MTHFR and Digestion: the Methylation Connection to Gallbladder Function

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One of the most common questions I get when working with patients is "Can my methylation problems cause digestion issues?" This question has come up over and over again as many people with methylation issues also have gut problems at the same time. And the truth is that methylation problems cause gallbladder problems, and this can wreak havoc on your digestive system!

Millions of people have developed a gallbladder problem and they don't know why. Millions of people have had their gallbladder removed, but no one has explained to them why it got sick in the first place. Based on the latest research I share with you in this video, people who have gallbladder disease or gallbladder problems in fact have a methylation problem. Yes, the vast majority of gallbladder issues are due to imbalances in the methylation cycle.

Unless we learn how to support optimum methylation, people will needlessly suffer from gallbladder issues and develop other digestive problems like SIBO, fat malabsorption, burping, bloating, diarrhea and more. But it doesn't have to be that way! We can improve our gallbladder health, increase detoxification, improve methylation, and optimize our lives with a smart, natural approach.

Are you a functional medicine practitioner, naturopath, chiropractor, or nutritionist interested in helping patients through optimizing genetic pathways using cutting-edge science?

We are excited to introduce the BeyondMTHFR© coaching program. We are offering a platform for growth, both professionally and personally, through application of the science of methylation and epigenetics.

Our goal is to be able to connect with like-minded practitioners who want to change lives by optimizing genetic pathways, using the latest science and natural medicine strategies.

Рекомендации по теме

Youre a god send. Its so straight forward and all makes so much sense. My methylation I believe is a huge part of all my health conditions.


Your video content that you are sharing with us is awesome!Keep upolading, it is great stuff!


thank you Dr! you have been such a wonderful teacher! God Bless you!


long time no see... i was starting to worry... nice to have u back!


Thank you so much. Your videos are great 👍


Thank you for your videos! I have watched them all and I have learned so much, fire hose on full blast. I would like to request a video about the metabolism of collagen. Collagen is so abundant in our bodies and especially to gut function, as you say it is needed to replace the gut lining every 3 days and keep the tight junctions. As we age you can see how collagen is taken from every part of the body, especially visible is the skin and joints. Understanding the collagen metabolic cycle would be very helpful. You are the best Dr Rostenberg!


I have a gene SNP (PEMT) that predisposes me to choline deficiency. However I've read that in people who have SIBO choline could get converted to trimethylamine. Our liver detoxifies trimethylamine to trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) which is implicated in cardiovascular disease. Do you have any insight into that?
Another issue I have with supplemental choline is that it makes me very nauseous. However, when I take lecithin I feel fine. Would you recommend lecithin as a good source of choline?
Gallbladder flush actually made my minor gallbladder problems much worse. I am talking severe bitterness in the mouth for months after the flush, pain between my shoulder-blades and light coloured stool. I never had these problems before the flush. All I had was digestion issues and the occasional pain in the gallbladder area on the righthand side. That was an absolute nighmare. All I can say is never again will I do another gallbladder flush. I know some people have some structural abnormalities and bends in the bile ducts. I would imagine those people should stay away from the gallbladder flush as well.


great video! thank you for sharing Dr.


Thank you for a great video full of quality information. One question what happens after cholecystectomy? Blessings


Can flushing bile too often cause thyroid problems?


So if one has gallbladder sludge, will Taurine fix it? Would you recommend a bile salt supplementation as well for mthfr7776C?
