
How to Use the Lishi 2-in-1 Lock Pick

(1558) Review: Lishi SC1, SC4 and KW5 Picks

[388] $59 Genuine Lishi vs $120 Original Lishi | Is The Cheaper One Worth It?

Lishi Tools 5 in1 HU66 V3.0 Lock Pick and Decoder Locksmith Tool Use Guide

Which Lishi Pick Is Best? (Plus: a New Tool Reveal and Free Giveaways!)

Total Noobs Pick Locks in Seconds w/Lishi Picks

[1244] Schlage Deadbolt OWNED By Lishi Pick/Decoder

Cool Car tool! (Lishi Tibbe 8 Cut) #giveaway #mykeysautomotive

REVIEW & demo of the Lishi key cutter using a Yale key

Lishi 2-in-1 HU66 Animation Demo in 1080P

Who Actually NEEDS Lishi's New SC20 Pick? [#SchlageWeek Day 2]

How to use kw1 sc1 LISHI pick tool tutorial

(1463) Review: Lishi KW1 2-in-1 Pick & Decoder

How To Pick & Decode Car Lock From Start To Finish | Lishi Pick & Decoder (Audi A4)

(435) HU101 Lishi Picking & Decoding a Ford High Security Lock

(1340) Review: Lishi HU101 Auto Lock Pick & Decoder

[1283] A Lock Picking Game Changer?

New Hu66 kwik decoder vs. Lishi Hu66 v3 tips & tricks (Audi A4 lock)

HU101 Lishi Tool: Picking and Decoding

(459) HU66 Lishi Picking & Decoding a Volkswagen Door Lock

(1554) Review: Lishi Pick for American AM3, AM5 & AM7

A Second Look At The M1/MS2 Lishi 2-in-1 Pick & Decoder

Top 10 Lishi Pick & Decoders (Best Starter Set For Auto Locksmiths)

Make Ford Key - Lost Keys - FO38 Lishi SECRETS