The Many PROBLEMS with 'Created Kinds' | Debunking Young Earth Creationism

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I would have hated your videos just a few months ago because I was a YEC, but now I can honestly say I love your personality and the facts-based approach you take. Thanks


Good to see creationists, by defining kind as the family level, have accepted humans and chimpanzees are the same kind


“Creationism is always accommodating and never predicting.”
Erika. You owned them! Preach it, sister! You go, girl! Keep on telling the truth, yelling against the snake oil salesmen of the world. ❤❤❤


My favorite compromise from a Christian Scientist was, "God set up all the systems, and I'm just trying to understand them to better appreciate His work." Like, that's not going to convert me back to Christianity, but I appreciate his devotion to real science, and I wish more were like him.


I always find it extremely disturbing how much the "kinds" argument focuses on mammals, where there are distinct clades that can fairly easily be grouped into like categories. The creationists take their stand and say "wow that was easy" with horses (all closely related Equus) or canines (look, they are all doggies), and this will suffice for their audience. The fact that their "kind" and their "kind=family" breaks down once you leave the mammals is NEVER discussed, and they will NEVER discuss kinds of invertebrates. The whole notion of family is simply an arbitary clade label, so asserting this clade is related by common ancestry while rejecting the larger nested clades is unexplained, and seems almost random from group to group. It gets as bad as "bacteria" being one kind, while humans are a single kind too. Kind being a "group of organisms related by common ancestry" seems awfully nondescriptive when your kind ranges from species to Domain in size. Also all definitions used like interbreeding fall apart immediately, and phylogenetics assumes evolution being true. So they don't know what kind is and they must have evolution being true for large clade kinds to even function! Losing variation and genetic entropy are simply rescue devices to avoid admitting to needing a ton of speciation. There is no evidence for either of these or even explanations how they work in the original Ark kind (like how does one super-kind turn into dozens of species without evolution?)


it is wildly impressive that they create scientific theories that affirm their beliefs… just a shame that literally none it makes sense outside of that context 😭


59:45 (roughly transcribed) “My Creationist critic then explains the etymology of the term ‘morphology’. Even though I work in a Comparative Morphology lab as a PhD student, I find as a woman I often need these things explained to me.” Thank you! Grinning ear to ear!


I found you from your video ‘The Deadliest Pattern in Nature’ and I’ve been watching your other videos since then. I grew up very religious, and it’s videos like these that made me think twice about what I’d been taught. You’re both entertaining and enlightening. Thank you ❤


I worked with an evangelical woman that earned a Masters in Molecular Cell biology but still thinks everything that her degree is wrong and her religion is correct. She is insane with her belief and her lack of scientific education


I'm glad she pointed out that Kent is a criminal grifter. Also funny that she imitated his voice which Kent is clearly insecure about given the kept claiming Paulogia's deep voice couldn't be real😂 and even getting jealous of Paulogia's cartoon ...not insecure at all. Guy misses the good old pre-prison DVD days indoctrinating children with his fancy PowerPoints.

Prison is calling to have you back, convicted domestic abuser.


As a senior in my undergrad computer science program, I feel a little sad sometimes I didn’t study biology, anthropology, archaeology, genetics, etc. However, I still feel like I have a lot of opportunities with my education in computers to still pursue those fields.


The reason I enjoy these videos so much is that the great way to learn science and history and archaeology is to explain what isn't, and the best way to debunk is to state the facts.


I dropped out of an anthropology master's and went on to do a neuroscience doctorate, and I gotta admit, I'm jealous of all the fields, including anthropology, where there is so much conspiracist/religious extremist nonsense. About the worst my field has to confront is "did you know you only use 10% of your brain?" There's the whole pineal gland, third-eye, maybe even psychedelic drug advocacy that breaches the line into woo (psychedelic drugs DO have therapeutic potential, in addition to traditional ritual use), but there's just nothing like an entire institutional apparatus to make up fake science and get real PhDs to provide legitimacy to the fake fake science, many of whom know they're straight up lying, or that they're compelled to do it on account of being Christian, which I myself happen to be, but I think it's about money that's easier to get than tenure. Even the nootropics movement at least tries to be scientific, it's just that the fact intraperitoneal megadoses of random compounds make mice better at solving mazes or show less anxious behavior doesn't mean you'll turn into a galaxy brain taking it orally, but even there, I don't blame them for giving it a shot. Jealous.


I tremendously appreciate that you continue to make these YEC debunks. I really liked the way that you went over the bear dogs, dog bears, hyena-like dogs, dog-like hyenas, etc. The part about the three lineages of odd-toed ungulataes was great as well. Thanks so much, I am loving this kind of content.


AIG literally IS fanfic for the Bible! But I've read way better fanfic that actually does respect the source material and characters instead of trying to force them into an interpretation that doesn't fit at all.


Yes, young Earth creationists they think The Flintstones was a documentary.


A favourite question I ask of YECs (and I've been asking this for years now) is if tigers and domestic cats share 95% of their DNA and are cat "kind" - and using the same methodology humans and chimpanzees share ~98% of their DNA, what "kind" are humans?

I've had outright denial - often quoting the 70% or 85% nonsense claimed by Tompkins, although that's easily dealt with when you repeat the fact that the figures were arrived at using the *same* methodology.

But mostly I get silence. It's as if it's a "does-not-compute" problem. So they run away or try to deflect and try to move on to something else. And those are lay-people.

What I find astonishing is that supposedly intelligent people with some form of related academic credentials can be so dishonest as to continue to push the YEC narrative to the credulous and the gullible. Good for you for responding with such detailed and damning takedowns of their positions.


Erica you’re such a bad ass! Don’t let the ignorant mansplaining get to you. Apologetics 101 is so out classed here. He shouldn’t even be stepping into the ring with you. Amazing job!


I do so appreciate your videos, Erika. They're fascinating, and so enjoyable to watch.

You are awesome, sister. You have just the mixture of genuine desire to educate, delight in doing so, unflinching nerdiness, humor and snark, levity, I suppose, and an unapologetic willingness to try, in earnest, to meet the most disingenuous mofos where they are at.

We get on your case about it, because we hate to see the disrespect you've had from those mofos, but honestly, the fact that you do keep earnestly trying is part of your awesomeness.

Keep on, keeping on. And thank you, for such fantastic content.


As one of only a handful of non-Creationist (Young Earth) folks in my family, I loved this. As you point out, directly engaging with a believer is taxing on your mental health. When it's family, it can be worse ("I'm 70-years-old and knows stuff!"). Still, I have learned to be very patient and kind and explain in as much detail as they will take. This video exemplified that approach (with way more expertise than I could muster). It is important to treat their ideas respectfully in the engagement avoiding dismissive phrases and body language. It's as if you need to stand next to them and look out at the world and not stand in front of them and lecture. Thank you!
