
The Yakutian Morning Routine: Ice Bath (-50°C/-58°F)

What it Takes to Start Frozen Cars at -50°C in the Coldest City on Earth


Coldest City on Earth (Living in Yakutsk, Russia)

Summer in the Coldest Village on Earth | Yakutia

Life in Russia's COLDEST CITY - Yakutsk | Yakut habits, heatwave(-35 C°), my walrus-friends

Dünyanın 'En Soğuk' Şehrine Yolculuk: Yakutsk -71°C

Living Alone in the Wild Siberian Forest for 20 years (-71°C, -96°F) Yakutia

8 Crazy Experiments at -55°C, -67°F (The coldest city in the World: Yakutsk)

The Shocking Truth About Living in Yakutsk Russia

COLDEST market on Earth. everything is deep frozen!

How We Drive a Car at -50°C (-58°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

How We Heat our House at -64°C/-83°F in Yakutia, Siberia

Dünyanın En Soğuk Şehri Yakutsk Hakkında ANLATMADIKLARIMIZ (SON VİDEO)

How Do We Shower at -71°C (-95°F) | Yakut village, Siberia

Domingo Espetacular apresenta a cidade mais fria do mundo: Yakutsk, na Rússia

The morning routine of an ordinary Yakut in -50C😁 #north #siberian #yakutia #yakutsk

Qual è la città più fredda del mondo? Yakutsk, dove si vive anche a -63°C

Fruits in Yakutia at -55 C / Фрукты в Якутии в -55 С Kingdom of permafrost / Царство вечной мерзлоты

How People live in the Coldest place of Russia? Yakutia everyday life. Villages of Russia

Traditional Yakutian Ice Fishing 'Munkha'

Would You Live in Yakutsk, Where Bananas Turn into Hammers? #shorts #viralvideo

The World's COLDEST CITY in Russia - Yakutsk | #coldestplace #russiatravel #russia

Yakutsk - The World's COLDEST City - How These People Survive