zero-carb diet for my time trapped in the hospital after my DKA. It was the most miserable, horrible time of my life, my lowest. But, coming out of it...I can't STAND sweet food anymore, I HATE sugar and I avoid dense carbs like the plague...but not rice.


Never understood why people "go back" after seeing the countless benefits of no/low sugar diet.


It's almost aggravating that with how useful the information on this channel is, I'm just now finding it. I've been vegan for a while and am considering switching up to keto because you've won me over with the simple carbs angle. So much learned so fast ! Thanks a lot !


I did this for years. Kept my body in ketosis. I lost a lot of weight and improved my basketball game immensely. But, be aware that your body runs on sugar, especially your brain. If you have zero sugar in your diet. Your liver will make sugar for you. When I went on this diet, I did not have diabetes. However, I got chemically induced diabetes from the treatment of illness from 911. I was surprised to learn, and confirmed by my Endocrinologist, that your sugar levels can increase, even if you are fasting. Because your liver will make sugar. Note: High blood pressure is bad, but low blood pressure is bad also. (It's hard on the kidneys.)


For anyone interested in starting this type of journey for weight loss/general health you may want to look into several topics: which non sugar sweeteners (ex: stevia vs. maltodextrin) will work with/against your goals, making sure your supplements reflect your diet change, and they complement each other (ex: taking magnesium if you take vitamin D), trying to practice many of those habits we heard so often growing up they became white noise (ex: don’t eat right before bed, get a good nights sleep, drink lots of water, cut down on alcohol (make cocktails with 1/2 or 1/3 the alcohol they traditionally have), don’t do cheat days on this type of diet (if weight loss is one of the goals), do infrequent cheat blocks, as in several days or a week (not of binging, but eating normal amounts of carbs with maybe a hair of excess) so your metabolism doesn’t slow/plateau and you can keep making progress (I plan these for things like major holidays or if I just start to see less and less progress.), develop habits that help you move more (even if it’s just shifting around more while you stand) and the most important: do this at your own pace! You don’t have to do everything all at once (and honestly probably shouldn’t). Start by making some healthy substitutions with your foods, and as you feel better (and in weightloss’s case gain more mobility) add in more things. If something goes not ideally today, try to have a better tomorrow. Health is a lifelong journey. I’m down 65lbs in the last 2 years through diet and moving a bit more alone, and finally i‘m in a place I can start to be more active and work out. I am doing a low carb/low sugar diet modified keto diet and actually I’ve come to really enjoy it. One of the things that I’ve found fascinating is how your tastes change when they arn’t skewed by huge amounts of sugar, I am someone who doesn’t like bitter foods, and can now eat and enjoy 86% dark chocolate because it has actual fruity notes on my tongue now! Also for fun you can grow a lot of the produce/supplements in containers in your home/apartment and it’s a really rewarding hobby! Enjoy your life! Feel pleasure whenever you do a tiny good thing for yourself! Feel forgiveness for yourself if you make a non ideal choice. Try to live in a way that will make your life even 1% better. Good luck and happy, healthy results!


I'm 63. For the past 5-6 weeks I've been on a no-carb routine. Specifically no bread, pasta, my eating window is 12 hours (5am -5pm).
I eat fruit first thing in the morning, and only 2 protein meals a day.
I end the day (4-5pm) with either a cucumber and mint smoothie or kale & lime juice smoothie.
Recently had to use not 1 but 2 extra notches on my belt to hold up my pants.
Have no energy issues, and I exercise in the a.m. for 45 min and go for a 30-40 min walk 3 times a week.
The best thing is now when I see a doughnut or pastry, I have no urge-craving.
I have cheated a couple times, but there's no desire for the regular consumption of bread-carbs, especially pastries, etc.


I've never been one for dieting as I was always of the belief 'everything in moderation'. I've been normal weight my whole life, even eating a ton of carbs. I attribute it to not eating a lot of meat & preferring veggies.
That said, as I've gotten older, I did start gaining some pounds. I eventually tried Keto as I know it has worked for some. I initially lost weight, but it was too strict & expensive, and I gained even more weight than ever after I stopped! Frankly, it just wasn't something that I could do long-term.

So instead of Keto, I've just decided to stop eating processed foods & focus on whole foods. I mainly focus on cutting out sugar, any & all vegetable oils, be mindful of the amount of sodium/salt, and try to eat organic when I can.

