Dying Light vs World War Z: Who Has the Hardest Zombies to Survive?

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One of the most February 6, 2023 moments


Wait till he finds out about dying light two where 6 minutes in the dark turns you and volatiles…. We don’t talk about them


Plus, even if you're in L4D2. You will still get infected because the green flu mutates everyday


PVZ unironically solos. They legit have access to giant mechs, time travel, and guns


I see your point regarding L4D2 being the hardest to survive in.
However, there are a couple matches between DL zombies and L4D2 zombies, being the *tank* and the *demolisher*, the *spitter* and the *toad*, and the *boomer* and the *bomber* (though bombers cant blind you, they make tons of sound to attract virals).
Additionally, it has several other zombies, being the goon, the biter, the viral, the volatile, the night hunter, and the night walker. Oh there are also survivors who will try to kill you on sight.

Note: these are sorted by difficulty to kill (except for the other survivors) based on my opinion if we exclude DLCs and their weapons, so no Bozak bow and no crossbow.

Now starting with the weakest enemies, you have biters. There's many of them, and they could pin down and bite you.

A goon, I believe, is the first big enemy you face in the story, wielding a heavy rebar that can deal aoe damage where the rebar lands, also having much more HP than biters and no severable limbs, and a slap attack if you get close. Both the slap and the rebar attacks throw you on the ground for a short time.

Virals, though smaller than goons, are still dangerous. They are recently turned survivors, still showing human strength by sprinting at you and dealing quick damage. They can also hear noise, and will rush to any noise they hear, along with being able to sometimes dodge your melee attacks, as it's happened to me before many times.

Toads have no severable limbs, and they only have 2 attacks, the spit and the acid blob. Toads spit, usually more than once at a time, and toad spit deals overtime damage. Acid blobs, on the other hand, are used in a lobbing style, and deal a lot of overtime damage if you come in contact with it, along with AOE damage that depends on how close you are.

Bombers move towards you until they reach you to explode, dealing AOE damage. They can explode from either exploding themselves next to you, or someone throwing a weapon at it, maybe by shooting or throwing weapons. They make a lot of noise, which attracts virals.

A demolisher is the zombie equivalent of the biggest bird, being bigger than other zombies, having a lot of health, armor on its body, a slap that throws you on the ground, a rushing attack that deals even more damage than the slap and ALSO throws you on the ground, and the ability to throw parts of ground under it at you AND throwing you on the ground.

Night walkers are what you get from there being biters at night. They have the same stats as a viral, but are much more dangerous, as they can start a pursuit at night if they see you for too long, causing it, every other night walker AND volatile nearby to ALL chase after you at night. They have the same stats as a viral, but did I mention that both virals and night walkers can CLIMB? that means that if you go high up, they will still chase after you, as long as it's climbable.

Volatiles are extremely dangerous. They are like night walkers on f*cking steroids, having much more health, dealing more melee damage, having a *ranged spit attack*, the ability to climb AND the ability to pounce on you, giving you a short time to press X a few times, and insta-killing you if you don't.

Night Hunters, on the other hand, are like volatiles when they OVERDOSE on steroids. Both volatiles and night hunters are FASTER than the player themselves, but the night hunter is even worse, cuz they seem to have more HP, they deal TWICE as much spit damage as volatiles, they also deal more slap damage than volatiles, both of them could spot you, starting a pursuit, and sometimes in a pursuit when you approach a horde of biters, some of them also turn into night walkers, AND the longer the pursuit goes on for, the more things will be chasing you. Did I mention that both night hunters AND volatiles have inseverable limbs?

Now outside of the undead range you have Rais's men and desperate survivors. Rais's men can be found in the slums and old town bullying random survivors, guarding Rais's crates, which are full of loot that they have stolen, air drops, and crates that they found randomly. For me, there are usually 2 people who guard random crates, using melee weapons. However, Rais's crates have 3 guards as I remember, and there is always at least 1 person with a gun, which makes noise when fired, attracting virals that have somehow managed to beat them despite having guns. Desperate survivors, however, work for no one, I don't remember having seen one with a gun unless I'm playing a DLC, and they just use melee weapons.
However, the upside for melee survivors is that they can block, unlike ones with guns.

And that's it. This took me over an hour to write, and I doubt many people will see it, but it's here now.

Edit: I forgor screamers, which are loud, bringing things like virals to where they are while damaging the player who is too busy blocking their ears to use weapons, forced to silence the screamer first.


Just my opinion but here's my list:

1. Dying Light, why? Biters, Virals, Screechers, Bombers, Toads, Goons, Bloaters, Demolishers, Volatiles, Alpha Volatiles, and Night Hunters the Harran Virus is the deadliest it makes the Green Flu sound like a fever flu and it's gonna be tough surviving at night than daytime sure, while Volatiles, Alpha Volatiles, and Night Hunter's weakness is UV Lights they don't die within months like the Green Flu.

2. Left 4 Dead (1 and 2), The Green Flu is deadly and can spawn Special Infected within the first two weeks but Zero Hour is much worse since it's airborne and can still get the Flu without a scratch on you but if careful and stockpiled on ammo enough you could try and I mean TRY to outlast both Common and Special Infected for a month or so WITHOUT getting baited by the Witch or accidentally alerting a Horde during those months the first to die out will be the Special Infected due to the mutated side effects.

3. World War Z (The Game), while they are deadly and are even deadlier in a pack there are some ways you could try to outlast these guys without much trouble plus their Special Infected counterpart are less weaker and durable compared to the Dying Light and L4D.

4. Plants vs. Zombies, These Zombies aren't that much of a threat.

5. Dead Rising, Not a threat at all just put on a lot of thick clothing and avoid getting bit, stung, and gunned down by these guys and you should be just fine.

6. Dead Island, Not sure what to say I guess avoid getting bit and butchered 🤷‍♂️


Honestly ur right it does solo BUT dying light has bomber, volatiles, spitters, screechers, runners and the night hunter all whule ur infected and dying


Thank u for all your videos so keep it up ☺️☺️


Also Nemisis and the other zombies from resident evil 3


oh hey, pvz in the thumbnail heh

of course with my pfp i have to point this out


Who didn’t come from TikTok raise their hands.✋


When Aiden on zombie mode vs every zombie💀💀💀


Remember.. its airborne and it mutates daily. If you are a carrier.. u still gon die, and the fact that it took over united states in just 3 weeks is just scary.


Left4 Dead in The most haunted zombie apartments Game In the world You got taints In Huntington's spitters and zombies around any corner at all On the widow quarrels The widow spiral one's emotional sweet the beatbox ones Aint


Resident evil with Mr X, Regenerators, and Nemesis: Am I A Joke To You?


Also dying light infected mutates gradually every night pass


I came here to see the full version of the boys a liar minecraft version


Dead rising zombies aren't the problem, it's the psychos


PvZ is only deadly if we’re talking about the shooters


Dead rising 2 has fuckin mutant zombies that takes forever to kill and they had to make a plasma gun to kill them and that's just for one one bullet can only kill one
