When will I feel normal after an abdominoplasty?

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Knowing what to expect after an abdominoplasty not only helps you get mentally prepared for surgery, but can also keep your spirits up as you recover. As with all things in life, the brief period of discomfort and downtime is only temporary. Every week post-op is a victory and milestone toward achieving the body you have worked so hard for.

For example, did you know you can start driving after an abdominoplasty at just 2-3 weeks? You can even begin a full exercise routine by the 8-week mark.

As each day passes, you will make progress. By three months, much of the swelling has subsided and pain will be a distant memory. It’s incredible how fast the human body heals from an abdominoplasty. You will be feeling normal faster than you know it and enjoying your beautiful new body.

Check out the video for more fascinating information from Dr. Beldholm about abdominoplasty recovery.

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Dr Bernard Beldholm M.B.B.S B.Sc(Med) FRACS FACCS.

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Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner. Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient. Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome. Content on our Instagram page & other social media pages is published with the consent of our patients. The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice. Immediate post-op results may differ from the final result.
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I’m on day 6 of recovery and I swear I’m reevaluating my life decisions 😂 This TT & lipo IS NO JOKE


Night time sucks!! That is when I'm most uncomfortable. Im 4 weeks out and I work 12 hour shifts by 5pm my abdomen is swelling up with fluid. I wear my abd binder as tight as I can. I had lipo around my sides and back. That is next level pain!! I am numb but feel pain at the same time all day. My back swells up with with lymphatic fluid. This swelling is awful. When I wear my binder it pushes fluid into my hips, butt, top of thighs and my upper back. At one point, I had such bad pitting edema down both legs but that is finally gone. Thank you Jesus!!! My abdomen is so tight. I cant wait to fast forward time and be done with all of this!! If you do this be ready to deal with some serious pain. Oh and my abdominal wound dehisced from the swelling so I have a small open wound to deal with and ended up with a blood clot in my arm and I am taking Eliquis!!! Shit happens tho. These are risks of having surgery. Next summer will be much better 😜 I keep moving on and block out the bad is not for the faint of heart!!! Please, just know what you are getting into and watch you tube videos about others' experiences.
Good luck!! ❤


It has been 3 months for me and I’m still dealing with a bit of swelling and stiffness, soreness and numbness. My advice is to completely clear your schedule for the first month- and don’t expect to be back to normal activities at the gym for about two to three months. I was lifting weights and working out daily before surgery - and just now, at 3 months, I’m able to do my usual gym routine. Still, some days I am still a bit sore and I do have days when there is some inexplicable swelling - maybe after I’ve been lifting and bending more than usual. 3 months is a more realistic time line than what most doctors give- which is a lie! You will most likely need a few months. Also, my energy level was very low for the first 2 months. Your body was taken apart and then altered and cut! It’s major surgery and should be respected as such.


This is one of the few doctors who is speaking the truth! It’s a long recovery- but totally worth it! My belly is flat and my waist is so tiny now! I’m 50 and my abs look better than I did in my 20s . The recovery is not easy- especially month one and two- but omg- it was worth it!


It’s nice to finally hear a surgeon be honest about this recovery.


Thank you for being very honest about the recovery time.


I’m 4 weeks out and nights are the hardest. With that said I improve everyday but by the end of the day on hunched over again and sore. Happy to hear I’m 1/3 of the way to feeling somewhat normal.


Finally someone is honest. I was lied to, and I have regret this many times. I am almost 8 weeks post op😑 had Lipo 360 and TT and oh God my lipo incisions hurts every time I take my faja off. 😢 and when i have faja on other part hurts… this is torture…I haven’t slept well all this time… oh my 5 more weeks for me to feel better 😑😭 ugh!!!!


I had a tummy tuck and he pulled too far up that my clitoris and opening from my bladder are wide open. Can they use thigh skin and put it back in the pelvic area to hide the clitoris it is causing infections


I’m close to my 4 months and I still feel discomfort in my abdomen I’m not fully flat and I get bloated a lot super uncomfortable


You need at least 4 months work off. Trust me


Thanks for the information. So now I know I will need to be home for 3 months for recovery


Thank you for this video. No one is talking about how long it takes to heal.


Not a single PS ever talks about the possibility of your wife having pain for 5-6 years post op.
Love your bodies, ladies!


I’m almost 4 weeks and I’m regretting this everyday 😢


Having an honest answer is helpful . The hard part is all the unanswered questions. Just knowing this is a slow recovery let’s me know things are ok and the way I feel is normal.


The best comprehensive video that provides what you might expect as time progresses; considering outcomes may vary from person to person. Thanks!


I have a labor job I don't know how would I do my job..I'm a certified nursing assistant and pull patients all day..I don't think I can do this procedure. I might have to take 3 months off work.


I wish someone would reply. I’ve posted on dozens of tummy tuck videos and no one replies :( I wanna know if it’s normal to still have a “fold or roll” when sitting down after a tummy Shouldn’t I be flat even when sitting? Help someone plz reply sighs 😢


Thank you Dr. Beldhom for taking the time to explain all these. Your honesty is very well appreciated
