Interview With The Vampire Season 1 Finale makes SHOCKING reveal! Rashid's identity REVEALED!

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Interview With The Vampire Season 1 Finale makes SHOCKING reveal! Rashid's identity REVEALED!

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9:36 The "Rashid is Armand" reveal really got me scratching my head but it also got me thinking... In episode 4 he said "Asr Namozi" referring to the islamic afternoon prayer in a Slavic dialect, even Daniel Molloy remarked that he's not speaking arabic but more of a Khazak or Crimean dialect. If he was a Middle-Eastern Arab, he would've said "Salat Al Asr". Even though this Armand is meant to be a different version from the books, it's pretty telling especially from that particular word he said, "Namozi", and Molloy's remark, that he does still retain a Slavic Origin like the book version.

Now the next thing I'd like to question is the casting choice for Armand. The actor playing him, Assad Zaman, does look like he's of Indian descent (not really middle-eastern, I can tell), which is an odd choice compared to picking a Caucasian actor as the more obvious choice to portray someone from the Slavic Regions, Kiev aka Ukraine. Now when you put 2 and 2 together, the only answer is, this version of Armand is in fact a Romani(Gypsy). The Romani are people with Indian ancestry who settled in the Balkan territories around the early 12th century. I did some research and there was indeed a significant number of Romani who were muslims living in the Balkans.

What's fascinating about the Romani culture is it's unique fusion of Indian, Middle-Eastern and European elements but what's sad is that they were a subject of systematic discrimination for over 500 years and Armand's age does match up with this time span. Perhaps the showrunners will reveal this theory to be true and maybe they wanted to show us how Armand lived and the hardship he faced in the Slavic Regions of Europe as a minority, in his backstory.


They made it CLEAR it wasn’t going to be based off the book. So why are people still crying over this. If you don’t like the show, don’t watch it. Simple. This show is hands down one of my top favorite shows! Especially in the last 15 years. The writing is excellent. The acting is great. I’m so glad more people are judging the show FINALLY off it’s own merits. I was so pleasantly surprised there have been an overwhelming support of the show, instead of the typical crying over “race” swapping or some other trivial thing that frankly don’t matter. Can’t wait till season 2


Louis and Armand were lovers in the books. They live together for a long time until Prince Lestat, when Louis leaves him to be Lestat's consort.


This is better than the books, man. Forget the books and enjoy this awesome show.


This is one of the most intelligent, most informed comment sections I've been on, for ANY show or movie!!!!


Timeline all messed up? Please stop crying over the books and start appreciating all the great creative choices this team made to make Anne´s stories grow stronger. It kills me that Anne couldn´t see the show finished. I´m sure she would ve love it!


The finale was great. The present Louis has major PTSD and still love with his abuser. It also looks like his memories may have been altered. Was anyone else creeped out how Armand grabbed Louis hand and floating above him? Another red flag is the fact the books are so high up and Louis likes to read but can't fly. Louis also looked like he forced smile after calling Armand which is sad.


He was probably a crimean tatar, which would make this version closer to the Armand to the Armand from the books than the one from the movie.


Armand has a moment in the sun. He lives. He is burned, but lives.


This show is different but I'll say for it being different it's good


I think the most important thing for a show is to be a good show. While I loved the first three books and the storylines are great for books, they would make for terrible TV. Louis, let's be honest, is dull as chips in the book and it would be difficult to make him likeable on screen (see brad pitt lol), Claudia is also hard to empathise with and root for in her killing of Lestat even considering her being stuck in that child body, but show Claudia makes you root for her even when she's mass killing and keeping body parts in her room.

I totally understand your frustration that there are many, many deviations from the books but I think they were kinda good for the show. Can you imagine a TV version of the tom cruise brad pitt movie? It would be so slow and not nearly as captivating as the AMC show.

I think this show is superbly written (checked and they hired playwrights so that's why!). It's able to capture the interest and attention of mainstream viewers, who will in turn have an interest to go read the books, which is a great thing!


This show was never meant to be the books though...


For those who wanna watch this show, you gotta keep in mind that the showrunners are taking A LOT of liberties to DIVERT from the books. If you want a scene by scene, accurate representation of the books, you will be disappointed. If you still wanna keep watching it, just pretend that it's an alternate universe depiction "inspired" by the books.


This show is dope can't wait for more dammit 😤


Who cares if the tv show is not like the book? I don't care. All these shows like Walking Dead, Interview etc should follow the books to a certain extent but they should change it up too. Why make it exactly the same. They should make it different than the books. I enjoyed the tv show alot. Its better than the movie or Tom Cruise bla bla. Good show. Keep it going


Anne Rice was living when this interpretation was created…Her son is still part of the production…They had Anne’s blessing to make the changes.


Race swapping chill dude I love the books but I can accept change.


Why do people keep saying that Anne Rice Vampires can't walk in sunlight? that isn't true. Vampire's aren't impervious to sunlight yes but the Ancient and oldest among Vampire definitely have a greater tolerance for it than those under a millennia. Lestat even had a high tolerance in the books after drinking from several ancient vampires including Akasha.
Armand hasn't really sat in direct sunlight in the show he just walked past a window which honestly at his age shouldn't really faze him.


It was confusing because you didnt understand that Claudia knew what was going on. You think he out smarted her, but SHE actually out smarted him. Claudia knew Antoinette was around. She kept her cool because she didnt want Lestat to know her plan. Remember, Louis kept asking her what the plan was and she said she couldnt say. THAT WAS THE CLUE! Louis was so involved with Lestat, that he wasnt listening to what was going on around him. The same thing happened in the 1994 movie. She told Louis that she could tell Armand wanted him and she wanted him to create another before he left her. But he wasnt paying attention.


I love this show and I have to say that to me, the show is way better than the movie.
I love the characters and I don't mind the race and cultural changes at all. Actually it's more enjoyable to see something old turned into something totally different. I like for the material to be more unpredictable, more different, it's like a breath of fresh air.
It would be so boring to see everything and everyone from the book.
These writers, creators and directors are creating art, they turn the basic old layout into something new and different.
They are creating their own visions, their own versions, their own spin on things and that's what art and entertainment is all about.
I enjoy the element of surprise, of change, of mystery of thrill.
Modernizing old scripts, old stories, old lore, old tales, books, movies, songs, fables, urban legends, monsters, demons, zombies and vampires is what it's all about.
Why does everything have to be played by the books?

So many ppl always complain when shows make changes, when they swap races, cultures, sexes
I on the other hand find it refreshing and it would be so friggin boring if everything is just as written and there's no element of surprise, of thrill and mystery.
The gore is amazing as well and just enjoy it, enjoy it as a masterpiece of art and consider, respect and applaud all the hard work that has been put into the show 👏 👍 🙌
