Mark Kelley on Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - the fifth estate

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They call it the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) and so-called “health ministers” are promoting it from B.C. to Newfoundland. They are members of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, with avid followers around the globe. Church leaders claim their product can protect you from “95% of the world’s diseases” including HIV/AIDS, cancer and autism. Canadians are ingesting it, spraying it, bathing in it and treating their autistic children with it. But Health Canada warns MMS is an “unauthorized drug” that contains a dangerous bleaching agent. Mark Kelley investigates, as the fifth estate talks to the believers and activists trying to stop them.

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Well, I suppose if health Canada and the FDA says no, it must work.


So, the FDA seizes it and claims it's dangerous? 😂 MUST BE SAFE AND EFECTIVE!


Thanks Mark, the biggest risk involved here with MMS is the huge financial losses that will be suffered by the Pharmaceutical industry as more natural cures without side effects are discovered by humanity.


As A Former Pharmaceutical Manager! I Have One Question For The FDA! How Many Times Have You Put Out Warnings Against Natural Remedies And Actually Experienced Law Suits Against Those Products?

And How Many Medicines And/Or Treatments Have You Approved, That Resulted In Recalls And A Mass Amount Of Law Suits?

The FDA Is Full Of XXit!!!


I laughed when my grandmother said use an oatmeal potus to draw out poisons. Now, 100 years later, it's what the hospital uses when all expensive antibiotics fail. I also use epsom salt soaks to draw poisons out of a wound. It works great and is so cheap, when the hospital alternative is to amputate your limb. Pay attention, folks. Your doctor is only a Rockefeller-trained technician. He can only use prescriptions or he would lose his license to practice and everybody in his office would be unemployed. A real doctor learns how to cure in spite of his training.


When people laughed at Trump for saying drink Bleach during the C19 pandemic!! ...
Everyone who knew about MMS (Mineral Miracle Solution) knew exactly what he ment. 👍♥️


I can understand how FDA feel about this. "Oh dont let people know we've been hiding this forever....we're screwed"...LOL


All I know is this. Two weeks ago, I had a bad urinary tract infection and 1 week of antibiotics only lessened it and gave me false hope that I was over it only for it to come back the next day. After a full week when my antibiotics were done, I was still peeing fire. A friend of mine mixed up a batch of MMS for me to try and after the FIRST round of drinking water (about 2-3 L or so) with this solution, I had no more burning fire peeing. It was GONE. I have been drinking water with this solution for a week and the burn has not returned. So...skeptics can figure that one out for me.


"there's danger from overdosing..."
Isn't there danger from overdosing with prescription drugs? Did you know that people have drunk too much water and died as a result of that?


This product does work when it is used with proper protocols and not to be used without knowing what you are doing. We are happy that the FDA has not approved it because we know the real reason why they don't and that is because it would put them out of business.


My sister healed her gut issues and also skin sores all over her legs. She is healthier than she has ever been. Takes it every single day Just a small amount in water. Noticed that YouTube doesn't number all the thumbs down. There would be hundreds of thousands.


This stuff is extremely dangerous to the pharmaceutical industry's profits!


I had menstrual issues and digestive trouble for 2 years. Doctors were worthless in helping me. Less than 4 days on this and didn’t even take nearly as often as directed and both issues are 100% better! I was truly amazed. Oh yeah and the reason I took it was only to get my taste and smell back after the big C; the chronic issues it helped were a complete surprise benefit.


When people get thrown in jail for this you know there’s something to it. I’m taking this and it’s helping only after 2 days with my long Covid symptoms that I’ve been suffering with for almost 2 years!!


I have been using mms 8 years, me and my family never been ill.What a bleach 😅


I used mms when I had horrific food poisoning and I felt better in minutes. I was given three antibiotics to take at the same time by a dr and was sick for 10 years after. The FDA is profit driven and seems to want us to stay sick


I come across this in 2021 and realize these same reporters are now promoting clot shots to be given to children 5 to 17 and all good about them for babies too.


This stuff really works, I’ve been suffering from a staph infection for the last 2 1/2 years, just recently it entered into the brain. I started taking the stuff three days ago and I am already almost 100% better


I had a massive abscess on a rotten tooth, the whole left side of my face swelled up, I also was feeling extreme fatigue & flu-like symptoms.. I was scared about sepsis & stopped eating straight away. I went straight onto 15 drops activated MMS in 18oz water & a mouthful every hour. I also soaked a cotton wool pad in the activated MMS & put between abscess & cheek, changing every 3 hours. Within 2 days, all swelling gone, all pain gone, all flu-like symptoms gone & has not returned. Warning, going onto 15 drops in 18oz water straight away will cause a big detox reaction, maybe sickness & diarrhea. I could go straight onto 15 drops because 9 months earlier I had done a 3 month MMS cleanse where I worked up to 24 activated drops in 18oz water.


I started taking it today and it made a 6 month chronic bronchitis disappear in less than 10 hours and I feel great already...GOD BLESS YOU MR HUMBLE AND TO ANYONE IS PROMOTING THIS MIRACLE SOLUTION
