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Add MTHFR Gene Testing to the category of genetic testing you don't need.

Today I'll share a study that shows why MTHFR testing is something you can probably skip. Join me.

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I’m a clinician, clinical researcher, and author working fervently to reform and improve the field of functional and integrative healthcare. My primary focus areas are digestive health and its impact on other facets of health, including energy, sleep, mood, thyroid function, and more.

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This is a perfectly useless video because he narrows the whole focus to 1 aspect and disregards everything else.


People who have had both arms amputated have a lower risk of suicide by gunshot


Folic acid is synthetic and can accumulate so those short terms studies may show one thing but long term NATURAL FOLATE is the key


All of us have the MTHFR gene. But the type of MTHFR gene differs from person to person. I am thankful I was tested, I learned a lot now knowing I have one variant of this gene. Next step is a deep dive into which one variant I have. I have ADHD, we thought it was from me being dyslexic… now we are learning why meds do not work with my body, due to this MTHFR gene(mother f’er gene 😊). Finally some answers at 51yo. So yes, I feel testing IS useful in my case 🙏🏻.


This is so illogical. Just because it decreases stroke in some you jumped to nobody needs active forms of folate ? What even.


No one recommends to stop taking folate. They say to stop taking folic acid AND to take methylated folate.


If you had this you would know how wrong this man is. The ignorance in this video.


I suggest to read the Limitations written at the end of the study: Limitations
Our study had some limitations. First, the population comprised hypertensive participants, limiting the generalizability of our results. Second, as a post hoc analysis, this study may have been underpowered for certain subgroup analyses, and may suffer from residual confounding. It is possible that these finding might be because of chance.


What about the numerous studies showing links between MTHFR and schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, etc.?


Please don't listen to this man. The dramatic music doesn't give his words any truth. I don't need a study to tell me anything, folic acid is crap. I literally have a whole life time of experience. Sincerely a woman with two copies. Kickback doctor...


Ya so called doctor, you need to do more research. I have the MTHFR mutation and it definitely affects my health. I took a folic acid test and it showed that my folic acid levels were high even though I do not take folic acid supplements. Your opinion is crazy. Second opinion please. RC


Folic acid is still a big no for me, and I don’t have the MTHFR genes. It’s synthetic, and it does ultimately cause problems—it also keeps _real_ folate from being absorbed to my understanding.


I got the MTHFR test and it showed I have the mutation. I’m a carb addict and I have crashes and bouts of depression. After a week or more, longer better of no processed foods and no folic acid, I feel this strange positive calm and it’s almost like a little bit of a high, I’m just in a great mood. I believe it’s because my gut is making serotonin.

If there was a drug to make one feel that way, it would be a huge seller. They are poisoning us.


So am I the only one that thought he wrote mother f€cker. But then realised it was mother father lol


It does matter if your body can not methylate or detox toxins… you are more likely to get sick have cancer excess


This kid needs to find another hobby. He is wrong


This is an awful video. I had many symptoms that come with the Mthfr gene mutation and most were eradicated by taking a simple supplement and adjusting my diet. This doctor is probably working for a pharma company because I was able to come off of 5 medications once I discovered this, and it is a gene mutation many people have.


That is encouraging, but I'd be curious to see what the data shows if there was a 3rd arm: Enalapril + methylfolate, to see if there is a stastically signifcant difference between folic acid and folates


If folic acid isn't toxic to me, how come I nearly break my neck every time I take it? How come I feel SO much better after getting off of it? Lemme guess, TSH is a thyrpid hormone that magically comes from the pituitary, and it's the only hormone thyroid patients need to test, and reverse T3 means nothing, and you only ever need levothyroxine, and if you're experiencing severe hypothyroid symptoms on a crazy high dose of levo, it's because you're lazy, and adrenal glands can never wear out or get overactive, and you can treat anxiety with depression meds instead of addressing cortisol, of which there is no such thing unless you're a CEO and mother of six.

I've heard all this BS before. It's all a lie from Big Pharma. I'm not going to let you make me a quadriplegic. I'm not taking poisonous folic acid. You don't know what it's like to live in my body, so you don't see the real world results of folic acid.


With all my due respect doctor there's a lot of science research that's saying otherwise. Those are not pharmaceutical clinical trials but pure science therefore unbiased
