Arduino COM Port not found (Fixed)

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Рекомендации по теме

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Title is in English,
So video should be too.


Did not understand a word but fixed the problem, thanks :)


Problem with the link in the description plz fix it
it is redirecting so many times and couldn't find the files


First time in my life, I've watched whole non-English video. I didn't understood what he was saying but what he was doing was so obvious to follow along.


No missing drivers shown in device properties, but no port highlighting as well as... how to solve this pls?


Bro, please share that zip file in comments section. I am unable to download it from the link you gave me. please share as soon as you


try with other cable it helped me!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️


Hi there,
Unfortunately, I can't download the file. I clicked on the link and I was directed to a webpage, but when I click the download button, it did not start downloading. Please please please help me out. I have tried many methods to fix my COM problem, and I have not fixed it yet.


Sir, I don't know what language you are speaking but you genuinely helped me so much with this, thank you.


ich krieg nicht mal ne COM Verbindung. Der schei55 Treiber fehlt !!!. Ich tret hier gleich alles kaputt, die Kagge.


@T3SO Tutorials can you provide link for drivers




how to chromebook laptap ardiuno port fix how to solve


The Link dont work can anyone send me a Google Drive or something else?


my device manager is not showing any other devices, reply please


?? link on desc cant use, something diff came out instead


The link is not working, please can you share a new one please


Dont work I need some algorithm hash. :/


I can't see the name of that file..please gimme the link


hi bro is fine in this video .but I cant see the "other devices" option in device manager .pls resolve my problem bro.
