32 is what PERCENT of 75? Let’s solve the percent problem step-by-step….

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Greetings. The answer is determined by dividing 32 by 75 and multiplying the result 100. The answer works out to 42. 6 recurring which would be rounded to 42.7% and or simply 42% which would yield 31.5 if you find 42% of 75.


This dude sure can talk, turned a 2 second problem into a darn 30 minute YT video lol


This guy enjoys hearing his own voice. Something that can be explained satisfactorily in one minute he does in 30 & in the process, inducing everyone into a coma .


A recommendation from an old guy who has forgotten soooo much basic math and watches your clips to get refreshers. Slowly solve the problem first! THEN go into an explanation. The teachers who did this when I was a young lad in the 60's were far and away the most effective for me.


(32 X 100) / 75 :: 3, 200/75: 42 and 2/3 : I was in the era that there’s no calculator, no computer and the only luxury we had was the used of abacus, slide rule, logarithmic tables and these problems we can solv orally


I always did it this way:
We know 1% of 75 is 0.75, so we just need to find how many times 0.75 goes into 32 to get the percentage.
32 ÷ 0.75 = 42.67%.


Thank you for your math tutorial and a great refresher course for me. I always find math easy for me to do since the elementary grade (I’m now soon to be 69 yrs old). I learned the old ways from school (born in the Philippines)and especially from my mother who helped me with my math homework. I always like math and especially fractions, and could do simple problems in my head without writing it down. I taught my granddaughter the old ways of solving simple math problem just by thinking it out. She excelled in math and recently graduated with accounting degree. Anyway, I found myself following you more often, and today, I couldn’t help but do the problem. I am a little rusty with my math, especially that I have been retired (retired nurse in the USA, no need to do anymore drug dose calculations ). Not thinking much nowadays except when I play my scrabble game, and now thanks to you I’m into math again. It’s very stimulating and challenging, it also helps in exercising my critical thinking skills. I’m now a subscriber!❤❤❤


i always taught my students to solve % problems using ratios just plug in the numbers cross multiply and divide. %/100 = is/of hence n/100=32/75


Thanks! This was a great refresher course for me. I have to teach this to 5th graders this week.


Great tutorial video! I would also like to add, that many students slip and think the "part" will always be the smaller number of the two.
Look out for key words like "of" to determine the "whole" in the fraction.
( % = part /whole)
Ex: 150 is what percent **of** 50?
It's referring to % = 150 / 50 or further put % = (150 ÷ 50) x100 (or just move the decimal two spaces to the right)
1) 150/50 = 3
(Think of it as 3.0)
2) 3.0 x 100 (or just move the decimal two spaces to the right) = 300.0 = 300%

150 is 300% of 50


Towards the end very important! It is not the percent, it’s in the decimal version and good self check.


I think you did a good job of explaining the how - but I would like to see more of the why to understand it better. For example, WHY do we multiply the answer times 100 for the final answer and WHY did we move the decimal point to the left when solving the problem. I know the answer, but someone like my grandson would not understand this. I think they need to know more about the role that the tens and hundreds place value holds in order to understand this better. Thank you for your help.


In the example of 6% of 40, I multiplied (6*40=240) then moved the decimal point to the left two > 2.4.


As a retired engineer I got to tell you students nowadays have it made because of YouTube videos and you. Back in the 70's we didn't have this luxury. And, while I did take a wazoo of math the way I figured a math problem made sense is when my answer matched the answer in the back of the book. LOL


This dude explained something i can get in my head in 1min for 30mins i feel sorry for the people he gives lectures too😢😭😤😤


Thank you so much for your thorough explanation, I really appreciate it very much. Keep up the good work because there are individual like myself who need this kind of content. 👍🏻💪🏼


4:32 is when he starts explaining you're welcome


This is honestly so easy to understand-
The professor at my middle school couldn’t help me understand it in 2 hours-


I have never listened to anybody going on like this chap. I am glad my teachers were not like this the class would all be asleep


do you have a tutorial on accumulated interest...?
