
Buying the MOST RECORDED Drums in History

Vintage Tama Superstar VS Reissue Superstar

10 Features of the Alesis Strata Prime You Didn’t Know About

Buying and Upgrading the CHEAPEST Drum Set on Craigslist

Buying the WEIRDEST Drum Heads I Could Find

Buying THE WEIRDEST Cymbals I Could Find

The WEIRDEST Cymbals On The Internet

I Bought a Set of PROTOTYPE Cymbals!

Can You Hear The Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Cymbals? - Ft. @StephenTaylorDrums

Buying and Fixing a Vintage Gretsch Drum Set - 1970s Gretsch Kit!

Buying the WEIRDEST Cymbals I Could Find

Buying the WEIRDEST Bass Drum Pedals I Could Find

The Ultimate Nesting Drum Set | Brownie Drum Company | David Raouf Eval

The CHEAPEST Drum Heads on Amazon

Playing My ENTIRE Drum Set Collection

5 Accessories That Every Drummer Needs

$60 Snare Drum With $400 of Upgrades 🤑

Buying The WEIRDEST Drum Set I Could Find at Sam Ash

I FINALLY Bought a SONOR Drum Set!

Testing Drum Hacks to See if They Actually Work!

Snatching ALL THE DEALS!

Buying and Fixing ANOTHER Vintage Tama Drum Set

Buying The WEIRDEST Drum Set From Goodwill

This Drum Kit has a Secret Built Into it