He 'Forgets' to Reply? Take Back Your POWER!

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The problem is, people want to seem like they’re not interested, and men are no exception. We are all acting like showing feelings is bad, but this is so messed up. Love shouldn’t be a game where we are always hiding all of our cards and playing them when we want. Love is saying “I’m not going to play this game because you and I aren’t pawns in a game”


My ex came back pretending he's changed but his behaviour was: ignoring my messages and hanging up on me all the time finding excuses. I told him straightforward that I didn't understand why he was acting this way, that it wsnt normal and that I will not tolerate this attitude. My friends and family don't do that to me, why would you? He said sorry and that he would put some effort. Next thing you know, he does it again. For me: Game over 🎮 I literally dumped him. He keeps calling and sending messages 📞 Funny how suddenly he has time to chat and can give me attention. Unfortunately for him, I will never accept his BS anymore. He did not change, I did. NEXT ➡️


I've realised long ago that you can't force someone to like you. You only have control over your own actions. If someone is interested they'll show it consistently with actions. Not just with words!!!


I never want love to feel like I have to be strategic.


You are right. I changed the “game” too. I mean, if someone is consistently taking hours or days to respond then I will not be available when he’s convenient. And really, when someone is interested, man or woman, they’ll be consistently trying. I draw the line at CONSISTENCY. If you are not consistent, boy I am out. This takes practice tho, because it’s easier said than done but mindfulness helps.


My Dad told me if a man wants to talk to you, he will make the time for you.. period.. so when you see these red flags start to present themselves don't ignore it.. besides we all have a phone on us now days.. it's easy to call your person.. so simple


My guy ALWAYS replies. And fairly quickly. What’s funny though is waiting 10 minutes for him can seem like an eternity. Yet waiting for hours for a friend or family member to reply seems like nothing. Lol. Very thankful for someone who’s actually reliable. Always early. Never cancels. And always calls right on time. I recognize I have a good one.😊


This hits hard with the “friendships” in my life. It sucks but if people don’t value me I’d rather be alone than taken advantage of. Same with family.


When someone ignores me I always seem to lose interest. Probably because I realised at some point that if someone isn't interested in me, it's a waste of my time to chase them. You can't make people like you and if they don't, that's OK too 🙂

Years ago I thought I should take more initiative to ask a man on a date but I realised that if a man is interested he will usually ask. And if you ask him, he might say yes out of politeness or to see what he can get from you, even though he isn't interested in a relationship 🤣


Totally the wake up call I need with a guy whose generally nice and communicative with messages and chats, but takes too long to reply sometimes, and although he usually apologizes for it, something feels off and some of his answers are coming across immature and low value with low effort, and he’s not progressing anything forward, so I’m not interested in him anymore. I wish him well but moving on. Thank you 🙏 😊


I wish, whether men or women, no one should entertain the person playing mind games with them. And may everyone be enough for themselves, seeking no validation, and loving the ones who love them.


YES yes and yes- this is so important in order to not waste precious time and warmth... Go for the right people


This doesn't just apply to romantic relationships. It applies to every relationship. Best to go with the flow so that your life is easy and calm!


Woman:Let a man chase you.Dont beg for love.Dont make it easy for them.Let him fight for you.You dont give your body away so easily, do you?YOU are valuable, so invest in yourself.Love yourself first.


I was definitely meant to see this! The boy I was interested in has been doing this for weeks where he’ll ignore me or “forget” to text me. Every-time it’s some excuse as to why he didn’t text. I’m ready to move on and stop putting effort in.


He was a narcissist. Glad I saw it through after a few months. He's a grown man with a kindergarten mind. Were still in the talking-getting-to-know stage and I'm so glad I'm out of it all. I don't need a Man Child in my life.

I always watch your videos till the end, Brian. Your videos helped me in my dating life rn. Thank you ❤


I love it when you empower us to value ourselves more when we are struggling with dating unavailable men.


Yes, i sent numerous texts! No reply. What a fool i was. Finally "awakened". WTF was i thinking?! He was always emotionally unavailable anyway. I was in an illusion.


Oh, I needed to hear this! It's been 2 years of being strung along!! It's hard to even be his "friend" with his inconsistent hot and cold behavior! This has helped me so much. If my needs aren't being met...then I know he won't ever be able to meet them! I deserve the best 👌 not the leftovers


If he says he’ll call and he doesn’t. .. I’m gone 😜
