
The Definitive Guide to Debunking Creationists Part 1: Cosmology/Planetary Science

Evolutionary Biologist Reacts to Creationist Arguments

Evolutionary Biologist Reacts to Creationist Arguments

Tucker Carlson is a Creationist Tool

Evolutionary Biologist Reacts to Young Earth Creationist Arguments

The Many PROBLEMS with 'Created Kinds' | Debunking Young Earth Creationism

Creationist Stumps Evolutionary Professors with ONE Question!

Creationist Movie FAILS at EVERY Subject! (Full Documentary Response)

Exploring Creationism with Dr. Kent Hovind: A Deep Dive into Faith, Science, and Controversy

I watched another creationist movie - A Matter of Faith | Reacteria

Why Scientists Laugh at Creationists

SIX Biological Evidences for Creation - Pt.1

New Telescope Findings Challenge Big Bang Theory

Why the Earth Can’t be Old!

GENESIS V. DARWIN: Shapiro sets the record straight about the creation of man

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children | Big Think

The Origins of Young Earth Creationism

Top FIVE Reasons Young Earth Creationism is Impossible

Earth Can’t be Old – Answering the Critics

Lies Creationists Tell About Evolution

You CANNOT Deny the Six-Day Creation Once You Realize THIS

You Don't Want to Visit This Creationist Science Centre

The Creationist

The BONKERS Science of a CREATIONIST MOVIE! (Full Documentary Response)