I've not cut sugar out completely, because I think that's the wrong mindset. But I eat it on special occasions, say a birthday party or a thanksgiving dinner. But in my regular week, I try to avoid it. This is quite challenging, as there is so much Added Sugar in everything at the store. If I do get a sweet craving, I eat nature's snack: fruit.

I love carbs, but now I stick only with complex carbs like potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, or 100% whole grain bread. I'll eat organic oatmeal (with no Added Sugar) and add some banana for some sweetness. Also switched to grass-fed butter & cheese vs conventional. I substitute popcorn doused in olive oil instead of chips. But if I really crave them, I'll eat either sweet potato crisps or the brand that makes chips using avocado oil.

The most challenging is actually finding foods not using vegetable oil. It seems to be in everything! Grocery shopping takes longer as I have to check the ingredients and verify there is no hidden sugar, vegetable oils, or additives in even 'healthy' (or even Keto) products. It takes awhile to find the good brands.

It's been a few months and I've gone down from 130-125 to 118 and it all feels like I wasn't even trying. I haven't weighed under 120 since I was in college. I really was surprised it dropped that fast. No added exercise, just changed what I eat. I still had Papa Johns occasionally & a bunch of wine during this time too (which I've now dropped the latter). I don't feel like I'm on any diet or that I'm being denied any foods I want. I just substitute better quality & less processed ingredients for the meals I want to make. It can be more expensive for some things, but so was Keto. To save money, I keep my meals simple, but ensure they're quality ingredients. I also feel less hungry now, so often times I will eat less or skip a meal (breakfast) since I'm not hungry. So far, so good.


Good stuff man. I've done diet experiments on myself and came to a similar conclusion about carbs & inflammation. Not only that, but I have a mental clarity while in ketosis I never had when I eat sugar or carbs. The anti-inflammatory effects of ketones that are being discovered and studied are pretty convincing as well imo


Johnny: Sugar is dangerous.
Me: I like danger.


bro...your channel is for sure blowing up to like 100k 500k in no time. this content is amazing, new sub


Wait a little confused. What food can you eat and survive off of that has no carbs. Aren't carbs the vast majority of what we eat for energy?


Thumbs up! good video. My mother was a nutritionist . She taught me that there was good fat and bad fat but there was no good refined sugar. There is enough good sugar in a ripe apple to provide the sugar requirements in a healthy human for an entire day. All the rest, refined sugar, we consume is less than healthy .


Kudos to you man. I lasted like a week on the no sugar, no carbs diet when i did it. But I’ve done like Keto diets for a year at one point and I had a lot more success with that.


Great info from a most impressive guy! Thanks.


I will be 1 year into my non-sugar diet in April of '24. I started with my mother for the second or third time we tried this. We always saw benefits, but it had never stuck until the current diet. We still eat some carbs, but we always do whole grain/brown products, and I started baking home fermented spelt sourdough. The benefits we saw were quite dramatic, after a few weeks of withdrawal, however, we helped each other through and it has been smooth sailing since. We had more energy, our tempers cooled down, and just felt more alive. I took up baking as a hobby and made sugarless pastries and cakes on special occasions. For the best results (in our case), I recommend doing this with organic foods, with few carbs, less frying more steaming and no snacking between 3 regular meals or a very large breakfast and dinner while skipping lunch but you can always throw in some fruit, yogurt or bread straight after the meal.


I cut way back on sugar a few years ago. Regular soda pop is disgusting. Hershey's milk chocolate, too. Most milk chocolate.


I did the 40 day sugar fast for lent last year and I am planning to do it again. I too added carbs, and added caffeine. I didn't check any blood or blood pressure...but my doctor is after me about that so I should do it this time. I didn't notice any inflammation benefits though as I was struggling with some arthritis and tendonitis and they still hurt. HOWEVER, my birthday is in January...so I am not starting until after that, cuz girl needs some birthday cheesecake! But I'm on board after that. btw: I've been lurking for a while, you've got some good stuff!


That's interesting that you said when you ate that baked Christmas goodie you didn't feel the dopamine explosion trying to pull you back into that vicious carb cycle


YES, I've been watching your videos from the start of your channel over the past couple of days. A lot of them talk about the ways that fat is stored and used, but this seems to be first one to talk about how bad the carbs are for you! I'm hoping you get into more detail about it in the videos that I haven't gotten to yet, but if not, I hope you do some more videos about it in the future.
