SIX Biological Evidences for Creation - Pt.1

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Some people claim that life has evolved over millions of years, but where's the proof? Does the evidence actually point to these long spans of time or is it just wishful thinking?

Host Trey and Dr. Jeff Tomkins discuss this important topic on episode 52 of The Creation Podcast!

Do you have questions about science or Scripture? Post them in the comments and we might answer them in future episodes.

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I am a 76 year old man. When in high school we studied evolution one day and had to write a report for the next day. I copied from my Bible the days of creation. We had to stand before the class and read our report. After I read, the teacher, a baptist deacon ask me to bring him my paper. He stood a told the class to listen closely as he read my paper. He did a better job of reading than I did. When he finished he told the class that that's the way all things came to be. He told the class to forget our one day of study on evolution. I made one of the few one hundreds I ever made that day.


I am 82 years old and have been a Cristian for 50 years. I barely made it out of high school to say I am not very smart. Started teaching children church and was teaching exactly what you are talking about. This is to say God through the Holy Spirit gave me the wisdom or knowledge that was way past my years . Praise Him.


Very interesting! Thank you. I'm 50 years old now, 28 years a Christian believer, and it's been many years since my faith rested on scientific discoveries or the lack thereof. The farther you go with God the more real he becomes to the point where it's just as self-evident is breathing. I still appreciate that science is catching up with faith. Smug scientist who are so full of their own ego and pride are extremely tiresome. Very grateful men like you and many others who have the courage to be intellectually honest, like Berlinsky. Not even a Christian but fearlessly honest in his destruction of evolution ☦️🙏 keep up the good work


When I was a kid the Earth was only 1 billion years old. My goodness how time flies.


My mind recalled that in grade school, early 70s, a textbook said it took millions of years to make topsoil....
I was a child and knew that was not true... my father had a composting bin in our back yard and was making topsoil in a few weeks.
Observe real life, real events.
Far more accurate than the teaching agenda .


The god of this world has blinded them; "He gave them over to believe a lie."


“If the Bible is wrong about the age of the earth, then who’s to say it’s not wrong about everything else?” Well, that’s a very good question. That’s worth spending a lot of time pondering . . .


"Given enough time, anything can happen" is a tragically flawed proposition.


He was "a man of sorrow, and acquainted with grief."


This is awesome and needed. Explaining this to a non-believer would be tough or to get them to watch this and have an open mind about the Truth would even be more difficult. Many times, even real evidence is not enough to wake someone up to the truth. Let's pray God will move in the hearts of those that do not believe, and they come to belief in Jesus. Amen.


Please look into actual science. Please look at actual educational materials.
This is no different than CRT saying thay 2+2=4 is racist so it should actually be 2+2=5.
Truth matters.


Too much Fact momentum for God and Jesus than any evolution by ♾️


Great discussion. I posted it on Facebook simply because people need to realize there is a viable alternative to the common narrative. Now I'm ready for Part 2. Where is it?


If the Universe was created only around 6, 000 years ago, how would one explain the enormously complex geological formations of the Earth, with the myriad rock types and different rock strata, that obviously must have taken millions of years of erosion to look like they do today?


You are a great host! The way you summarize and reiterate drives home the truth you and your guests share.


Isaiah 43: 7 Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.


This guy Tomkin's psychological projection is pretty awesome. His brass neck in accusing others of coming with a presupposition that causes them to ignore evidence is wild!!!


Let’s get the scriptures involved love the topic. It’s about time God brings forth people with knowledge and skills to understand the creation account. Amen 🙏🏽


That's the nature of religions. People who accept their religion absolutely are locked into that belief system, and seemed compelled to bend all observations to fit their narrative instead of letting observations inform their belief system. An example of this is those who dogmatically accept their scriptures as the only revealed truth.


I have always known and believed that no matter what they say science itself will eventually testify and reveal that we are all God's creations and not just evolved beings from nowhere. I am so happy and thank God and the video makers for this video and sharing it while waiting for Part II 😊🙏
