Fake Prosthetic Hand?

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In this video I dispel the notion that my Prosthetic hand is nothing more than CGI. I also take the time to explain in depth how the mechanics of my hand operate in order to function in such an anthropomorphic way.

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I also have an Amazon link, and here it is! It helps me out a little if you click on this link and then checkout with whatever is in your cart.
Amazon link for all the stuff I used for this project.
Alumilite plat 25 silicone.
Perfect Cast Alginate.
Perfect Cast Plaster.
Temptations cat treats.

Instagram at:

finally a tic tok!
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I think it's funny that people just can't accept that you're just a really intelligent guy who has built a bunch of partial prosthetics by yourself, for yourself, with only one and a half hands.


The clowns saying this is CGI:
1)Need their eyes checked
2)Have unrealistic ideas about how expensive realistic CGI is


A prosthetic hand built entirely with mechanical components without the need for chips, servos, or batteries while being this articulated is pretty dang impressive.


Not sure how people call this fake with how much documentation there is for it. Though it is certainly cool enough to seem fake


Dude is just a real life artificer and you can't change my mind. Not just a prosthetic, but a work of art.


That’s the most anime prosthesis I’ve ever seen, and your cats are beautiful, this video is an absolute 10/10


When I saw violet evergarden in the background I expected this to be a neat video about making fake prosthetics for cosplay and stuff but instead I just learnt that there now are people who don't even believe in simple mechanics


As a CGI artist myself, I can only be flattered people would think us both creative and knowledgeable enough in engineering to come up with something like that.

Hats off to you, sir.


This is truly amazing! I must tell you as a wounded soldier you are a true inspiration of how you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. Thank you for your ingenuity and I pray you have a blessed life!


The fact he still has his thumb and part of his hand above the wrist makes a lot of what he is doing possible. The fact his prosthetic works off the hand motion he has left, is genius level wizardry. Would love to see what he could do with a foot.


Respect for Violet Evergarden on the desktop.
It's a great job that you were able to make such a functioning hand. I believe that prosthetics should be actively developed so that even the poor segments of the population have the opportunity to purchase an inexpensive but functioning prosthesis.


honestly I think the fact that you made this for yourself is amazing
and although I cant imagine the struggle of missing 4 fingers, and as possibly insensitive as it is to say, i can't help but mention, that robotic hand looks fucking awesome


I have a masters degree in mechanical engineering and let me tell you that this is not just a piece of absolutely aesthetic engineering, no! This is a master class of a piece of usefull art. Absolutely beautfull!


As someone who does 3D modeling and rigging for animations, this version of Ian's prosthetic would likely be almost impossible to rig with how mechanically complex it is, even with inverse kinematics. The engineering that he put into his prosthetics is incredible


i think it’s inspiring that it’s so good the only explanation some people can come up with is “it’s fake”


The shot of the cats is a subtle flex. The prosthetic hand holds the camera so well it feels like regular hand held footage.
He pet the cat in previous videos with the prosthetic.


I saw the background and thought you were doing an “expert reviews” style analysis of fictional prosthetics… and now I really do want that.


I've seen you pop up in my feed a few times over the years, but it never ceases to amaze me how you're able to come up with such a complex hand entirely mechanically.


I've worked in a machine shop, and I've also dabbled a bit in CGI, and I can confidently say that, while a skilled team of artists given enough time and money could certainly reproduce a convincing facsimile of your hand in CGI, it would require more far more man hours to make it look that realistic than it would to just build it for real. I mean, designing it in 3D would take the same amount of effort either way. And while I'm sure getting all the parts made and properly fitted is quite challenging, when you make it for real, you don't have to worry about the geometry clipping, or the lighting not matching the environment, or imperfections in the compositing, etc. We should start a campaign to bring this to the attention of the Corridor Crew. They can do a debunking episode on it similar to what they did comparing their fake robot video to real footage from Boston Dynamics. I'd love to see them try to make a CGI hand look as real as yours!


You got the most natural and expressive prostetic hand I ever saw. All mechanic, no servo, no battery, extremly fast, it rocks! I wouldn't had believe I would subscribe to a prostetic tinkering channel. But you are up there with the DIY perks and the Electro Booms in the top tier of educational/DIY chanels.
