1 Miracle Mineral Helps Prevent Clogged Arteries, Heart Attack & Stroke | Dr. Mandell

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Studies concluded that high Mg intake is associated with lower risk of major CV risk factors (mainly metabolic syndrome, diabetes and hypertension), stroke and total CVD. Higher levels of circulating Mg are associated with lower risk of CVD, mainly ischemic heart disease and coronary heart disease.

Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏 Dr M

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Nutrients. 2018 Feb; 10(2): 168.
Published online 2018 Feb 1. doi: 10.3390/nu10020168
PMCID: PMC5852744
PMID: 29389872
Dietary Magnesium and Cardiovascular Disease: A Review with Emphasis in Epidemiological Studies

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Good morning/good evening to everyone. Many questions are coming up regarding which is the best magnesium for you. Here’s a video you might want to watch. 😊


My doctor said I didn't need magnesium. My heart was acting up and I was drinking a beer a night and my heart straightened up. Then I saw where a world renowned cardiologist was treating people with magnesium. I started taking a magnesium supplement. I was on medication for high blood pressure, and calcium blocker. I'm taking two table spoons of apple cider vinegar, a quarter teaspoon of Cheyenne pepper everyday. I take no more big pharma meds anymore. My heart needs potassium, magnesium, and sodium to function normally. I take Cheyenne pepper instead of aspirin to prevent stroke. There is plenty of information on the internet on how to keep your heart healthy naturally. This doctor is a great source for keeping you healthy.


I started wearing 'reading glasses' in my forties. I stopped wearing 'reading glasses' in my 60s when I started taking the supplement magnesium.
Just passed my driver eye exam a couple months ago at the age of 81
.No glasses needed.
My diet is basically potatoes, bananas, kidney beans, rice. tomatoes, and canned vegs (I'm low income) can't afford the 'fresh' or frozen anymore. No meats, no fats, no diary.


I am age 65. I have never had a doctor who knew anything about nutrition. They knew everything about prescription addiction. Very disappointing. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for this intelligent man.


Dr. Mandell is one of the few doctors in our lifetime that genuinely cares about our souls AND our bodies. He actually WANTS us to live a life of total completeness and overall health. He doesn't want our illnesses masked, he wants our illnesses CURED. Thank you for educating us doctor, and for keeping us encouraged as well. May God Bless You and Yours FOREVER‼️


I wish I could talk to my doctor. But my experience, and I'm 60, is that most doctors don't want to have a conversation with you and they often speak to me as if I know nothing about my own body after all these years. 🙄 I think I know it pretty well lol. Thank you so much for your videos!!! You give us so much good information. I love your inspiring posts also!! Here's a 🤗!


Chronic high blood pressure running in my family genes. After taking magnesium, olive oil and a few other minerals Dr. Mandel mentioned, my blood pressure has dropped to a normal state. Thank you Doc.


Dr Mandel. . . I wish there were more people just like you❣️❣️❣️🕊️💜💕🧡


I've tried talking to cardiologist and have been feeling put off and talking down to me...I told him I would not be back...he asked if I was moving...I said no...Im going googling because it gives me more information than you want to and answers my questions without looking down its nose at me!


I am 72 years old. I suffered from night time cramping in my legs. I started taking magnesium and with in two days, no more cramping! There was a side effect. I started to sleep like a baby! God bless you Dr. Mandell !


Majority of Doctors are just into making money.... They are rarely interested in good health of their patients.

You are different. God Bless You Doctor. Lots of love from Mysore, INDIA


YOU are God sent I have changed my bad diet to a healthy diet my body pain has gotten better it was every day a 9 now its hardly there thank you Doc for caring about the human race we Love you!


This Sounds like Hardcore Knowledge to Me. You probably won't find a Dr. LIKE THIS Anywhere. Good luck Trying it!!!


I wish all doctors were like you with the only desire to make people feel well without so many drugs and using more natural resources other than drugs, drugs, drugs!!
Nothing could repay what you are doing for people!! 🙏
The world would be a much better place with more people like you Doctor. 🌎
Thank you! Many blessings your way! 🙋


Dr. mandell, you are truly a God send. Right now, with all that is going on, your information is saving lives…. Truly! Thank you so much🇺🇸


I have been seeing a holistic Dr. who practices Contact Reflex Analysis for 30 years. I don't take any medications and feel fine for being 68. He keeps me in perfect health. Dr. Mandell is right when he says diet and vitamins and minerals are important in staying healthy.


Medical Doctors don't advice taking magnesium...glad I have Dr Mandell


I thank you, and I love you my friend!! And I love ALL who are reading this👍🏽 and I pray that YOU have a beautiful wonderful day! Smile for right NOW!!! 🙏🏽👍🏽✌🏽


Dr. Mandela ……The Mann dealing with my for caring


The most honest Doctor I've ever seen in my life. God bless you
